PWInsider: Lio Rush offered $300k five year deal; turned it down and wanted more

WWE Raw star Lio Rush has become one of the most talked about personalities in the business with numerous reports in recent weeks about heat behind the scenes and issues within the company.

Rush responded to a number of those reports during an interview with Sean Ross Sapp of The website yesterday, an interview that has led to WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry decrying Rush's claims on an edition of the Busted Open Radio show that aired this morning on SiriusXM Radio.

In the interview with Sapp, Rush responded to our report that he had heat during the November 2018 European tour for not wanting to handle menial tasks assigned to junior members of the tour, including bringing water to veteran talents at the gorilla position following their matches and carrying coolers into hotels in advance of talents having a common, private area to congregate after shows, stating, "It’s not about race and it has never been, but public perception is important to me and when we have fans that travel all over the globe and watch us get off of buses and into hotels, the LOOK of a black kid carrying waters and bags for other wrestlers is just not a good look, especially when I’m trying to portray myself as a superstar as well,"

One WWE talent who was on that tour, however, contacted this morning to point out that while Rush blew off the responsibilities, The Authors of Pain and Drake Maverick, who were also on their first European tours did not. The source questioned why those three talents, especially one already as well established as Maverick was in the industry, had not issue with paying respect, but Rush did, wondering if it was because Rush had brought his wife with him on the tour.

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Mark Henry also took exception to Rush's claims today on the air, commenting that when he started in the company in 1996, assisting Yokozuna was his responsibility and commented, "It's not a race issue. It's an ego issue. Who are you? Nobody is exempt from being respectful to the business and paying homage to the guys drawing money. We all have done it. Steve Austin did it. The Rock did it. You better than The Rock? Get the hell out of here!"

In his Fightful interview, Rush defended himself against allegations that he had brought his wife backstage without permission and claimed there were forces trying to get him fired, commenting, "Me and Finn [Balor] are cool ,and my wife has never been an issue. There is someone who works for WWE who has hated me since the day I’ve worked for ROH and now that they work for WWE they’re leaking false information to get me released. At a certain point, I have to defend myself so that’s what I decided to do. We’re all human, and we’re all grown ass adults. The kind of sh** the flies backstage is ridiculous and I’m surprised more people aren’t speaking up."

Rush did not elaborate on who within WWE he felt was out to get him.

However, can confirm there had been multiple complaints made about Rush bringing his wife backstage and allowing her to change clothes in the women's locker room dating back to the November 2018 European tour. There was also an incident where Rush brought a group backstage at a TV taping last year and when the group were stopped for not all having proper credentials, the group loudly began yelling at a female member of WWE's security team, which did not ingratiate Rush to certain members of the locker room.

During the November 2018 tour, was told by several sources that another veteran talent (not Finn Balor) attempted to speak to Rush about his issues, only to be rebuffed and told that Rush "works for Vince, not you." That veteran talent was later approached by management as Rush had complained about him speaking down to Rush, when he was not an executive in the company.

That led to Rush being removed from the locker room for a period of time after that tour and that point, his issues became less of a regular occurrence in the locker room, but in recent weeks, that had changed.

The issues surrounding Rush are not new and have been discussed for many months. On this morning's edition of Busted Open, Mark Henry noted that he approached Rush (and it should be noted we are told Henry has been a huge supporter of Rush behind the scenes) and asked him about the stories Rush was having issues in the company.

Henry stated, "I pulled him aside the last time I saw him and told him 'I'm hearing stuff in the locker room. What's wrong?' He said nothing's wrong. It was a blatant lie to my face. I let him know that if he has a question, right now is the time to do that."

During the interview with Fightful, Rush also implied that he was not able to make a livable wage working for WWE, which signed him to a developmental deal in 2017, stating, "My issue isn’t with my on-screen role. My issue is the fact that I haven’t been on meet & greets with Bobby, haven’t been getting paid for merchandise for us that has my catchphrases on them. (I) have been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so. Walking around broke in the biggest sports entertainment industry that there is while having two kids and a wife to support."

Rush's claims are interesting, especially since WWE sources have claimed today that Rush was offered a new, five-year contract that was said to be in the $300 thousand range, but turned it down, instead, according to multiple sources, asking for double that number.

