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Why does Meltzer hate WWE so much? It's a shadow of its former self, granted, but the man just goes out of his way to diss the company. Was he denied a job or something?

>here’s my opinion and it’s not up for debate
Physically cringe when liberal faggots do this

He obviously would have though.

Meltzer is a mark and he knows it. It pisses him off that Vince and co have worked him for years.

Book their show asp

Imperium vs New Day

David Starr vs Colt Cabana, Loser dies match

>Only liberals do this


Nothing wrong with that Nazis were good people

The worst thing about this entire shit is that Vince doesn’t even use the money to benefit the company.
>no unique stages
>no pyro
>wrestlers still have to pay for travel and health care

We missed out bros. Hold me.

The overwhelming majority of the time, yes. State opinion, no intention of backing it up and oh how DARE you think of disagreeing shitlord. Seen it dozens of times.

Ok retard

Ok retard

Ok retard

nah they were shit and incompetent drug addicts that got 20 million of their own people killed

Ok retard


Meltzer would be dead so at least that would be better

>Doesn't even know that Dave used to work for WWE in 1990-91 as a consultant on teh Japanese market


Ya having a problem comprehending there Champ?

Vince would book WALTER to squash Goldberg while the fuhrer nods approvingly



That would actually be based.

Proven wrong since the WWE has not done any shows in Russia.

It's just hatred towards old Vince and autism more than anything. People send him brain-numbing questions on Twitter all day and he simply has to reply to every one.

And yeah, Vince absolutely would have, no question. If you could somehow ask him candidly detached from the current climate he'd tell you that himself, "it's all about the money".

>having millions to throw at Vince
top kek

holy shit Meltzer is a fucking retard, even if it's true why would he say that. He's just destroyed any remaining good will he had with the WWE.

WWE didn't exist in 1990 :)

Literally everyone would have

He literally has none to lose, look at the circle of WWE losers that start attacking him every time he says something that's 'wrongthink'. There's no reason he should hold back anymore.

It did though

Don't react to that post, user. He is trying to catch you, because the company was not called WWE.
That's all. Don't react.

I'm pretty sure he would have though.

Well he's running shows in Trump's America so I have little doubt


It's real

I fucking love Dave.
He's that fucking delusional and always seething ever since Ronda bitched him the fuck out.
It's basically where Becky got hit Twitter troll gimmick from


BASED MELTZ. He legit doesn't care anymore, straight up HATES WWE now. Pretty based desu

Yeah I get what he's doing. I just wanted him to say it and immediately feel stupid that he thought that was some great original joke.

sounds like Dave is upset that WWE's tamking viewership torpedoed the massive TV deal that AEW was supposed to get

>He's that fucking delusional
the Olympics Games were held in Nazi Germany, he's not even wrong ya ding-dong diddly simp

Shouldn't he as a """""""journalist""""""" at least TRY to not be biased?

Based Big Dave making the E-drones seethe

But he is delusional, user.
He thinks, for example, he has the details of every contract in WWE

So like Coca Cola

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That's like saying I wouldn't be surprised if they held the Olympics in Nazi Germany.....oh wait

no one died in ww2 ya fucking mark it was a work ya dopey lil slapdick

In the end he was right about Ronda tho

Right about what?
Claiming she'd leave to get pregnant?

Yeah, she said that was what she was planning on doing in the interview on the Ellen show back in February of last year - Dave was wrng, though.
He kept saying every month after she got the title she'd drop it to leave
And thne he finally stopped it after she told him to fuck off indirectly and then after she lost the title due to Becky purposely botching the finish and decided she needs to fuck off since she's not having fun anymore and get pregnant (like again she said in an interview she'd do before she even had her first match), she did just that. And that doesn't make Dave right - it makes Dave able to quote Ronda in an interview

He’s seething that everything he reported about Ronda happened exactly as he reported despite her REEEE MY OVARIES bullshit?

Reported her match with Nikki before anyone. Reported her opponent was originally going to be Nattie at Mania-confirmed by her recently. Reported Mania was going to be a 3-way. Reported the name of the stip word for word a week before it was announced on TV. Then the bitch left like he said.

