The whole "junior members are expected to carry shit" gag is a work...

The whole "junior members are expected to carry shit" gag is a work. It's a lie that was leaked out to make Lio Rush seem more uncooperative and arrogant.

Attached: carryingbags.png (823x601, 89K)

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Shut up, Lio

It has been known for decades before this Lio shit that several junior wrestlers carried bags for other wrestlers
Even Triple H did it

HHH carrying the Kliq's bags 30 years ago doesn't mean every new guy is expected to carry shit for other people.

Triple H is about to run WWE ya fag. I don't care about what's expected, it's about being a team player long enough to be team manager - you zoomers don't know shit about respect (though if I saw you irl, I'd slap some sense into you).

Look, I've heard more than enough stories about backstage hazing and due-paying from new wrestlers to know that what Lio is complaining about isn't some rare thing
They brought The Miz in from MTV and still had a psycho wrestler roid-rage at him and kick him out of a locker room just for spilling chicken crumbs

That's why it's expected during things like overseas tours when they are traveling with less crew, the ones that would normally do such a thing aren't there.

based big guy shooting for the good of the boys

What angle is Ryback even working anyway?

Whoever carries another man's bags and shit because it's expected or tradition is a simp. It's fine if you want to help because you want to, for the good of everyone, but if you're compelled to do it and don't stand up for yourself, it's a bitch thing to do.

there expecting to do something to earn a push, because it certainly can't be draw. They do the same thing in hollywood if you want good parts, except it's sex.

If someone slaps you in the mouth and calls you a nigger telling you to carry their bag or hang like a fag then yeah, stand up for yourself. If someone tells you "this is the tradition, people are going to hold it against you if you don't do this" and you ignore them then you don't get to cry later. Call it carny shit or whatever but every guy who actually did the menial shit is going to look at you poorly because you are stating "i am better than you, i don't have to do that".

There is no point in debating semantics here, those situations are extremely common in sports teams and entertainment companies. The new guy carrying water is something that has been part of human socialization since the earliest days. Should that stuff happen? Don't know or care. It is a simple cause and effect in this case. He chose not to follow the tradition and the people who did hold it against him.

Before I tell you to go back to redit, let's say it's Bobbo asking you to carry his bags. Aka they guy that's given you a spot on the main roster, the reason you have a career, etc.

You wouldn't be respectful or thankful to Bobbo? Your elder, showing you the ropes, training you not just in the ring but about the business and life on the road.

You wouldn't help Bobbo with his bags?

Don't even answer, cause you're an ungrateful piece of shit. Your generation is the gimme generation, always taking, never giving back - always bitching about what you don't have that you never earned.

Go back to redit. Now. Or tell me where you live and I'll teach you some fucking respect zoomer.

don't bother responding to these zoomercucks, they're the kids who went crying to mommy and daddy that they were getting hazed in their fraternities and got tradition removed from colleges worldwide

wrestling sucks

Spoken like bitches who would suck dick if someone told them to.

based big dog

Based Big Guy btfos the dirtsheet incels once again.

this, the industry is for fucking clowns

Gay-ass shit like this is why wrestling sucks.

"You're important and a part of this team" Wrestling is better when its cut-throat and everyone is trying to be "The guy"

>Wrestling is better when its cut-throat and everyone is trying to be "The guy"
That only works when everyone is on steroids and doing coke.

>everyone did it
Can someone tell me who’s bags Brock carried? Or Batista and Orton as well for that matter? If you’re carrying bags, it’s a fucking rib and the older guys are punking you out like a bitch

Yeah, I'm sure Ronda Rousey had to get water coolers for Alexa Bliss. It happens to everybody, man.

You're only their bitch if you allow it to happen. it's like prison. Tell them to fuck off and give 'em a slap and they'll back down because you're not an easy enough target for them.

I'm sure you also never joined the military "because i would punch out the first dude who yelled at me" too, tough guy.

Brock had to watch the main eventers fuck his wife. Batista had to hold a collection box and walk around the arena collecting change from the crowd so the dudley boys can have their beer money.

>If someone tells you "this is the tradition, people are going to hold it against you if you don't do this" and you ignore them then you don't get to cry later.
if someone tells you that and you actually buy it then you're a markass bitch who can be tricked into anything

>You should just let your seniors come up to the showers and rub your ass, don't fight or resist just pay your dues and let them rub your ass

>t. never been in a real fight

Japan and Mexico keep a similar system in their training grounds, the problem with wwe is that the US indies produce kids pretending to be wrestlers and their own development center produces soulless ones with the exception of Velveteen Dream

My buddies dad is a Nam vet. While in boot camp and knocked the fuck out of his drill sergeant after he got fed up with his shit. Guess what happened to him? slap on the wrist and DI never fucked with him again.

>show your willingness to do what it takes to climb the ladder even if it means hauling people's stuff

doesn't seem like a hard concept really it's not like they have to do it forever just do it for maybe a month or two until a new guy takes over the bottom rung spot.

Why is Ryback so salty?

>t. a fake tough guy who thinks real fights drag on for several minutes instead of it being a couple punches, maybe a roll on the floor until someone comes and breaks it up
if you don't stand up for yourself in that environment because you're afraid of getting in a 4 second tussle then you are a huge bitch, sorry.

double dubs confirms the other poster is a huge bitch

Based Lio, changing the shitty “muh tradition”

The Big Guy is upset that he turned down $500k a year for 3 years with the WWE just so he can sell powdered Rhino shit instead.

What a cringefag boomer.
Keep being a bootlicker

you sound upset.
Did your mommy forgot to cut the edges off your sammich?

t. Tarpaulin Levesque

When you're a shoot uppity bulbasaur it's not that big of a leap.