Henry bristled at Rush’s claims, noting this morning, ““If you can’t pay for a rental car, you can’t pay for a hotel with the money that you’re making every week then you need to change the way you’re spending. You can’t blame that on the office. If you spent everything before you got it, that’s your problem.”

As previously reported on, there has been talk of sending Rush back to NXT with the idea of building him a new character and presenting him as something more than just a mouthpiece. We are told that Rush has, at on at least one occasion, instead suggested the company release him so he can “show them” what he could accomplish outside of WWE.

>guys does stupid things
>people call him out for doing things
>pulls race card to try to undermine the things he did
like clockwork

Am I supposed to believe for a second that WWE offered this manlet that sort of money?

They don't want people going to AEW/NJPW so yeah. jim ross confirmed it

based Hall of Pain showing the manlet how its done, someone post that webm where in a big nigga threw a manlet nigga on a fountain

>It's not about race
>Keeps insisting is about race

>bringing your group of friends to work
>bringing your wife to work so she can change in the women's locker room
nigga what? this must be fake right?
how can someone be this dumb?


300k over 5 years? That's not even good considering the risks he takes and all the traveling. Or is he done wrestling?

>is getting offered more money to stay in WWE than he'd get anywhere else
>Rush suggests that WWE release him despite needing money to support his family

imagine being this stupid

Jim Ross said 500k. This says 300k.

>Rush says fake news is being released about him in fightful interview
>user believes illogical shit anyway
Imagine being this stupid

Wait, is it 300k a year or 300k for five years. There's no way they could think he was gonna sign for 60k a year.

He's young as fuck tho. So why the fuck not. He'd be 29 by the end of that and if its like the revivals he would be a millionaire spending his wisely. Be in his 30s a huge world wide star a huge pay raise and enough money for retirement already bagged. Now with a salary (if He's as good as he say he is) to live in luxury far past hid 30s. Dudes an idiot.

It's 60k a year, that's NXT mark contract range

>fuck up bad to the point where you pull race card
>even your biggest supporter, who is the same race, is calling you out on your bullshit
>get called out for being unprofessional and bringing people to the back when they shouldn't be at all
>bitch and moan about not being able to make ends meet
>get offered a bit more money
>demand double that amount

I lost all my respect for this guy

Definitely the first one, he’s on the main roster

The revivals was worded the same but it was 500k a year each not 500k over the amlunt of years

No. 300k a year. That would only be 60k a year. That’s a mark, Ricochet NXT contract.

That's $60,000 a year falling on your back for a living.

I dont gove an iota of a fuck about Lio but why the literal fuck would anyone not an absolute mark for the company and on the main show take that amount?

Boring myth, 60k is below the average in NXT

>Wrestling community gets behind Lio
>Management leaks a bunch of fake stories to wrestling "journalist" to make him look bad
>A company spokesperson says stuff on his podcast to make him look bad
Lio is getting carnied so fucking hard here.

>I lost all my respect for this guy
Drop the holier than thou attitude. You never respected him in the first place.

>no respect for the older wrestlers
>asking for more money
>told them to release him if they need to
>still doing everything in their power to keep him cause they're scared of letting anyone go to AEW, even a complete shitter like Lio

The fucking state of Vince.

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If Lio went to AEW he'd be facing Kenny within 6 months. Kenny legit has like 3 potential new opponents.

I think PWInsider's source might be full of shit. Ryback was saying on twitter that he never saw anybody having to carry shit when he was there, and I know Ryback's a tool, but he doesn't really have any reason to lie about that. And Aleister Black told a story about how he was cleaning the locker room and Roman took him aside and told him to stop doing it.

I'm starting to think this dude might be right that someone backstage is out to get him because it really sounds like they're leaking false or misleading shit.

he needs to learn his place at the back of the bus brother

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>big leaguing Finn who makes WWE a lot of money thanks to his merch
bro what?

Henry characterizing Lio going "Nothing's wrong" when asked if something is wrong backstage as a blatant lie to his face is pretty fucked up. I thought Mark was cool but he's stooging HARD right now.

Mark henry is on WWEs dime he has no room to speak much like the new day still shucking and jiving with hogan still involved with the company. His [mark henry] purpose is to make you side with wwe and he succeded brainlet= ((you))

He was based as fuck the moment he shat on Emma being released and became Bobbo's manager.

