/Stardom/ General

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What bingo square is this

So many yens

he didn't make the OP in time so this is gonna be another "agua spams a thread to the image limit because he didn't get his way" episode

Why is nasty Mayu with her chest pimples and uncovered whore tattoo she's desperately hiding the OP image?

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kek what a jealous bitch

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based /oedo/chad, keep em comin!

it triggers

Damn, Bea Priestley looks like that?

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what was Barb thinkin about?

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>at least the screaming moron is not here anymore
>fuck, why are they so loud all the time
>why isn't my boyfriend's shift already over
>I want to cuddle
>Who is this supposed to be
>That chicken sucked anyway.... my feet hurt

barb is not gay

>japanese womens wrestling can't be that bad
>maybe ill just check out 1 match

explain this shit they dont even look 18

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They are twins.
13 years old. Started 1 year ago. They are very new and are not allowed big moves.

How do you know that?

They're 12.

So, Natsuko's ass in Utami's gear... any good shots?

japanese men like to watch underage girls fighting and screaming


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I think we all agree that you weebs only like joshi wrestling because you're low test and you fetishize asian women because you're threatened by rejection by western ideals so you cope with "I-I d-didn't like you a-anyway" not knowing that asian women probably have a deeper disgust and aversion to you but you just can't understand them expressing it. And before you weebs reply I'm ding-dong diddly hiding this shitty thread. Good bye chinlets.

>men like to watch underage girls fighting and screaming
Fixed that for you.

They're even colour coded.

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As they should be.

Do people seriously think Momo is unattractive?
I would make her my 19 year old bald bowling pin shaped wife in a heartbeat.

This better be a squash match.

She squashed three of them at once.

Anything else other than the splash?

Because there were three of them, they were able to play with her for a while.
But the splash happened of course.

So no banzai drops or running hip attacks in the corners?

No they just resent her being the Ace, she used to be quite popular here and lots of people looked forward to her return when she was injured for a year.

Momo should be Toni full time.

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More pics of her cleavage?

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momo's rack isn't half bad on the rare occasions you can actually see anything

Yes, exactly. She smartly put more weight on, when the important bits were growing up.

>worked by tricked bras
has anyone here even touched a girl before?

user you already know the answer to this question

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>has anyone here even touched a girl before?

have you?

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I'm married, unfortunately

>didn't see the Guam video

Momo is a visual fighter, always has been.

No, he didn't.

>doesn't know bikini tops are just as tricky
believe what you want kid, but you're gonna be very disappointed if you ever see a pair in real life

it's mostly Odettys still butt hurt that she injured Cringe Wolf

Mate. I am a 33 year old guy who is now lucky to be single again. And by lucky I really mean lucky, cause there are older women with kids who want to fuck me.

I think Oedo Tai is cringe, but I have working eyesight so I think Momo is ugly as sin. Go ruin another thread.

guilty looking post

I would marry any Japanese woman sight unseen

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Watanabe Momo is a beautiful woman whom I would be honored to call my wife.

Saki didn't cover her tattoo this year

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nasty fucking slut. i'm glad this shit promotion is merging with EVE.

Based enraged fan

Please support Arisa-chang

this won't make her respond, kid

Based Arisa is taller than all of the numales in her band

This is still going? kek

Why are people pretending Tam is a cuter Momo than Mono. She's older than Momo's mom.

And yet still cuter. Not a good look for Momo.

What are the realistic chances of her band getting popular? Not my genre, but I can appreciate that she seems to be a decent singer and whoever writes the songs clearly has some idea of how to construct music, even if it sounds pretty generic Jpop.

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hyaku pasento

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Bow down

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how thicc can she go, bros?

wtf i love cucumbers now

She's 23, user. You're fine.

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this is the only time Mono has ever looked like an ace

Momo as Toni is amazing.

I bet Momo's mom is very cute

That gear actually looks fantastic on her

Playboy bunny outfit soon.

what is that in green?

legit looks substantially better than her actual gear

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Saya Iida, Stardom's newest recruit.

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Kyuti Hazuki

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Tam has learned well from Mayu.

