What did Dream mean by this

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Sticking up for Lio

That boomers are retarded & out of touch.

Nice of him to take time away from fucking Cathy Kelley’s feet write and post this

>I wanna get paid, but dont want to acknowledge why we have an industry in the first place

Friendship ended with the dream

Based. I thought he was an Uncle Tom.

carnie cope

Based dream btfo the fake tough guy carnies

It doesn't gross multi billions. It barely grosses a hundred million.


Business dying. Thanks nu-fags

probably stepping up to defend /myguy/ Dijakovic

Based Dream telling Boomer Vince to kill himself

He's telling morons like Sashit to stop being marks for themselves and crying over losing a fake fight

Protecting the business desu.

I honestly have no idea

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At least he acknowledges WWE has always been a parody of pro-wrestling.

>The origins of the industry
LITERALLY a carnival sideshow with grown men playfighting so they can separate marks from their money. This “”””business””” is nothing more than a joke

damn wtf why are niggers so inarticulate?

Normally I like Dream, but this a fucking Rorschach of a post. It's incoherent and I think people are just gonna see what they want to in it.

>posts something that can be taken both ways

Based Dream

>WWE's operation budget for the business year is 31 million dollars
>Revenues were $182.4 million in the first QUARTER of the business year
Educate yourself

Cool, now how much of that is profit?
And 4 times 190 million does not give you multi billions.

>Cool, now how much of that is profit?
Well their operations budget is 31 million and their revenue is 182 million this quarter, I know this is Yea Forums but I assume you can do basic math.
>And 4 times 190 million does not give you multi billions.
I never said it did I was just pointing out that they make a lot more than "barely 100 million"