Bray is behind this isn't he? fucking fat fuck should be fired already

According to Lio it was somebody he knew from RoH.

I can't believe Lio Rush is now in /x/ territory lmao...

$300k over five fucking Years is a mark deal 100%.

i hope this shitter gets released already, he looks like a middle schooler

Worked by the man of the hour

>60k per year for 5 years

No surprise this dude can't afford anything.

>hey black guy, we need you to say this thing about this other black guy for us so that we don’t look racist

oldest trick in the book

>60k a year and having to pay for your own healthcare, flights and accommodation

lmao, no wonder this shitter of a company is in the toilet.


I don't get why people are so accepting of this whole "talent has to pay for their own travel costs" thing, every single time I hear about it I think about how dumb it is when they're working for a huge company like this. I know it's old news, I've seen it before, maybe I missed out on the big outrage over it and people just accept it as normal now while I'm behind on the curve so I'm still stuck in the "that's dumb" stage.

Worked and seething

wasn't 60k a year

They're independent contractors bro, it's all okay. :)

Right in turning down a mark contract, wrong in acting like an entitled cunt.

how is it acting entitled to expect the company to provide travel?

>meanwhile shitters like ziggler and bray gets a million per year
defend this edrones

Unironically, memes aside, people just feel compelled to stand up for WWE. It's supposed to be coated in a layer of ironic shitposting on this board but think it's closer to the truth for some people than they're willing to admit. and it's just unambiguous "WWE is right, anybody who criticizes them is wrong" on other sites.

what's reddits stand on this? if they believe it then we support lio even if he's a manlet

WWE knows they could've brought value to another promotion, especially Ziggler since he has an extremely good look. Also unlike Lio, both Ziggler and Bray are already in World Championship lore despite the former having the two worst world title reigns in the company's history.

Jinder is down there too

It looks like they've turned on Lio since these stories came out

shut the fuck up

It's fucking hilarious because places like pwg will pay to fly you in, give you transport and will pay for your hotel. Then they wonder why people like ZSJ turn them down when he was making over 150k on the indies without having to pay for all that shit

this dude really is the new enzo except without the merch sales and overness

>60k a year
>you still have to pay for your own rentals and shit to get around
Kek, fuck WWE.

Though Jinder didnt become walking proof that you didnt need a world title on the show nor was he a quick extra step to add a +1 on someone's number of title reigns

Ziggler would kill on the indies, or would have. Bray because hes irs son and he's "established"

this guy is literally a self mark simp. guy is like below average in ring ability, hes a decent promo, and hes 5'1"
how does he think he deserves more money and a push to the top
hes just the mascot for team lashley
wrestlings dead. all these millennial marks became "pro wrestlers" and they suck

seems like this bulbasaur has replaced the void Enzo left

That's still what the lowest of the low people on the main roster earn.

He'd be a fool to sign for 5 whole years. He's allowed to negotiate.

love how based Sexual Chocolate is removing Lio's race card

>denies over a million because he think's he's worth three
>even bitches about not doing live events
what fucking bizzaro world does this dude live in?

I think Lio's trying to be smart here since WWE clearly doesn't want to release ANYONE right now. They also hate when their racism or backstage bs gets put in the public. It could work out for Lio but he's got to be careful.

Mark's been accused of being an uncle tom before.

Salaries are exploding across the industry. Many wrestlers can make at least 100k outside WWE. If he thinks he can make 300+ as a name guy he's probably right.

On what planet is $3000 not a liveable wage? Let's very generously estimate $200 a night for hotels and cars, meaning like $60k per year, so he still takes home over $200k after expenses. Now I'm not saying that's reasonable for a star on that level and with that work load, but I don't know what universe he's living in where he and his family can't get by on that.

Couldn't hang with the wolves.

Based Henry Actually making Sense in Regards to Race for once.

not his fault they booked him like a geek for 15 years. hes an elite talent, one of the top tier amateur wrestlers, has the look, sex appeal, build, promo skills.
hes the single biggest wasted talent ive ever seen in the wwe

He's on prime time TV, apart from those stupid reality shows, I doubt many others are on less.

by who?
fake tough guy faggots like New Jack who never made a dime?

Mark nailed it by saying it's not at all a race issue. It's an ego issue. Lio is not special just because KANGZ and SHEIT.