Yes it did, it was called the World Wrestling Federation back then.
You must be a very stupid person not to know that.

>He kept saying every month after she got the title she'd drop it to leave
No he didn't. Why are you making shit up.

Nah he's seething that his "she's leaving to drop the title" never actually happened until WM

>she'll start at number 1 in the rumble and win it
>she'll be number 30 and win it
>she's working with Rock at WM
>Kurt is just a placeholder, it's still Rock, he's showing up at WM
>she's going to feud with Steph until Summerslam
>she's dropping the title at Summerslam
>she's dropping it Evolution
>she's dropping it at the Rumble
>she's going to have the horsewomen vs the horsewomen at survivor series
>she's only in it for one year

So what he got right was:
Charlotte is in the WM match (really? Thanks Dave - anyone could have fucking told you that since Ronda was legimitately brought in to get Charlotte over in the first ever main event of WM but Becky fucked it up by being a human target for Nia)
>Nattie was going to be her opponent
Nope, she didn't say this - she said the original plan was she wanted to wrestle.... dun dun dun Sasha! Try listenign to what she says
>reported the name of the stip?
Oh you mean... the first ever triple threat main event for both women's titles is for the titles? Fuk me Dave you're a genius!

Except for the Supershow

He also said the match was going to be great
>he was wrong
He also said the match was going to be better by adding Charlotte
>he was wrong
He said by adding Charlotte, WWE will have 2 big women stars after WM
>he was wrong

I still say the best was:
>she's not signed to WWE (in December)
>she was signed since October

This is how the overwhelming majority of political discussions go on both sides these days before everyone involved retreats back to their echo-chamber safe space bubble in the internet.

>>Nattie was going to be her opponent
>Nope, she didn't say this - she said the original plan was she wanted to wrestle.... dun dun dun Sasha

“It turned into Charlotte versus Ronda on four days notice, and then Becky’s momentum really, really started to pick up and I really wasn’t involved in that other than the fact that I was just coming back from… at that point in November, I think it was just a few months after my dad passed away, so for me it was a very strange place to be because I think… and this is just me speaking from the heart, off the cuff, I would’ve loved to turn heel on Ronda and done a program with Ronda." Natalya shared. "At that point… if my dad hadn't passed away, and I didn’t have that situation around me, I probably would’ve turned heel shortly after SummerSlam and who knows? I maybe would’ve been involved in that situation.”

Nattie said she wanted to do things
What's your point?
I want to fuck Rondetty in the boy-gina but it's not the plan and never was the plan.

She's saying "who knows". Not "DAVE IS RIGHT"

Learn to fucking read

>Oh you mean... the first ever triple threat main event for both women's titles is for the titles? Fuk me Dave you're a genius!

Or that it’s called “Winner take all” but go on with your made up shit that you heard second hand from rovert or someone.

You are not posting any proof of what you are claiming are completely lying out of your ass.
Post links to the Newsletters/Observer Radios where he said all these things.
You can't because you are making shit up.
All of the shit you are claiming he said, he never said.

>>she'll start at number 1 in the rumble and win it
>>she'll be number 30 and win it
>>she's working with Rock at WM
>>Kurt is just a placeholder, it's still Rock, he's showing up at WM
>>she's going to feud with Steph until Summerslam
>>she's dropping the title at Summerslam
>>she's dropping it Evolution
>>she's dropping it at the Rumble
>>she's going to have the horsewomen vs the horsewomen at survivor series
>>she's only in it for one year
Meltzer literally never said a word of this.

Yeah, like... every other stip of that nature?
user I'm not getting your point.
You're saying that Dave claiming it'll be called Winner Take All, like it always is, is him being "right"?

>post links to copyrighted material

Yeah no, fuck off - subscribe and listen yourself. I'm not stealing content for you. Stop fucking trolling

See above - I'm not providing mp3s of shows.
Either listen to them yourself or stop trolling

Does he really think Nazi Germany is the same as modern day Saudi Arabia

He thinks the term 'mark' is akin to a racial slur
Meltzer isn't... mentally well

and WWE thinks is as relevant as Marvel/Disney or the UFC, we all have our delusions user.