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i'm not the least bit embarassed to admit that i NEED kyona to sit on my face

i wonder what she tells people around her town when they ask what her daughter does for a living

i appreciate the attention to detail having arisa be bea because she's the tallest, tam be momo because of momo ruining tam's life, and natsuko be utami because rossy is doing us a solid making her pour her fat ass into those trunks

Hef Jr.
Take it in mid September just to be sure.

Is she amazing in-ring or something?

A bit of Tungletoe it seems. I need to run my hand along there for further inspection.

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She's a rookie, but sells better than should be expected with her experience. Hopefully everything else will come along nicely in the near future.

I wanna sniff Momo

She's only been wrestling for like 3 months. For that amount of time, she's pretty good, but no, not amazing. She's a womanlet too.

JAN swapped all their fat for height

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To all the people here that I called retards for saying that Saki would fit in perfectly in Oedo tai I deeply apologise. She's a pretty based heel and should QQ if AZM leaves

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momoetty is an unfortunate looking girl

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>Natsuko's body

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why does Saki always look drugged up or in a daydream

did notice that Saki drew a six pack

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that knee is so impressive that even watching it in slow motion you can barely tell that it doesn't connect, and the thigh slap is so quick you don't notice it

i wonder how many joshi fans became antisemitic due to that guy's actions


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YES, i wonder if she also used momo's actual underwear

After watching it in slowmo, 1st one doesn't connect. But I don't know about the second one, mate. It looks fucking brutal.
Furthermore, Konami had a bruise on her cheekbone

my dream white gf

>Thread was made at 3:26 am on a weekday after hours of posting in the old one in anticipation and hours more posting in the new one
Hmm wonder who could have possibly made this?

How many hours did you spend on Friday morning waiting for the old thread to bump so you could instantly make the new one? Why do this when your threads always turn to shit and everyone hates you?

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even if you care that he does this, pointing it out and going nerd rage on him is just making the thread worse and is totally irrelevant

>Makes a thread instantly after hours of monitoring the old one before anyone else can at 11am Wednesday morning and then 3am Friday morning
Do you literally spend your entire day on Yea Forums monitoring 5 generals? Its obvious you're an unemployed neet but this is pathetic even for neet standards

i thought that was neet standards

The twins are just about as tall Junan. Is Hanan going to be the manlet of the three? When they first came on it didn't think it was possible.

I love Tamu

In my mind it is Momo's pantsu Tamu is wearing


Is she 18 yet? I love her.

August 19

Cannot fucking stand these puro twitter cartoons.

settle down goy

Karisa should've sung a few bars of Shining Star before the match.


Welp, Bea is the new champion.

Well, on the plus side, maybe this means Arisa wins the white belt, since it would be weird for one faction to have both.

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Not this bs again...

White Belt>>>>>>>Red Belt

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they are both equally shit now

The worst thing is that idiot Ospray will think he has right to speak about stardom, because his woman is the champion

literally nothing can or has stopped Ospreay from saying stupid shit on the internet

I have prayed every morning and every evening since 2017 for him to get a career-ending and potentially life-threatening injury and he's survived both of them

Even Koda wasn't retarded enough to put the belt on Yuka because of muh GayEW. Time for Rossy to retire


>working you into shoot

You are guys are just as bad as the euro joshi fags on twitter

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Ya seeth?

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If these clowns can do it so can I.
My journey begins today. I'll make my debut in Japan 1 year from now.

Seems like fans around the world are united - by shitting on this booking. Was the match itself any good?

Ask /basedmattsdl/, he was there.

According to Rossy, it was the match of the year so far. kek.

>by shitting on this booking

Who else could've beaten Kagetsu then?

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>Seems like fans around the world are united
at being utter cringey obsessed faggots

She's finally getting rehabilitated don't be dumb

>you will never be the 5th member of this train

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Tam would have been infinitely better.

>Tam would have been infinitely better.

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STARDOM just announced that "Bea’s finish is now the Queen’s Landing." So you want cringe faggotry - that's it right there. The Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex is being renamed by a literal who as insult to injury. Sonny is a fucking disgrace for going along with this.

holy fucking seething twitter tier trash nerd

You're just being a cunt because you know it's true. Sorry, but nothing will get this over, Japanese STARDOM fans are laughing at it. The seething twitter nerds are the ones who can't stop twisting themselves in knots trying to make Bea Priestly and her "Queen's Landing" a thing. Nobody is going to call it that.