Not defending rush, just saying. I think even ahmed has said it.

>ahmed aka another entitled bulbasaur who thought he was above it all cause of the color of his skin
this is how their culture works: if another brother gets success that they don't have, they're a traitor and uncle tom.

I’m almost certain that the person leaking shit on him was fucking or wanted to fuck Emma, and now they are just trying to get him fired.
Regardless though, the guy is a tool. I put this to my fellow wagecucks - how do you think your workmates would react if you brought your gf and mates to work with you and they hung around in the locker room and break room? They would think you were a weird fuck.

Hey, looks like you were right.

Difference between a formal office environment and a casual locker room

Wives are one thing, friends are another. Lots of wrestlers brought their wives on the road.

>he would be a millionaire spending his wisely.
>a nigger
>a DUMB nigger
user, I...

> lol Sasha stop getting mad about fake titles in this fake fighting sport. None of this is real, just shut up and quit being a mark for yourself.
> hey Leo, you have to show respect to the "veterans" and do manual labor for them and the because the only thing that's real in this fake fight sport we're both paid to do is the inane, utterly needless culture of hazing.

Did you bootlickers also support Scott Da'more stripping NXT candidates Naked and making them wrestle for no reason?

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True, but it’s still weird. Also sets dangerous precedents ie “he can bring his wife but why can’t I” bullshit potential down the road

people defending this are prob the same fools that were up in arms when that one MLB player a few years ago retired because the White Sox told him he couldn't bring his son to work with him literally everyday.

leave your family at home.

Lio can talk, which makes him better than 99% of the roster and fuck all that old school carny shit. This guy needs to keep doing what he's doing.

People accept it because the WWE does 5 shows a week and employs dozens of wrestlers. They love the company and think it would be too much of a drain on their financials to cover the travel expenses of their wrestlers. They also have this planted in their head, while they don't always think about it when this comes up it's just sitting there being a barrier that stops logical thinking when it comes to this issue. I'm sure official WWE employees like the camera crew, referees, production etc. aren't paying for travel expenses.

>people defending this are prob the same fools that were up in arms when that one MLB
Stopl right there. I can't name a single MLB player let alone have opinions on anything involving them, fuck your meme sport lmao

did you even read the story guy? fucking morons on this board

get a job and then complain when they make you bring coffee to the boss


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Donta star with your racist poop, i know you wrote the letter N so that others would follow and write the letter I, G and so on until the word Ni***R is form. Not even funny get the F out you racist piece of poop

Looks like Lio has heat with Matt and his skank, this might be what he was talking about in the fightful interview

Also this is comimg from a 58 yeaor old whote american who loves the people of color. I stand with Lio and all those color superstars

>Did you bootlickers also support Scott Da'more stripping NXT candidates Naked and making them wrestle for no reason?

Reading replies to stuff like this is always funny.

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they're all fake tough guys. no exceptions. wrestling is essentially theater + stunt acting.
it's got nothing to do with the kids ego he's 100% right for standing up for himself and not getting caught within locker room hazing disguised as etiquette. if it's not in his contract to be someones personal assistant than they can suck his manlet cock. it's not in his job description. that's how independent contracting works. you get paid to perform a specified tasks that were mutually agreed upon by both parties involved (WWE and Rush). the boys in the back don't run shit and unless someone like HHH, Steph, Vince or anyone considered to be running the show tells you to jump you tell them to kick rocks. He's not even making decent money to be doing the shit he's supposed to be doing. It's 300k over the course of 5 years. that's 60k before taxes and expenses come into the frame. i swear half you goofy mfs are the dumbest lot i've ever seen on 4ch. especially the stupid spic who insists on stanning for whites as if we like you midget shit stains.

Yet its not 60k, its 300k a year. Stop being retarded. Anyone making that kind of money could easily afford the lifestyle. You're just making excuses for someone to battle the big corporate evils, probably while posting from a fucking iphone.

only 60k per year? Look at these cheap asses. You can get a shitty office job like me for that kind of money

But there are no guys in wwe drawing money


Fucking news anchors get around 200k a year. And all they do is read stories. When you're putting your body at risk you should earn a lot more than a news anchor.

