Is there a bigger house negro than this guy?

Is there a bigger house negro than this guy?

Attached: Mark+Henry+3QhfPIpx09vm.jpg (360x240, 27K)

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Stop seething

>house negro
so a black guy who got rich without commiting a crime?

Probably not, he's a big guy.


Have you ever heard of basketball?

He shat on Hulk Hogan, so he's not an house negro.


>The first thing I thought was I'm hoping he is able to address everybody and voice some concerns. He made an announcement. He apologized. He's done a lot of stuff with the Boys And Girls Club. But I didn't want to lose track of the fact that there's more work to be done and I think that's going to happen.
Wow, Mark Henry SHOOTS HARD on Hulk Hogan.

>“It's kind of a deal where you have to accept it. He's a public figure. It doesn't mean that everything he's done is forgiven, you just gotta pick the good from the bad, see how you can help the situation. I sit on the chair of the delegation and they're not ready. I've had many talks, I mean with dozens of guys. The consensus is there's a lot of work to be done to heal that wound and fix that wall."

>"I'm very rarely shocked, but in that case, I don't know if I'm ready. I think there's a lot to be done. I believe that everybody should be given a second chance, but I also believe that you have to own your issue - whatever that issue - you gotta try to make closure on everybody else's behalf, not just yours.

Where they're paid by Jews?

Settle down, Lio

Hey leftypol

The Rock literally responded to the Hogan scandal with - and I'm quoting here - "We've all talked trash"

dude was just a teenager or something at the Olympics and broke some record and vince was like hire that guy. And he had a steady job ever since.

based Rocky truly one of the boys

That's because Rock is literally one of the tall millionaire niggers that Hogan said he was cool with. Aside from that, Rock himself doesnt even consider himself black but samoan.

Needless to say, Rock vouching for Hogan holds zero weight.

Fuck off. Henry is a based humble man.

>the Rock isn't black when it suits my narrative

>Mark Henry would run to Vince when people showed up late to the building

Nope Mark has one house negro of the decade for being such a bitch

Henry is based. Fuck off with your race-baiting.

What a simp, literally black undercarder but even less successful

mark henry is fucking based fuck all yall

Attached: youabouttogetit.jpg (960x620, 30K)

>being a professional is being a bitch
never gonna make it, kid

Mark Henry is a cool dude. Fuck you weebs and fuck anime.

Reminder that Rock pretty much forced WWE to acknowledge Hogan existed for the first time since they decided to erase him by standing around and hotdogging with the geek dressed as the Hulkster.

Attached: therock.png (600x357, 491K)

The Rock is literally only ever black when it suits his own narrative for the sake of argument/statistics.
Shit goes both ways. Rock still considers himself samoan and will turn his "black" on and off like a light switch whenever convenient.

Illiteracy running wild on this j-brone

Of course Dwayne would vouch for Hogan considering he was 'mysoginy: the gimmick' back in the day. You can dig so much dirt on him right now, I'm surprised the SJW haven't tried to CANCELL him already.


Attached: 3cf75836a951912b0c05fa89eae22459.jpg (352x500, 40K)

Nope. Dude still watches B.E.T