The AEW banquet looks delicious!

The AEW banquet looks delicious!

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this is giving them entirely too much credit, they hand out plain pork anus/lips hotdogs in old buns they get from the bread factory before they throw them out

How can you enjoy the food with an entire bag of cheese on it

Not gonna lie, I'd be pretty happy to get that (mountains of cheese excluded).

>Cheese on a hot dog
hope they all got hit by a train after leaving the place

>the guy with no cheese
simp should've negotiated a better deal

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Get a load of cheeselet

Because us Americans love us some fucking cheese my nigga, ya feel me?

I like cheese man, but half the shit is gonna fall of when you pick it up let alone when you start eating the damn thing. It's just a waste.

So you can taste the cheese.

Subtle joke user but I got it.

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and for those who didn't

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>bag of cheese
Found the simp

you call that a banquet?

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dude, people were freaking about that, but that's the shit i dream of

Thats not banquet thats payroll ya simp

Think if it was anyone but a guy who gets ripped for eating like shit and being a simpleton it would have probably been something people thought was cool.

Found the incel

Ohio was a mistake

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yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?

is this Jon Moxley signing bonus?

..... At that point, just give those fatties cheese, it is clearly the only thing they want

>trying to act like AEW is some hotdog & handshake broke ass indy
Reminder the Khans are worth approximately 8x what the McMahons are worth. AEW has more money than WWE.
This is just a fact and if it your you pwecious widdle feelings, then you need to cope harder snowflake dear.

>thinking aew wont be shit

Yeah, they have more rupees than Vince has dollars, big deal.

based Trump supplying athletes with proper food


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>posts chewing tobacco
>brainlet E-drone
Checks out

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>trying to act like the Khans are willing to invest as much money as the Mcmahons on their vanity promotion because he wanted to stop his useless son from wanking dogs after relegating his football club

Why is American food so shit? It all looks like literal poison.

>American """cheese"""

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got 'em

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LOL did cody shit in those?? is that a rib like how wrestlers used to shit in sandwiches?

guy on the top right has it perfectly
cheese lowers the quality of the chili

Wew, look at that indigestible trash.

Those guys are going to have impacted colons not seen since...

>don't even bother melting the cheese
what kind of shithole country was this photo taken in?

>DUDE I love to eat sour curdled milk!
the absolute state of white ""people"" """""""cuisine"""""""

cheese is a fine delicacy that has been used throughout civilization by many different races.


Yeah, good cheese is.
Americans eat orange plastic and call it cheddar.


How could you eat this many hotdogs without alcohol to wash it down?

>drinking alcohol, a literal poison

get a load of this absolute simp

They have tap water

What a fucking pussy. Kys fagotty.

guys this really looks fucking good, i want this. how bad would it be to eat this?

You guys are a bunch of fags, I would eat like three of those

T. Smaller-than-average-american

Probably take 5 years off your life, but I'm honestly considering that it would be worth it.

I dont care what anyone says, skyline is the best chili out there

>third worlders

You're a talking pudding be quiet.

homemade is way better. get your mum to make if for ya sometime ya simp. 18+