Yo Uce! Check out ya boy Nash
Yo Uce! Check out ya boy Nash
kek what a ding-dong diddly bitch
Aspect ratio is fucked. Shrink Nash to .8 and the black guy to .9. Move nash and the nigger back a bit more, and angle it so that nash's back parallel to the ground
Fuck off with this unfunny stale meme
kek what a bitch
Can you fuck off
Ya seethe bitch?
nashetty BTFO
You gotta be pretty gay to obsess over this forced meme. I mean, it’s main focus is about gay butt sex. Op actually took time to make an image of men have sex. That is really, really gay. He probably jerked off when he was done.
kek what a bitch
Yo sole these boys wanna talk like a black fella hahaha. Uce don't make me call yo mum on yous to come in with the salu and the jandal lmao. Sole kefs lmao geddoutta here with that kio plez lmao. Chaaaahoooing up in there lmao hoary as tokos hahaha.
lmao based
Did uce use karl and gallows time machine?
Lol jesus
im white but i would fuck kevin nash?
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Kek you sound to have a real knowledge of viewing this position
KEK qué perra