

Attached: IMG_20190415_105503.jpg (1080x1625, 275K)

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>n-no big strong black man, p-please don't hurt me. AJ, w-why are your hands down your trousers, s-stop biting your lip like that

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UFC legend CM Punk

nothing wrong with third place, mark

From a tournament of fucking three people.

Here’s video of him losing again at another bjj tournament last weekend.

His new gimmick is that he jobs to Soccer Dads on the weekend

this guy guy talks too fast but kek what a bitch

>lose to a 50 year old BJJ hobbyist
what's wrong with him

Attached: 1555300671719.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

>too unathletic for jiujitsu
I didn't even think this was possibly

>those UFC flipfops
>3rd in the YMCA
was this before or after his fights? if after this nigga has the audacity

Third out of three

Attached: simp.png (1000x897, 1.06M)

After. He came 3rd out of 3 competitors in the older guys division. somebody post the UFC-era Punk "most regimented discipline" pic, kek


Thought second place guy was Cockmongler for a second.

somebody pls edit this in


Attached: cuck_copter.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>grabbing the gui
I'm sure that's as legal as putting your feet on the cage.

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Semen phil

He was third place out of three contestants. The other two were much older men who do martial arts for FUN.

You know nothing about jiu jitsu


This always get me, holy kek

Attached: E81eBEf.png (1920x1080, 959K)

He looks so proud.

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Why the guy on left have reverse mowhawk?

Who really wants this retard back in WWE? Him having any kind of success would throw the little credibility WWE has in the trash.

>Punk Derangement Syndrome

Attached: punkd.jpg (723x479, 29K)

Remember everyone...
>his MMA career

The whole POINT of the gi is for grabbing ya undercooked bagel

Not a single solidarity athletic bone in his fucking skinny fat body

>these guys he's competing against just train jiujitsu
When they're not sitting at their work station or driving their kid to soccer practice.

Mmmmmm wouldn't want to mess with them, Phil

Attached: CW.jpg (600x402, 47K)

>come in third because only 2 other competitors

fucking BASED


it didn't get over last year what makes you think it will now?

the guy in the front row second from left would literally beat the shit out of punk. based old man strength

t. undercooked bagel

>getting a bronze medal just for turning up

Even a fat fuck like Joey Diaz does juijitsu better than Phil.

>pic related is from his tourney a few weeks back

Attached: what have i done.png (900x1057, 1.2M)

Athletes make the jump to other sports all the time and fail. The character of CM Punk was an incredible professional wrestling, and a bad MMA fighter. they're different sports. Not that hard

0-2 in MMA

0-3 in BJJ

>CM Punk was an incredible professional wrestling
only a poo would spell like that and think that pro wrestling was an actual sport