Regardless of the result, why not save it for a big show with more build up? Feels rushed just to have her vs Toni before Toni leaves again.

>Sonny is a fucking disgrace

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>mah old wrestling culture
get out of your house once in a while

Stardom is a disgrace in itself. Better promotions are out there.

5ch purotakus are seething. Rossy messed up.

>Feels rushed just to have her vs Toni before Toni leaves again.

You just answered your own question.

Sonny was THE BIGGEST Manami Toyota mark. He used to bring her gifts all the time in Japan. Expensive, custom gifts. It's really weird that he's suddenly on this faggotry to shit on Toyota for no reason other than some random indy chick can't create her own finisher. Not that is matters, Priestly doing the move just comes of as sad and cringy now after Tsukka did it on Tin-Tin.

So I can see this cringe go over like a wet fart in church? Oh yeah, let's all go to Shin-Kiba to see the new wrestling culture in fucking Bea Priestley.

where to watch high quality joshie matches

It has been cringe for years, but it wasn't petty cringe. This is petty cringe. I guess the shit fans have been saying for years about Osprey is true, and it's completely rubbed off on his girlfriend. I'm just surprised STARDOM thought wallowing in it was a winning strategy.

Bea is a 2/10 face and a 2/10 wrestler. It will be a short reign.

are you confusing Sonny and Rossy?
Sonny is some minimum wage spic

Yeah everybody knows it. So the whole point was to just to get her "new" finisher over and cap it with a title belt. Maybe some fan services for an audience of one - Osprey?

Title reign ends prematurely when she botches a finish.

No. Sonny lived in Japan for years and was a big joshi fan long before he was working for STARDOM. It's how he got himself in the business, but he's been a joshi fan from before STARDOM even existed. He actually has a long history and understanding of joshi and as I said was the huge Toyota mark in the interwebs back-in-the-day. Rossy is expected to be petty towards 90% of joshi legends, since they all hate his guts.

Because the idea is to use the belts as a selling point regardless of things like building to a match to s bigger show. Not Kagetsu beating Toni for the belt in Yokohama cuz you have to but hot-shotting the double title match at Nagoya cuz the 2-in-1 gimmick wasn't selling so hot or Momo/Utami for the White Belt on WM Weekend with 2 days notice.

What was the story between Aja Kong and Rossy?

Aja quit ARSION along with one of the rookies (who came out for her last match in street clothes in the 2nd most awkward thing I've seen in joshi behind Act/Yoshiko). Rossy kept advertising Kong for shows so Kong sued. ARSION was dead/turned into AtoZ by Hotta 2 years later.

Thanks. I never knew the full story.

Bea Priestly has caused agua to become so incensed that the extent of his arcane joshi knowledge is on full display. In a way we should all be thankful to Bea for pushing him to the next level.

Just make the SWITCH

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>is called bad
>hasnt had a bad match this year
>Called a "botchfest"
>Hasnt botched this year

What do the "true" stardom fans mean by this??

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>Seems like fans around the world are united

You honestlty think that agreeing with joshi twitter is a good thing?

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>terrible wrestling
>idol promotion but only 3-4 wrestlers are actually cute
>messy booking of the top belt
>Tsukushi is underutilized
>Ace is literally 49

Why would I?

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People who actually watch the show and do not meme only know that she has been good this year.
She still needs help, but she is good to great.
The thing is... She is so fucking good compared to almost anyone in the West. Only when she is in the ring with those insane whirlwinds of STARDOM she is "bad".
She was bad at the start, not any argument there, but this whole 2019 she was very good to great.

>>Tsukushi is underutilized
If she hadn't stabbed someone, she'd be a champion already. And you know it.

I'm confused, I thought you're supposed to post the logo of a promotion that isn't complete trash along with "make the switch".

>Why would I?

Because you'd be happy with Pro Wrestling and not have the bitter heart from following a bitter promotion poisoned by gaijin cunts.

no gaijin shitters, for one

you're sounding pretty bitter right now, my dude.

Ice Ribbon has gone downhill as well, although for different reasons.

