This belt is just a toy, it's like a trinket on a Christmas tree, like an ornament...

>This belt is just a toy, it's like a trinket on a Christmas tree, like an ornament. The belt that I want is the one that the Great Muta has, the IWGP belt.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Untitled.png (817x583, 680K)

Hulkster has always been a weeb

I remember when someone in wrestling was criticized for the same thing here a few months ago and I tried to present the facts but thus place is hopeless.

Attached: wut.png (297x247, 148K)

He means that american wrestling sucks ass and japanese wrestling is fucking based

Bro we have no idea what you are trying to express because you didn't make the subject clear. What are you talking about, what side are you on, what was the debate, what is the take away. All these things are what we need to know.

no niggers in japan

kek was that you who I BTFO a few months ago about that ya simp???

kek what a bitch

Being this fucking pathetic that you actually remember your autistic posts.

fucking fuming. grow up and have sex.

>I'm working these bugmen and have no idea this will get back to Vince

Those words were prophetic, considering what the WWE Title looks like today.

He saw the velcro

Marks are in the (streamer covered) ring.

Well what was the Post

Even Hogan made the fucking switch 26 years ago

He was telling the Japs what they wanted to hear and didn't expect Vince to ever see the footage

Vince would not have cared. It's for international broadcast. This sort of thing is normal.

Vince blew his top over it

no he didn't

Vince was furious. This and Hulk lying about steroids was the reason Vince wouldn't renew his contract and he went to WCW.

I called someone a coon after they tried to argue wwe had the most prestigious top titles

>Honorary Aryans
Wrong Asians.

Was this before or after he came back to WWF and reneged on putting bret over?

Source: ASS

ITT: children who never knew a world without YouTube.

See, there Yea Forums goes again, they're the master at this. Let me remember . hold on

What was that, jabronie?

Attached: What the fuck is wrong with you.jpg (100x174, 4K)

Reminder that Hogan won a Tokyo Sports best bout for his match against Tenryu in SWS, and Tetsuya Naito has won zero.

Go back to squaredcircle with your effortposting faggot


also the wwf title was always booked like shit, based iwgp

>letting asp anons living rent free
crigne, have some sex

Only the mvp award matters.