Is there any wrestler today that gives less of a fuck than Twitter Orton?

Is there any wrestler today that gives less of a fuck than Twitter Orton?

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He saw all the twitter "fans" getting worked with his tweet so he does it again

Goldberg is such a mark he might lose it over this

>Maybe if we pull some strings, we can get that number up to 6 million.
damn Randy, I can't believe you'd do something like this.

Oy vey!

zoomer "humor'

>boomer defending israel

Why is twitter Orton based but IRL Orton is cringe

>tweets hitler would post if twitter was a thing back then

>y-you don't like my lame joke? you're defending Israel!
why are zoomers like this?

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Because he dgaf, which doesn't work when you are actually working but when you're being a lazy fag on Twitter it's based


Randy's been able to do what he wants since the Brock thing but with AEW out there he's double bulletproof.

Orton v Goldberg would be a fun match btw

u mad bro?

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>zoomer "humor'
Calling things zoomer is zoomer humor, zoomer. Holocaust jokes have drawn dimes since the internet began

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Context ?

Just Randy dropping Red Pills again

I thought the WWE too these niggas passwords.

that so fuuuuuuuuuuuuuny
lol lol
your funny guy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhaahahahhaahahahahahah

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Pretty much common knowledge that Randy is a racist

Orton is based
anybody who hasn't should listen to his interview on Edge & Christian's podcast.

Ya literally seething and got worked by user the master of worked works that look like shoots but are worked shoots so they are a work, a worked work

Chill Goldstein
Inb4 worked

I can imagine someone from corporate asking Randy for his account password and him responding by getting his balls out

Orton, you're alright.

Why is he obsessed with 2 million dollars

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ya seethe?

There goes your company going down in flames and bankruptyt. Based jewberg drawing the dimes once again for your jabroni dimeless dandy outlaw roster

based boomer reviving the memes of old

Is he doing an accountant gimmick now?

>blaming Goldberg for shit WWE booking

any wrestler would take advantage of a 2 million dollar payday and live like a king for a week just for one show

You've made a fool of yourself by displaying your ignorance.

Is Rusev bitter too? His tweet seemed sarcastic.

Orton is seething because when he’s done he will NEVER make a payday like Goldberg because he’s a shit, lazy bastard who has shit matches and killed the last Wrestlemania

thats the best sign ive ever seen


>orton hates his direction in wwe so he doesnt try anymore
>ends up at aew with lots of creative control

will orton kino be back on the menu boys?

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Big E called Rusev out for being a coward who chickened out of @'ing Goldberg

did something happen with goldberg

he's not going to the anti-gun company

Jews really are whiny little bitches huh

aew fans are gonna whine about orton everyday if he signed

that would make him a legitimate heel

Okay, I had to look it up. It seems the following wrestlers hate and are jealous of Goldberg:

>Big E

No offense, but guys like Lesnar, Goldberg, Taker, etc. are actual draws. You look like a fucking fool seething on Twitter cause you will never be over like your predecessors. Sting coming back at Crown Jewel would make more money than an injured Big E will all year!

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Orton has his main eventer money, knows he's safe, and knows that if he wanted and if it came down to it, any company in the world would take him due to his 20/10 looks alone. He can pretty much do and say whatever he wants in WWE. He's done pretty much everything, I'm almost sure he has more accolades than Cena. What the fuck is WWE gonna do at this point? Fire him?

Ryder is probably the only fulltimer who's in a safer spot than Orton and that's only because he exists as Vince's favorite scarecrow incase anyone thinks they are allowed to get over without Vince's permission.

like taking candy from a baby kek

Ding dong diddly seething

Yeah, that sounds like something you'd do, ya greedy lil goblin.

Lmao I can hear Cuckberg crying from here

I’m going to watch the show solely because of Goldberg

I'll pirate the show as usual from fightbb and then skip every part but goldbergs