I love how Arisa calls Tam a tsundere.

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>ending one shit reign for a new shit reign

whatever, the real workrate title is the white belt anyway.

>Hasnt botched this year
she literally eliminated herself from the Cinderella because she's too uncoordinated to hook a fucking rope with her leg

I will now exclusively follow Gatoh Move.

>Hasnt botched this year
Did you not see the Cinderella tournament? Having said that, she has gotten a lot better.

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Sonny doing good job and uploading the title match right away.
Did they hired more people to do the job?

So bea is holding (and probably defending) that belt at AEW big shows) good stuff.

He did the same with the costume exchange rumble yesterday. He said he plans on uploaging the main event of each 4 days right after it, then going back and filling everything after all 4 are done.

Are they BFFs now?

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Maybe we should stop being mean to him?

Tam kicked her and gave her the finger during the battle royale so she still hates her but is willing to fight with her.

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make the SWITCH

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thats not how you do the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex

Or I can watch both, right?

Well, sometimes Otani facewashes your girl.
Can't wait for Bea to take this and call it the "Queen's Douche." You can all fawn.

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Is Mayu's shoe game based or cringe?

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off to a great start

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I laughed my ass off after seeing it.

Is Rossy trying to smile, but since his health scare, can only do it with half of his face?

Yeah he has "partial face paralysis" but didn't have a stroke according to his twitter. My guess is Bell's Palsy. STARDOM creepiness is gonna explode +1000%
He'll probably leave STARDOM to Sonny in his will.

Glad that Rossy is telling ROH to fuck off.

I love her shoes


Hopefully she defends the strap at double or nothing and loses it to Brandi.

She's not wrestling at DoN. Fight for the fallen is her show debut.

>QQ now holds all but two titles in Stardom


Kagetsu still wants to have singles matches with Konami and Tam according to her blog she just updated.

This is the type of person you are associated with when you cry about match results. How can someone claim to be a Momo Watanabe fan but decide to quit watching (they won't) Stardom in the midst of her critically acclaimed title run. Unless you are completely free of the e-drone mindset you can never be happy with pro-wrestling.

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This. Notice how all of the people whining about Bea are the weebs that think it's ruining their "pure japanese traditional joshi puroresu" and the Japanese fans popped and cheered when Bea won. Not to mention all the girls in Stardom love Bea.

White savior weebs are cringe.

I don't understand people criticizing this. Bea has been booked so strongly for the last 6-8 months or so something had to come of it. Momo is going to lose the white belt soon to Hoshiki (the right person)

The only criticism I have for a match and the decision to make Bea the champ is... not enough build. Too quick from announcement to the moment. STARDOM are usually better at building to important stuff. This was not it.

Where can I buy the ring ropes?

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>the Japanese fans popped

What native fans think doesn't matter ya simp. My subscription to Stardom World is where they make their money

>Momo is going to lose the white belt soon to Hoshiki
I'll be happy if that happens, but I doubt it. They want to give QQ all the belts for some reason and they've telegraphed on twitter that she's breaking the overall defense record of 15 (Toni with the SWA belt).

I don't have a problem with Bea winning so much as how. At least give it a bit more build and story and do it at Korokuen hall so it's a big deal as it should be. They had to do it when Kagetsu took it from Toni.

This is the type of fan who found joshi through STARDOM, branched out to watching other companies and realized you can BE HAPPY WITH PRO WRESTLING.

If you want to be a true Chad, the full jump in Oz Academy. None of you are ready.

>not enough build.

I think if they had given it build less people would've been surprised by Bea winning. That's why puro fags are up in arms

A white girl just won a fucking Joshi belt and you're crying about "weebs?" Japanese fans shit on this change and don't care. They golf clapped the change out of respect. You could put Sonny in a wig and her gear tomorrow and they wouldn't notice.

>but I doubt it

Hoshiki is getting the rub especially since she's full time. I think story will be Momo falling short of the record and then beating the record years from now with the red belt. Things are gonna open up

that $8 a month is meaningless compared to ticket and merch sales

white fans are literally the only ones outraged, look at the white weebs seething wherever you go

I wish I had your optimism, user, but I feel you underestimate Rossy's willingness to bury the rest of the roster to put Momo and QQ over.
I've seen a fair amount of Japanese fans say it was a bit underwhelming, most for the same reasons some of us are saying. Not much build and should have been on a show that aired on samuraiTV for a title change.