How much do you think co struction wkrkers should get paid then? How about the guys that go repair and build oil pipelines hundreds of miles under the sea? Hell, even electricians? How much would you pay these dudes, since danger means more pay?

ask me how i know you've never worked with contracts before. it doesn't say "per year" you god damned moron. watch cornetteys ryback interview to learn how a contract works.

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Already fucking clarified in the thread you dumb shit. Take a shower.

a mistake on part of the OP. im still right bitch

"It wasn't a 60k a year deal"
Yeah thanks for that clarification ya fuckin downo

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People actually watch the news, maybe he should have gone into journalism

>paying respect
Fucking carnies. The sooner this older generation dies off the better.

Kevin Owens, proving that Lio has the ability to piss off every single fat person araound him

You aint right about shit because 300k a year is more than most doctors earn with an 8 year degree.

You're the only one with reading comprehension issues.

i am right you fucking tard. it doesn't matter if doctors make 300k a year. that's fucking before taxes you giblet head. they don't take home the entirety of it. they have an almost 50% income tax so their take home is a little over 150k - the expenses they have to pay out of pocket for travel, lodging, insurance, food, their own outfits and some other goofy shit. get a job ya jabroni and maybe you'll learn how this shit works.

LOL what a nigger, I cannot believe they wanted to even pay him that much.

You are so fucking retarded that you can't even read the fucking thread
Remember too, you get tax write offs for business expenses because they are independent contractors. They legit can right off rental fees and shit. You sound like the one without a fucking clue.

Kek. You know your company is in the shitter when news anchors draw more dimes than you.

>>even your biggest supporter, who is the same race, is calling you out on your bullshit
The guy who's a WWE brand ambassador?

>You are so fucking retarded that you can't even read the fucking thread.
yeah, im retarded for Opetty botching the fucking title. fuck outta here you cornball. unironically take a shower, get an education beyond the elementary level, get a job as an independent contractor to learn how this shit works, and have sex you mong.


seething pussy

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pissing off mark AND lying to his face... oh no no no

lol you busters aint shit

Believing anyone on the main roster is making 60k a year is all on you. It's not even the average salary in nxt and this was already stated in the thread.

Say we ignore that knew me from roh part... this is the person i'd think of next.. just his wolves comment. I like bray but idk I just have this odd feeling he's more into this situation than lets on. he wasnt giving lio friendly advice in that tweet.
ah well all I can do is honestly just sit back and watch things play out

according to some "leaked" salary report the riot squad and tamina were making below 100k
whether this is true or not is up to you. whether it's 60k a year or 300k a year it doesn't justify being someones fetch boy for free. if you think otherwise you're a bitch. full stop.

Even the lowest paid men make more than most of those bitches

He's a a actually doing AEW a favor by not sending over all of the shitters on his roster. The roster is one of WWEs biggest problems

>WWE making 2 billion from fox
>ricochet can't afford to take care of his mother after her house burns down
>Lio can't afford to take care of his family
fucking pay them more money vince

Women do not push merch. Wrestling has always been a male dominated hobby even in vince's own words.
9:50, he clearly values the male perspective and of course males identify more with males.

If you have a real job you won't be doing that kinda shit

matt striker was making less than 60k apparently

You can tell from that link that even most of the male jobbers get paid more than nearly every woman not named Charlotte or Ronda.
Lol why would you think a guy is getting paid 60k a year when the lowest paid man is on 200k?
Titus and Apollo are on 300k a year and that's the figure being mentioned for Lio, who was on TV more than either of them
You're a straight up brainlet to be using that link for reference and still have thought they were offering him 60k a year.

1998 was 21 years ago.

becky is currently the top merch seller supposedly

Not only that, he's also legit complaining about not working live events. It's a fucking travesty. At this point vince just needs to let him go because the arguments dont add up. His current role takes less bumps than anyone getting nearly as much tv time. He's not savvy to the business.

read what i posted last you tard and matt striker was supposedly making less than 40k when he first came up. kys you brainlet

According to fucking who? amazon pop funko stats?

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only if the wrestlers he made strip were females

That was 15 years ago

merchandise is an irrelevant to how modern WWE generates revenue
WWE makes a huge amount for profit from tv rights
they can afford to pay all the wrestlers more money

He can't possibly be privy to those numbers They aren't broken down by any official source. Purely speculation. Even if that WAS true, this is statistically the worst period wrestling has EVER had.

