For me is:

>for me is:
>fuck luke cage, marry black panther, kill captain america
what did she mean by this?

Attached: average high school class in america.jpg (1366x768, 95K)

The absolute state of America

Mentall illness

Interracial sex is based, mark


She knows she’s doing her part in making the future great

White man bad, black man good

Attached: 1539961266430.jpg (1572x1600, 1.49M)

I love watching indians men fuck white girls. it giv me hop

Just trying to appease her bulbasaur buddies, if they were all white they would probably joke about how gross black men are

Is there a video of her saying this or are you niggers memein

You mad, white boi

she didn't say that

die kike

why would you want to role play as a black man on the internet?

it's from the directors cut version of spiderman homecoming
the opposite of raimi

Is this scene on jewtube?

Of course she’d marry Black Panther. She’d be queen of the niggers.

Werent the people of Wakanda super antiwhite? the whole place was a black ethnostate.....they'd lynch her if she married Black Panther

It means get ready to pay that toll

W-what toll?

jewish guilt is real

The future of beautiful, friends.