Without being Anti Semitic tell me why you faggots are so obsessed with Alexa Bliss' religion?

Without being Anti Semitic tell me why you faggots are so obsessed with Alexa Bliss' religion?

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it's a meme, nobody actually cares (I hope)

Jews are some people that do things....

we only care about her feet

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Fuck off cunt


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Dont care its just shitposting

I'm not a politicuck so I don't care

because people call her a jew and she's not

Her Jewish grandfather is 100% redpilled

nothing better than a redpilled aryan man sodomizing a jewish pig and impregnating her

It's a meme, nobody really thinks she's jewish but it works some of the Blissfags into a seethe.

shit feet

the Blissfags will kill themselves the day it's confirmed she's Jewish. They're the anti semitic, not us.

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Her Jewish ancestors did an inside job with her Aryan ancestors

>Anti Semitic
There's no such thing

Because I find comfort in belittling anyone that isn't me, regardless of faith, race, sexuality and whatever else.


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why do jews feel the need to have their own special term for racism?