This is the same company that black listed people for trying to start a union and hide behind the independent contractors shit. They don't want employees to have any leg up on them.

But lio rush? a glorified mouth piece? You kidding right now? Lio is just is not the right build. fucking pac aka nevelle has a better physique.

it doesn't matter if it was 15 years ago. wwe's contracts have remained consistent for as much as 20+ years. as far as inflation goes...

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Man it's depressing watching this through.
>2 guys in underwear in a 20x20 ring wrestling is awfully boring
Twenty years later that's all his company fucking does. The entertainment is gone. Has he forgotten everything he knew? Vince needs to go back and listen to his younger self.

>wwe's contracts have remained consistent for as much as 20+ years
>lowest paid guy now is on 4x as much as Striker was

based hall of pain man neutering this nerd

>I don't like one guy so it's okay for a billionaire to fuck every wrestler over

I've been in a similar situation to Mark where someone that I was helping get into my industry was making alot of enemies out of good people. He basically told me the same thing, I considered it a lie. If someone is clearly having problems and can't even be man enough to say "i think these guys are a bunch of dumb pricks" then you can't do anything to help them.

how do you know lio is the lowest paid guy? there are for sure others lower than lio like breeze, mojo, no way jose. the list goes on.

Mark Henry is a Uncle Tom shilling for his mastera

based. financially illiterate user BTFO

One where WWE is trying to sign up everybody so they can't go to NJPW or AEW. It's the only form of leverage the talent has right now, demand money so that if you're gonna be locked down for five years, you're at least compensated well.

WWE is getting billions of dollars from their TV deals and they Saudi blood money, the talent is allowed to try and get some of that to secure themselves, regardless of where you think they belong on the card.

very interesting. quite the look into vinces head in 98.

haha. a white fatty burger calling a black man an uncle tom.

Yep my race doesn’t matter but his does

The lowest paid guy on the link you provided was on 200k. I never said it was Lio. They offered him 300k. The fact no one was on less than 200k a year yet you thought the 300k was for 5 years at 60k a year is why we were arguing bruh

>vince refering to his company as one of the last independant companies left in regards to wcw

I wouldn't have a problem with someone bringing their spouse if they weren't a distraction, you're on the road, it's not a crime to want to be with the person you love. But if he's bringing his entourage, yeah, that might work my nerves a little.

Having said that I think the thing about him bringing tons of friends might be bullshit.

This is probably the best time since the Attitude era to try and shake down Vince for money

yeah white people dont matter. a few more years they’ll be gone completely. kek

I literal guarantee you are wh*te. No one else says this shit but your own dumb asses.

Who gives a fuck if lio rush is in either? I don't even like dean but even I can admit after wwe cultivating he's a property of value. Lio rush is irrelevant.

based Rush sandbagging these carnies
hilarious that they think they can enforce some kind of pecking order where newdicks get hazed ("pay their dues") when they're too big of pussies to do anything more than be passive-aggressive twats when someone steps out of line

This is like the equivalent of working in a cubicle office and the middle manager leaving a sticky note on my desk telling me to get in the front-leaning rest because I left the minifridge by the water cooler open. Of course I'm going to not do that shit and laugh in his face. If they want to pretend they're professionals, then that kind of initiation bullshit has no place in the locker room. If they want to be carnies, then they have to have the balls to actually enforce their rules.

Pretty much. My dream scenario is the wrestlers threaten a walkout before the first SmackDown on Fox to get some money and perks from Vince.

Then they can fire his ass. He told them they can release him and we can find out. I betcha they're not gonna do it, though.


that was a really interesting watch... I really love seeing into people's heads and that gave me alot of insight

Would anyone even recognize him in an airport? Or anywhere else?

haha. can’t a white man shit post on an Bolivian anime image board? you triggered snowflakes are no fun.

They so want to be a respectable family friendly entertainment brand but they refuse to let go of this carny bullshit. Vince will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a dead football league TWICE because he so desperately wants to be known for something besides wrestling, but he lets shit like this go on backstage. It's pathetic.

I would mistake him for fucking etika

i posted another link where striker was listed at below 60k. i figured you were implying that lio was the lowest paid. and someone else mentioned that there weren't any males being paid under 100k. i thought it was 60k until someone brought up that OP is a moron and worded the title as if he was being paid within that margin. when someone offers you a 300k five year deal it means 300k over the course of 5 years which is 60k a year. semantics matters.