I'm a 6'4 black guy so I doubt you'd even approach me judging from the shit I read on this site.

You sound mad.
You got a bad ticker and one more outburst will send you back with your parents forever.

t. never gonna make it

If you work as hard as you cope, you can finally pay off your student loans and move out of your mom's basement in 10 years.

jokes on you, I am a high school drop out that is living off government welfare

Rush can take his race card and shove it up his Wanda Sykes sounding ass

>Roleplaying as a boomer for (you)s.
Finally found something sadder than the Eddie threads.

I literally will never understand how Roman is king of the locker room when he's never been over, never drawn money and had to cut a I'M LITERALLY DYING TOMORROW promo to get a reaction other than boos. Taker is a meme but he has drawn crazy money and he kept people in line through fear before Triple H destroyed wrestling.

who else is there that can assume responsibility?
Cena isn't there anymore
Orton got better shit to do
Rollins is too busy playing vidya games
Styles is an outsider
Bryan is probably face timing his family
who else?

He's the locker room leader because Vince decided he should be and everyone cowers before Vince now.

nothing gayer than joining the military

Imagine wrestling for 17 years only for some daddy's boy who just got into the business after his football career flopped and was handed everything in a silver platter try to approach you with some "locker room leader" sage advice.

"Who else is gonna do it?" isn't a leadership quality

>being a kiss ass and banging the bosses daughter is being a so called "team player"

Attached: d33.jpg (200x219, 10K)

This. Roman flat out buried the entire 205 Live roster to try to burn Connor McGregor, I bet most people there hate his guts but dare not speak ill of him lest they incur in Vince's shit list.

dubs of the fucking truth

it's a locker room, mate, not the fucking fight for the Iron Throne

>Aleister Black is cleaning lockerrooms
>will get a titan push since he paid some dues
>Lio Rush will go straight to the unemployment line

Honestly the way you NEVER hear a bad word about Roman is suspicious. I'm sure he is a great guy like they say but how can a guy blow chance after chance after chance and still get booed out of the building for years on end and every single person on the roster worships him. It's wrestling ffs, Bob Holly would rape you in the shower if he thought it would get him a Sunday Night Heat win.

kek so true

There were many ex-WWE wrestlers, none of them had anything bad to say about Roman, even pre-cancer.

The same was said about Cena, who only had Alex Riley seething.

Roman is an actual good guy.

either your buddy's dad is a liar, or you are

it probably has a lot to do with being an anoa'i, honestly

if roman ever leaves under contentious circumstances you'll hear a lot of guys suddenly talking about how much they hated him

>Roman is very quiet. He really doesn’t talk all that much to anyone. I’ll tell you this though, he doesn’t give a shit about wrestling. This whole thing is his dad’s idea. Sika thought he had the next Duane Johnson and had Vince drinking the Kool-Aid too. When Roman first go into wrestling his dad was always with him. Everyone was a little off put by it, but since all the tapings were in the same place it really wasn’t that odd.

>I’m good friends with Claudio (Cesaro) and he told me that when Roman came up to the main roster and even beyond because I saw it too, Sika was still following him around from city to city playing coach to his kid. Brock has his own changing area, kind of strange but whatever it’s Brock. After Roman won the rumble Sika got Vince to give Roman his own changing area as well. All us bloake’s had to change together in close quarters while Prince Roman had his own private area. At mania in San Francisco, he flipped his shit in the crowd and then came backstage and blew up on Vince, Seth (Rollins), and everyone else around him. He was acting like it was the Montreal Screwjob. Roman is just sitting there with his head down, like “sorry about my dad guys.” Grow up. Is that a locker room leader to you? A thirty year old man who’s dad can’t butt out of his life.

Adam Rose thought Roman was a nice enough bloke, just a complete wet noodle daddy's boy.

To be fair as long as Roman didn't do the stuff that Randy Orton did, took a shit on someone's bag or play with his dick before shaking someone's hand, I'm sure everybody love Roman.

>mark thinks that wrestlers backstage care about muh over

Your shitty argument falls apart when Enzo, the guy Roman threw off the bus had nothing bad to say about him. A guy who has practically burned bridges with the WWE and nothing holding him back.

>literal fake Adam Rose fanfics

Enzo will be back in the WWE within a year.

Hazing happens in all real sports, so it should happen in pretend sports too to keep kayfabe. Stop exposing the biz, Lio.

this, he was truly one of their last big draws they had going for them and wouldn't be surprised if vince was working to get him back.

Why the fuck would you want someone to carry your shit anyway? I'd feel second hand embarrassment if I was to impose that one someone else

I'd be honored to carry bags for Bobbo, my fren

Did Roman, Seth and Dean carry others' bags like the rest when they first showed up?

If one or all of them did not then Lio Rush has a point.

Seth and Dean have to put up flyers promoting the show when they were in developmental. Roman has to suck Vince's dick.

And Hogan was Andre's gopher long before he bodyslammed him.

Hey Brennan

I think if anything the boos get him sympathy with the locker room. According to Dave, a lot of the roster resented the fans for how they treated Roman. Which, to me, is horseshit, if they wanna get mad at somebody, get mad at the guy sending him out to die with garbage material every week.

He's running WWE becuase he fucked his way into the family. He didn't get it because he was the kliq's bitch boy.

Why do boomers think that keeping archaic bullshit like this around does anyone any good? No wonder the roster is getting cucked by vince and making 500k a year while he's a billionaire? It's becuase they're all focused on caveman tier grunting about who holds who's bag or who goes in the shower first. Not what matters.

>Roman's never been over
Obese redditor detected.

Why does someone being a great guy, family man and someone with morals make him suspicious?

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