Is wearing Wrestling shirts in public cringe, or based...

Is wearing Wrestling shirts in public cringe, or based? Thinking about purchasing pic related as it doesn't have the word "wrestling" on it

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Depends on the shirt. Every WWE shirt in the last fifteen years has been total cringe.

Why would you give a fuck?

Gotta find the right one.
Jay white has a few good ones
alot njpw stuff is good and looks like band T-shirts

Cause I'm a BetaCuck
Is the one in OP safe?

t.Someone I would point and laugh at in public for looking like a complete dweeb

I don’t watch wrestling but I would rock the lion design

Yeah i like it.

Yeah but then you're going to have to explain what NJPW is and why these delusional gooks have the word 'sports' on their pro wrestling shirt.

This thread is pretty much entirely correct. Opee's shirt is fine but there's better, you couldn't pay me to wear any WWE shirt, and NJPW stuff is about 50/50. The older wrestlers usually have decent stuff (nearly all of Tanahashi's shit is completely acceptable), and LIJ is cringe central. I think between all of them, they have two good pieces of merch.

sure, go for it, i wear shirts from my local indie wrestlers regularly
why even worry if its a wrestling shirt if the design is good anyway?

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1000x1097, 102K)

I own that shirt

A guy working at costa coffee complimented it and started talking about puroresu with me.

I’d suggest not buying it just in case that happens

I would have told him I don't watch wrestling. i only talk wrestling in public with the dudes at my comic shop , it's a safe spot.

I wonder if buying a Bullet Club shirt would make normies think you're a gun nut.

Lion Mark is a based timeless design

This is a socially acceptable shirt imo


I will always stand by my Monster Morning shirt.

I would wear it.
Also in general El Desperado has some pretty good shirts.
If it didn't have that teeth crunching bit at the bottom I'd wear the fuck out of this.

you could probably get away with wearing a NJPW shirt. since all the normies are gonna assume its somekind of dojo or MMA team

Punk's used to have good designs and it even got me noticed by some chicks. It's a fucking shame that I can't wear them anymore because he decided to expose himself as a shitter.