Name a better ppv arena

name a better ppv arena
>always packed
>crowd actually enjoys themselves
>no marks in the ring
>10/10 workers

Attached: lei-tai-21-tenkaichi-budokai.jpg (680x510, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Gatoh Move sold out crowd.jpg (2048x1536, 426K)

>no marks in the ring

Attached: Mr._Satan_DBZ_Ep_213_001.png (643x1236, 1005K)

>always packed
Look at all that open space tho

Top fucking carny kek Mr Satan worked those simps

Thats the hard cam side

His name is mr satan, not mark, you retard

Attached: maxresdefault-4.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

dope action but i'm a little iffy on going to a venue that gets blown up half the time

Attached: ezgif-5-64e446b0ff90.gif (420x300, 2.98M)

>tfw got front row tickets to one if these
>tfw marking out to the return of Goku
>tfw hercule put over some purpled hair spot monkey kid
>tfw hercule beat the shit out of a hot girl
>tfw next thing I know a flash of light is coming at me
>I wake up surrounded by pools of blood and muscly orcs

Attached: yu_yu_hakusho_dark_tournament_by_macxxtak-dboqlbk[1].png (800x468, 412K)

Attached: Gym_room.png (838x625, 234K)

Is this a porno set?

Attached: 5313084892_3e1477d49f_b[1].jpg (1024x768, 160K)

Attached: 6005672-2487844501-47316.jpg (640x480, 73K)

Get out the tarps!

Here's an actual arena for an actual promotion that can draw some fuckin' dimes.

Attached: arena.jpg (640x360, 108K)

> actually paying to be on Jeri-boomers lame ass wrestling cruise
> not getting an exclusive invite to Ken Master's fighting tournament on his Yacht to celebrate his beautiful wife Eliza's birthday
> Not being surrounded by DIMES Felicia, Morrigan, and Linn Kurosawa

Imagine being this poor/irrelevant

Attached: SFA2_stage_USA-Ken.png (720x240, 58K)

>no marks in the ring

>There's an ending to an Ultimate Surrender video where the winner just straight up farts in the loser's face
Fucking hell it made me laugh when I saw it.

based and STDpilled

You gotta post sauce now faggot

uhhhhh I'll try to find it. no promises.


please tell me that's not really their "ring"

Of course it is.

They used to be dimes before they started putting the whores in Burkas and shit

Please give sauce

Wenona vs Rilyn Rae on Kink's website. (Obviously can't link it.) It's actually at the end of the trailer so you don't have to buy anything. March of 2013 is the date.

please appreciate the comfy atmosphere of Ichigaya chocolate square, the home of Gatoh Move

Forgot this game had wrestling shit need to dust off the cube

Thanks bro

Rip off arena right down to the tiles. Togashi is a hack. His wife is the superior creator.