Would anybody recognize him in the sweltering summer of 1974 plus 18?

They'd probably ask him if he was lost and knew where his parents are

Based manlet.

I'm liking Lio more and more each day. He honestly gives no fucks.

>t. wagecuck

I'd love to know the yearly earnings of every poster on Yea Forums. I'd be so embarrassed, socializing with poor people I wouldn't bother to spit on irl, I'd leave forever.


>I'd love to know the yearly earnings of every poster on Yea Forums
I'll start. $0

you not sufficiently traumatized by the plurality of the posters here who fetish black males having sex with white women, black males gang raping white Male, a disgustingly ugly white trailer park trash white girl named Izzy? that's ok, its the low earners who break your back?

Lio is fuckin based

Also he has a right to protect his integrity. Let those niggas get thirst lmfao

Somewhere between 6 and Graham’s Number


Mark, is a fucking mark and a house nigger too.

Is Lio Rush the Jesus of Wrestling Rn. Unjustly persecuted, destined to be sacrificed for the sins of E dronez

E Drones should be forced to have their asses soaped up by JBL and then take it in the ass by Pat Patterson for the sake of Tradition and paying dues.... they probably really enjoy that though

hey I clean toilets and empty the trash for a living, it’s the best I can do

also AEW rules


Fucking niggers

>So Lio nigs that its not about race but he doesnt want to be seen doing work because the perception he's a slave in 2019? And thinks the moniker 'superstar' means equal footing to Roman, AJ, Seth, Miz etc
>White guys get on with it...

Not that it wasnt expected that others were 'getting on with it', but he's not doing himself favors using race and perception to 'get out of work'

NXTs too good for him, send him to another affiliated fed for a few months until he learns a little humility

another group isn't gonna make him carry water bottles or travel 5 days a week so he probably won't be mad over it

If they send him to one of their pet UK feds, he'd be away from all their carny hazing bullshit and he'd be in one location so he wouldn't have to pay for travel.

they rolled out the red carpet for aj, roman and seth as soon as they hit the main roster. miz has taken it in the ass for years until people started respecting him. it wasn't a guaranteed thing either. they could fuck with you for years and you'd still never get anywhere. fuck them and there faggot ass fraternity bullshit.


Lio is doing what a bunch of guys did during the Attitude Era
only teenagers think he's wrong for speaking up and wanting to further his career

Isn’t it ironic the uncharismatic anti draws are kicking up a fuss about someone else not carrying their bags. This tradition probably started when the top stars were men who were to be respected, doesn’t apply anymore. If Finn Balor was around in the Attitude era he’d be carrying bags for the entire time.

>Trips: So how's Lio doing?
>other fed: yeah... About lio... He just keeps saying... WHHHY?

Nobody did this in the attitude era, Austin the biggest draw of all time left for about 2 minutes and it was treated like JFK dying

Bret did it
Shawn did it
Undertaker did it
The Rock did it
Austin did it
The fucking Godfather did it

Bitch, this goes WAAAY back. Harley Race even had a feud with Ron Simmons over Ron carrying his bags when he first got into wrestling (Harley called him "gopher" as in gopher this, and gopher that). You fucking zoomers don't know shit about how this business works, no wonder you have no respect!

nice one user I thought I was one of the few that remembered that happening. alot of stations when they did that one promo bleep out what he says so it sounds worse than it was.
ahh man good times

Ha, people gonna call us samefag, but fuck it... how does anyone (you or I) even remember it?!! It was such an obscure event/feud. Seriously, I didn't even watch that company (it's either wcw or nwa), but I remember that happening cause I remembered King Harley Race from his WWF days. So weird. But yeah, the point is this Lio Rush shit ain't nothing new or even worth caring about.

>300k a year for 5 years
>turns it down and becomes a mark for himself

I liked his work with Bobbo but he can't make it on his own.

Also, to follow up here, I think that culminated in Simmons becoming the first black wrestling heavyweight champion (back when Kofi was still jerking off into tubesocks). Zoomers would be mondboggled to realize everything happening now already happened years and years ago and they're willingly being worked.

>where in a big nigga threw a manlet nigga on a fountain
you mean Mark Henry vs Andrade?