>Oz Academy.

I agree but they're starting to have issues now and I really wonder where they're going to be 2 years from because their roster is dirt old and everyone around them is growing unlike them.

The funny thing is I've just taken a deep dive into several parts of the twitter.
And these people are desperately negative. They pour the black negative shit all over every take they have. They need to get it out into the world, get those likes or why they are doing it. And their circle will cycle around those takes, then add their own takes and then the first one who had a take has to be more negative.
In the end the whole morning looked like fucking dumpster fire and like the wrestling is really really the worst thing on earth.
I don't get it. Why? Why keep watching thing so foul you need to keep hurting yourself? Just get away from it.

No, this is the type of fan who would start watch OZ, proclaim to be the most amazing thing ever and then a few months down the line start complaining about it. Rinse and repeat

>but I feel you underestimate Rossy's willingness to bury the rest of the roster to put Momo and QQ over.

Maybe I'm just not as jaded and don't have a stake in the booking either way but Stardom has purposefully driven so many characters (Hazuki, Andras, Hana) and are rehabbing Konami, Tora etc that QQ are just being set up as the "opposition" to everybody else

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>Not much build and should have been on a show that aired on samuraiTV for a title change.

I think this might actually make fans come to smaller venues for title matches because they might see title changes

at least they actually watch

Loosing their Ace and someone you could have used to build someone new hurts them.
I like Ozaki, but man, she is not the future, she needs to find someone new. Other promotions are making new rookies. And only one that has been consistent on OZ shows is Kakeru.
Kaho is basically more Mexican wrestler than Japanese now, who else do they have?

>that QQ are just being set up as the "opposition" to everybody else

No. Ospey's chick isn't over and the attempt a fuck you to Toyota who is BBQing with her biker gang right now is weak. This is a Shin-Kiba show, so if you know anything about Japanese Pro Wrestling you'd know this is weakling carny shit.

No one and they aren't even training anyone. At some point AgZ and Ice Ribbon are gonna isolate themselves like Stardom and TJPW and SEAd is gonna sign freelancers. They're fucked

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even rossy can't hide his disgust at bea winning the red belt

She blew at least 3 spots on the 4/21 show alone. She’s fucking shit still and will never get better because of her training. She can’t even run the ropes ffs

>Okada vs Jericho
>BEA bringing the Red Belt to big AEW shows and defending it there

But OZ has good matches and people like Io and Kagetsu were mid-carders. STARDOM & TJPW is where newbies come...OZ is where the Senpais smoke their pipes.

And I'll be damned. people missed WAVE and they're back.

If Alpha Female who moves like a zombie could win the belt from Io Shirai than an infinitely better wrestler in Bea could beat someone a tier lower than Io like Kagetsu.

arisa's shorts are working me into a shoot brother

I thought this was pretty interesting. Dude who doesnt follow Stardom asked why people that follow Stardom specifically hate Bea and no one really came up with an answer


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hi sonny!

I noticed when watching her latest music video from her band that Arisa's long legs looks great in normal shorts.

>And I'll be damned. people missed WAVE and they're back.

Getting GAMI the fuck out was critical. I think they'll do well being a place where other promotions send their wrestlers for extra bookings

ding-dong diddly wholesome

kek. Of course this autist would be a Momo fan. I hope Arisa does win the white belt just so this guy seethes even more.

>who else do they have?

Who else do they have for what?
They have good wrestlers and good matches. That's what the pro wrestling business is about.

Yes, but is that enough with roster getting older and older and having run through almost every combination they can?

Because she’s dogshit and is a foreigner. That was easy

>why do a bunch of yellow fever weebs hate the white girl getting a push

LOL. Oz Academy will be running when Rossy is dead in his grave. STARDOM fans are legit the dumbest motherfuckers around.

STARS are the most pure.

