hey brother, can you spare some dimes?
sure thing bro-... phil?.... phil, is that you?
>thought cm phil was a rare occurrence of a delusional retard
>mfw I saw a skinnyfat manlet trying to square up with a jacked black dude over a parking spot a few days ago
Why do these people exist?
Heres a dime, now get a clue and take a shower
Pretty sure literally the only thing you can't say about Phil is that he's broke.
I thought that was Jay Briscoe
Why was this important?
Go back faggot
user is racist obviously
Uh, sorry, no speak English
Phil is hoping to land a role as a Woodsman in Twin Peaks Season 4.
Why the fuck are posting Trevor?
This isn't Yea Forums you fucking faggot, go talk about gta there.
wheres aj?
Imagine thinking racism is a big deal in 2019.
>trying to act like CM Punk is hurting for money.
He has more money in his bank account today than any of you would ever make in 5 lifetimes.
He's set forever. He won.
Keep crying though and indulging these power fantasies where he is the loser and not you. Maybe your Dad will come back some day if you keep doing this long enough.
imagine openly admitting you are retarded
Imagine imagining imagination
so he embarrasses himself for no reason doing shitty advertising for a man child video game for the love it? he doesn’t need the dimes as you say.
You people charcterisie everything Punk does as "embarrassing". Punk breathes and you all lose your mind screaming about how he is a cuck and a loser. There's no winning with you lot, you are all completely brain damaged when it comes to trying to think rationally about Punk.
But the truth is he is set for 20 lifetimes and does not have to work for anyone he doesn't want to anymore. He is free to indulge in passion projects. I know the thought of him having that freedom drives all of you insane and demented to the point you lose touch with reality and reason but it's just the truth.
Sorry it hurts your feelings so much that your brain stops functioning.
"hey arent you cm punk mister"
*starts walking away at a brisk pace
This 100% unironically and fuck whatever anyone else says otherwise
he couldn’t punch a stationary mannequin. he missed the fucking thing.
Doesn't change the fact that he won at life and is free and independent to do quite literally whatever he wants.
He is more successful than you user.
It's not healthy to be this angry about that.
Bro, Phil, calm down. Stop picking fights with 50 year old men. Losing to them is making you bitter and angry.
>money = happiness and meaningful success
Gayest thing I've seen since your mma """""kicks""""", philip
Thanks for proving my post right.
Did you just remember your last fight with a senior?
Truth hurts don't it.
Thanks for proving me right.
>Truth hurts don't it.
Not as much as punches from senior citizens.
Funny how i can work phil but he cant work a fight
The truth wouldnt be so painful if you worked on your technique
you said he didn’t embarrass himself. he did. cant even punch a stationary mannequin. kek
>Makes lots of money
>Still doesnt take a shower so he doesnt get an infection that he will eventually lead to him refusing antibiotics, shooting on doctor who told him to take a shower and gave him said antibiotics, then get fired on his wedding day for being a smelly liability.
If this punks rich, why does he beg for money?
Should have invested that 500k instead of getting swindled by a gym who taught ya wrong on purpose lmao
Prime examples of exactly what wrote.
You are all completely embarrassing yourselves here.
Mmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with them
Holy shit.
Punk Derangement Syndrome is real.
Worked into a multi reply shoot
This wewtist is absolutely steaming lads
Go back
Money won't buy him success at what he is striving for. He wants to be a legitimate fighter and has paid millions in training from world class trainers and still has lost every fight he's been in. He lost to some hobbyists who train at a local gym in a small regional tournament. He's not succeeding in life. Only 14 year olds think money is everything and that having money is the end all be all to a happy life.
K just let my buddy draw some real quick...
Punk Derangement Syndrome