They don't. They just market it as such.

how is this hate, don't you think he would've done a show in Nazi Germany? He's a money mark

get new material
I'm a subscriber and have listened to and read everything Dave has had to say about Ronda since she showed up.
That's how I know you are a lying sack of shit.

I didn't say that - fuck off trying to bait me
Eiter listen to them from November 2017 onwards or don't.
I don't care - I am right. Your trolling over

Dave also thinks it's not unethical to get a hundred comped tickets to All In that he can re sell to his subscribers.

Vince hired Bill Watts, pretty obvious conclusion to draw.

hired him after he got fired for saying this

"If you want a business and you put money in, why shouldn't you be able to discriminate? It's your business.

If free enterprise is going to make or break it, you should be able to discriminate? It should be that, by God, if you're going to open your doors in America, you can discriminate. Why the fuck not?

That's why I went into business, so that I could discriminate. I mean, really. I mean I want to be able to serve who I want to. It's my business. It's my investment ... I can't tell a fag to get the fuck out. I should have the right to not associate with a fag if I don't want to. I mean, why should I have to hire a fuckin' fag, if I don't like fags? Fags discriminate against us, don't they? Sure they do ... Do blacks discriminate against whites?

Who's killed more blacks than anyone? The fuckin' blacks. But they want to blame that bullshit Roots that came on the air. That Roots was so bullshit. All you have to do if you want slaves is to hand beads to the chiefs and they gave you slaves. What is the best thing that has ever happened to the black race? That they were brought to this country. No matter how they got here. You know why? Because they intermarried and got educated. They're the ones running the black race.

You go down to the black countries and they're all broke. Idi Amin killed more blacks than we ever killed. You see what I mean. That's how stupid we are. But we get all caught up in this bullshit rhetoric, And so, it's ridiculous what's happening to our country.

Lester Maddox was right. If I don't want to sell fried chicken to blacks I shouldn't have to. It's my restaurant. Hell, at least I respect him for his stand."

So your claiming that Meltzer was always wrong about Ronda, said a bunch of shit about her that never happened/never came true, and you expect me to believe that you are a subscriber and have listened to /read everything he has said about her.
Think harder about this premise you are trying to establish here user. It makes no sense.

BASED. Give this guy a promotion, Vince.

>So your claiming that Meltzer was always wrong about Ronda

Nope, not at all. Since you're literally making that up I'm not reading the rest of that post - go ahead and read my posts and we can talk when you stop making shit up

based and redpilled

Vince should hire Christopher Langan as the new head of creative

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Just because he isn't a WWE shill doesn't mean he hates them. And he isn't wrong.

alright let's start with these 2 points;
>>she'll start at number 1 in the rumble and win it
>>she'll be number 30 and win it
Give me the date of the episode of Observer Radio where he said this, or the date of issue of the Observer he wrote this.
Then I will log in with my account and go verify whether or not you are right or wrong.
I copied and pasted exactly what you wrote so don't go accusing me of making shit up again either.
Let's play.

Tweets on the day of the rumble - check an archive since I just checked and the cunt deleted them

Based WWE
Would Nazi Germany allow women's wrestling? Are they more open minded than the Saudi Arabs?

Though the rumour she was in it was started by dave, IIRC it was Deccember's second one

Well isn't that just very convenient for you ;)
OK, let's move on;
>>she's working with Rock at WM
>>Kurt is just a placeholder, it's still Rock, he's showing up at WM
>>she's going to feud with Steph until Summerslam
Give me proof that Dave Meltzer said/wrote any of these statements that isn't mysteriously and conveniently now gone from the Internet.
Same as before, dates of Observer issues or WOR episodes.

>haha ur lying cause dave is a scumbag

user, fuck off - we've all given you thep roof. Now either do it and seek it or do not do it and do not seek it.

I've done as asked - you can continue to try to troll but I'm not responding

>its ok when njpw does it

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You'll respond to me again.

Literally Hitler

no I won’t ya ding-dong diddly dingus


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Whatever happened to Ronda being used to get Steph over? That was another thing Dave claimed in December.