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Saki with the drawn on six pack is amazing.

hiding this pedo cringe

>Oz Academy will be running

They'll always run but they'll be behind everyone else barring Pure-J and Diana maybe

>why are fans of Japanese women wrestling mad over the talentless uk Indy yarders they try to avoid getting booked in feds they watch, let alone winning the top title

Why couldn’t they just give her the SWA belt instead, isn’t that what it’s for? And avoid all the drama of another foreign champion

They want her to be the main event gaijin. Giving her a midcard nothing belt would be pointless.

>weebs and chinks feeling threatened by a beautiful, strong, independent, talented white women

have sex

Bea is just a Pokemon evolution of Ruby Riott

It will outlast Rossy, Let alone his weird Ice Ribbon rip-off he had a smart gaijin to sell. Sonny will 100% be working for WWE one day.

>They'll always run but they'll be behind

In what way? Gold coins? Because - nah.

Not with that weird face footed Nikki Sixx chick. I don't watch STARDOM why's her face covered with paint? If it wasn't sprayed on by Sakura Hirota it's already a fail.

Boycott World Wondering Stardom, support Gator Move.

How long has Sonny been in Japan? What wrestling boards did he post on when he was a fan?

Tsukka is the true successor and also better than any of the top champs in stardom

Tsukka is better than anyone who has ever stepped foot in Stardom.

>Tsukka is better than anyone who has ever stepped foot in Stardom.

Attached: 1556859304892.gif (173x200, 1.59M)

Attached: Fujimoto_Mayu01.jpg (797x1200, 165K)

mayu's mom is cute

Attached: Fujimoto_JO_Cyclone_Suplex_Hold01.jpg (900x1200, 79K)

Mayu's goat outfit.

>visible panty line

Attached: joelmike.jpg (430x285, 25K)

Tsukka and Mayu always have great gear

Why did u post that kunt in ur pic.

Why is Shelly a cunt, user?

All western women are.

Attached: cringewolfie.jpg (326x435, 120K)

Why the fuck does Maya have all 3 belts now?

It's on account of her being the best.

Attached: 1556682506054.jpg (1200x900, 112K)

because ice ribbon belts are worthless


Attached: 1544994082734.jpg (336x409, 24K)

Stop posting that freak.

go look at the kids on your hard drive

Saki is not over her theme is over.

Wow ur sick in the head.

That top rope is so lucky.

At least it won't be in the pre-show like in ROH. Do you think they're seething right now with this development?

Attached: you1.jpg (576x803, 90K)

Because she is better than anybody on the current Stardom roster. Ice Ribbon belts are more highly regarded than Stardom's.

>Because she is better than anybody on the current Stardom roster

>Ice Ribbon belts are more highly regarded than Stardom's.
You mean that Triangle belt that was on a ref for 5 months that was previously being traded around with dudes because their own roster isn't strong or interesting enough to fight for it on their own?

She was over before her new theme because she looks like a Japanese fashion model.

>If you want to be a true Chad

A true chad watching joshi, that's a good one.

>All western women are.

Shelly is all right. Though I may be the reason why she isnt on wrestling twitter anymore lol

>Because she is better than anybody on the current Stardom roster.

We get it bro, you want to fuck an old broad. Lying on the internet won't help you with that, though.

do tell

Is that u?


I don't mind Bea, I just hate that prick Ospray, and I only hope he stay away from stardom

>reverse google search and find where she works
>works in research
>find her work number
>call her pretending to be with a university that that's interested in briefly consulting in the techniques used at job for "my" department
>long phone calls and email correspondence
>starts to notice that I'm not looping anyone else into this process
>sperg and say "tranquillo"
>brief silence
>quickly thank her for her help and end all contact.

I'm not proud but i don't regret it at all desu. She either left because of that or the fact that she's no longer the only thot that its into puro now

Attached: sd148.jpg (900x900, 87K)

I guarantee he'll make at least one cameo

Looool wtf.

What other thots.

Tokyo Sports says otherwise.

Puts on a more compelling match with a panda than anybody has in Stardom since Meiko/Kairi I.

Attached: Tsukasa_Fujimoto_vs_Tin_Tin01.jpg (1200x799, 173K)

new thread

new thread


I am still angry we haven't got to see Best Friends vs. Thunder Rock.
Can I get at least Mayu vs. Tsukka?