Forbes says WWE is Kill


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imagine being a wrestling journalist but then also imagine that wrestling journalist working at Forbes

I’m a queer.

honestly that nigga landed a very comfy job if all he does is cover WWE

Wait are people really blaming Baron and not the shitters with the belts?

>Alfred Konuwa

He's usually wrong about everything and defends WWE like it'll always do well in the end. Things must be really bad if the professionally top paid E-Drone is saying this.

But the McMahons and Seff told me it was all Big Corbs' fault

It will make more money than ever before but with financiers and advertisers seeing zero return and a nonexistent audience they wont be around this time next year or when their deals are up

Finally. Now you little fairies can run along and leave this board to the skaters.

Gonna be a lame earnest faggot here and point out he's just a "contributor": Forbes does this thing where you can basically host your blog on there for free and you split ad revenue.

Can't remember who but some dirtsheet mark did blame Corbin on Twitter

>another "journalist" trying to make wwe look bad for a hotdog and a handshake
He might actually get some condiments for his hot dogs too

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Do you fucking retards really not understand how works?

It's just a shitty blog site you fucking mongoloids. Literally anyone can post shitty articles there. I'm "published" there with useless videogame shitposts and made $12.47 in revenue from click-throughs from it.

This random niggers opinion is as relevant to Forbes magazine as brapposters on this board. You fucking imbeciles.

But Forbes used to be legit

seething red󠀀ditfag edrone

Yes. Mostly because Vince and Seth pointed the finger at Corbin in December, made him the scapegoat and turned it into a storyline. It's why Corbin has so much live heat now. Meanwhile, Vince was instantly forgiven by viewers who went from calling the previous week's Raw the worst one ever to worshipping him again.

There revenues are already down.

The website has just been blog posts for over 10 years you fucking idiot! It's not the same thing as the fucking magazine, I can't believe I need to keep explaining this to you absolute retards!

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously calling me a redditfag for calling out this shitty fucking blog site that those dumb assholes over there constantly post articles to thinking it's legitimate journalists doing some hot-take against WWE. You moron, you absolute drooling fucking retard!

1.7 mill on the WWE network, which means we're almost to the remaining hardcore audience with Raw and Smackdown ratings. Normies don't watch Smackdown all the way, and turn off RAW after 2 hours.

>The website has just been blog posts for over 10 years you fucking idiot! It's not the same thing as the fucking magazine, I can't believe I need to keep explaining this to you absolute retards!

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Holy shit you're boiling hard.

t. red󠀀ditfag boiling and raging and seething and moaning

I DON'T OWN A FUCKING TRILBY!!!! You stupid bastard, you absolute fucking FOOL! You fucking GOOF! Do you have any idea how god damn stupid you look right now? Do you have any idea how fucking absurd this bullshit fucking slander you're spewing at me is!?

Everyone, EVERYONE who fucking knows me knows that first and foremost I am NOT a hat man. I do NOT weak hats unless it's under very fucking specific circumstances and WHEN I DO. When I deem it FUCKING NECESSARY TO WEAR A FUCKING HAT. I DO NOT WEAR SOME FUCKING WEEB SHIT TRILBY GARBAGE!!!

Do you have ANY fucking idea how good my FUCKING hair looks? You moron, you flailing, drooling fucking mongoloid. I am NOT some neckbeared fucking dweeb wearing some shitty fucking INdian JoNes HAT YOU FUCKUIN ASSHOLE YOU FUCKING TRASH BAG HUMAN SACK OF FUCKING EXCREMENT DOG SHIT FAG FUCKER PIECE OF POOP I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE HATE HATE HATE HAT HGATE HATE NTYA HATE JATYB ENHYTB HATTTTTTEEEEE YOU!!

Take ity back you fucker take it the fuck back I am NOT A FUCKING REDITARD and I DONT FUCKING WEARE HATS YOU FUCKER YOU FUCKING FUCKING FUYCKKKEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!1!!!!

tldr kek

Why are you seething this much when you're a paid Forbes journalist

they are definitely seeing how low they can go

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Is this pasta I haven't seen?

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trying to grab the brass ring, son? sorry, but as god as my witness, you couldnt grab my balls if i hung them in front of your face


What did user mean by this?

>since 2014 WWE viewership has been going down
>2014 the shield and his members are getting HUGE main event push
>next years they're the main event of the company
>fans lost interest

holy shit w*rked

you have been waiting to post this haven't you?

Actually I wrote it all live.

Based user showing scripted promos aren't the way



Fucking kek

Forbes is literally a blog site, not a genuine news one. You might as well have said old mate at the hot dog stand told you. means about the same.

WWE is screwed until Vince fucks off.

things'll get better after the man stomps out all the numales

That's what the raving lunatic earning all the (You's) in this thread was trying to tell everybody.

>I-I-It's only M-M-M-Meltzer g-g-g-guys! WWE is better than e-e-ever!
e-drones once again seething

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>Falling this hard for my samefagging
The absolute state of A&W cucks

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and people say kayfabe is dead

Ya boilin? Ya brewin? Ya steamin? Ya simmerin? Ya angry? Ya agitated? Ya mad? Ya upset? Ya wound up? Ya furious? Ya torqued? Ya vexed? Ya miffed? Ya pissed? Ya peeved? Ya ragin? Ya hot? Ya bothered? Ya incensed? Ya livid? Ya bent outta shape? Ya turnin' red? Ya seein' red? Ya angry? Ya mad? Ya seethin?

Lil Jimmie has made his in-ring Rustling debut.

Imagine making up a fake article and linking to it and then realize you're trolling

>posting on Yea Forums

In 2014 they started pushing that neckbreakin' seizure havin' hippie midget Daniel Bryan, when people see the WWE champ that looks like fat chihuahua they stop watching. If it wasn't for Attitude and Ruthless Aggression library WWE Network would have 100k subscribers the same amount as other midget pushing promotions

>It's why Corbin has so much live heat now
Lol really? I was surprised just how much he got booed this week. Only one who seems to have legitimate heat right now.

he gets loud boos for his cheap heat promos but every feud he's in dies a quiet death