I forgot just how fucking stupid he is with the women's wrestling guesswork

man this was just too easy

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the absolute state of you Meltzer simps

The Olympics were in Nazi Germany so WWE would absolutely love the opportunity.

Imagine how over Triple H's intro would be in Nazi Germany. What kind of kino entrance would he pull off?

he would have been given the amerivan badass gimmick but he would have been riding a motorcycle alongside a group of chained mwn and whipping them as he rode

Because they're a contemptible company that any reasonable person would hate.

Probably true. When you ignore the Saudis literally decapitating their own citizens and killing American journalists, its really not a stretch.

>decapitating their own citizens
They can do what they want
>killing American journalists
He wasn't American, but based anyways

What Dave actually said was "They're trying to get the Rock. If they can't get the Rock, it'll be Kurt Angle." You and I both know that, because we actually listened, but this dope deliberately misconstrued it for (You)s.

That was on the last week
Up until then the "plan for now is Rock"

Meltzer is a Jew.
The WWE top heads as of right now are not Jewish.
This happens with literally every rich person who isn't a Jew. They demonize them. See Elon Musk

Why would the nazis want a degenerate spectacle such as wwe?

why do e drones always say this, when it's clear Meltzer loves the wwe. He always rates their kick out spam highly




We literally live in Nazi Germany now in the US this isn't up for debate, so Vince is already doing shows there.

United States admitting in old documentary on WW2 that "they might have exaggerated the Nazis war crimes a bit" in order to use as propaganda for capitalist machine oh no no no history class is all a lie oh noooooo

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I noticed in history class they only show us old propaganda posters that show women or diversity acting like US is so progressive but they dont talk about Japanese death camps in U.S

Meanwhile Nazis even Adolf Hitler himself treated African Americans better than allied soldiers oh its true

Grudge against Vince because he (Vince) blackballed him during the Monday Night War

vince is a carney and he absolutely would have worked in nazi germany before WW2 broke out.

why would he read that I cant imagine him dropping acid or eating mushrooms.

i mean he is friends with satanic white power pedo donald trumpf,of course vince is shady and carny as fuck

Heidenreich rides again.

BASED Vince would probably put a Nazi gimmick on Nia Jax, give her finisher where she just sits on her opponents face and call it the Gas Chamber.

Which would be pure kino.

Seek help.


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>All opinions are equal
The only liberal round here is you.

The fucking Olympics were in Nazi Germany, who gives a shit?

do you know how olympic site planning works? they probably had agreed to hold the olympics there well before the Nazis seized power.

here you go based retard.

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During the final years of the weimar republic, so basically all the bad boogeyman shit was starting.

Triple H would have been the biggest star in Nazi Germany. The dimes he would make

>A country who's government was collapsing beat everyone else

You mean like this post?

This, they obviously make more money than ever, yet, they're more boring and plain. I don't get it.

weird question, was the pro wrestling in germany during the third reich?

>death camps
internment lasted 2 whole years, everyone was allowed to leave, and the government paid out claims in 1948. some """atrocity"""

the Japs were interred because there were many spies and the US gubmint didn't want to take any chances

Guards didn't go around raping women and terrorizing the local populace by depriving them of basic needs, sure life in camp was hard but its nowhere near comparable to being a POW, in a gulag or in Auschwitz

Brilliant move by Dave. Ronda got played like a fiddle

post a picture of your body

>trickle down economics

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because he's a mark, he's mad at WWmeme for working him, he dislikes Vince now, and is most likely on A&Ws payroll
basically this
i'm sad this isn't happening now. kek
how do you get worked this hard?
to be fair, they schedule those games YEARS in advance and the Holocaust wasn't in full swing yet. Olympics in Germany were in 1936, Holocaust wasn't prominent until 1940-41.
all journalists have a bias nowadays
>Meltzer isn't... mentally well
lol. I think anyone with eyes and ears could guess that.
Steph said it COULD become as big as Disney, not that it was, IIRC
Heel Haitch in Nazi Germany would have been nothing but dimes and ratings
maybe they'll kill Meltz next. One can only hope
>t. liberal

Would they have booked the Final Solution?

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you're a mental case