>only teenagers think he's wrong
wrong. only zoomers and neckbeards think he's right. if you've ever had a tight group of MALE friends, played any organized team sport or are just generally a well adjusted young man, you understand doing a little bitch work here and there early on is paying dues and proves you can be one of the boys.

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yeah that comment was so ignorant I didnt even bother replying to it earlier

Even hhh carried bags. Lio thinking he's above the business despite being a valet and working less dates than even the women.

>yeah that comment was so ignorant
find the "ignorance" for me lil guy. which part of that is even remotely objectively incorrect?

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You're getting worked.

It's so hot here anons I think I'm going to die, it's 76 degrees outside right now

>if you've ever had a tight group of MALE friends
I did, and nobody ever did any sort of bitch work. You're a flaming fag.

Sounds like wwe is run very badly and should establish a protocol to prevent situations like this

this. never had to do any of that shit and i played baseball, football and lacross all throughout highschool + some college. real wrestling as well.

idk ive always known... ever since I was a kid I remember knowing about that and seeing the promo on a vhs tape....and it being bleeped out and this never black champ is all a working work.

Blalhahahaha!!! Man, you got my 'member berries going, I had to Google it. Harley did call him an N-Bomb or at least in kayfabe. No wonder it was burned in my brain!

I also member them referring to Simmons as a "Florida State football star" all the time, like all the fucking time, like it was a bigger credential than being a 10 time champ in Japan. I must have watched WCW for a little bit after all, cause I named one of my GI Joe's "Super Invader" - now I know why.

Any zoomheads, need to watch this link to understand boomer mentality. In our day, Lio Rush was a 6'3" 300 lbs monster who didn't cry on twitter about carrying bags - he knocked the based white man (and Asian Virgil) out!!!

Shame what happened to the first ever black World Champion...

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1800 Euros a Month/14wages per year, by working as a researcher. Soon I'll get a better job moving into Belgium. And you are a faggot.

Blackfag here
I would carry bags, cook, clean, and pick cotton from a field daily if someone gave me 300k a year
If he really turned that down as a newbie wrestler that was expected to carry a few bags simply to pay dues, then he's an idiot

>this. never had to do any of that shit and i played baseball, football and lacross all throughout highschool + some college. real wrestling as well.

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Euros? Belgium? Who the fuck is this geek? Seriously, why do non-american faggots watch USA wrestling. You didn't contribute. You didn't help. You're just mooching off the USA ever since World War I. Go fuck yourself you gap teeth balding bitch before we bomb your wannabe American ass back to Yugoslavia!

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I wrestled on an all-state team in high school and the only thing anywhere close to this was us all bleaching our hair before the state competition. Nobody had to do bitch work for anyone else.

>$300k over 5 years
>have to be on the road 24/7 for 5 straight years, constantly get either humiliated and forgotten and left off TV entirely
>have to pay for all of your own travel
>have to book all of your own travel
>have to pay for hotels
>have to pay for insurance
It’s literally not even worth it.

Amerimutt SEETHING

Have we established if its 300K to total over 5 years, or if it is 300k per year for 5 years.

I find it hard to believe they would only offer someone 60k a year to be on national TV.

$300k a year for 5 years. Anyone who said otherwise is just false flagging troll trying to maliciously claimed that WWE is paying their wrestlers the same as what Impact wrestlers get.

And that's just the guaranteed money. Meaning money just to sit at catering and do house shows. They make more if they work all the TVs and PPVs. Not including merch, meet and greets, commercials and appearance on network shows. Most will end up making double their guarantee every year if they didn't get injured and triple if they work 250+ dates for WWE.

Great comeback!


There’s no way they offered Rush $300K a year.

Why? even the bottom of the barrel guys are getting $250k a year. $300k a year for 5 year is still a shit deal IMO especially with the new TV deals. $300k a year for 2 or 3 years would be more than fair for someone like Lio, he can leave if he thinks he can make more elsewhere. But as a starting point, $300k is a lot, I doubt Sami Zay and Balor are making $300k a year after they first debut in the main roster

Note: because Zayn and Balor got a long term injury less than 6 months after their debut and didn't work the rest of the year.

Rush is a no dime getting mark. Fuck that midget


Mutt seething

Based asf user giving all the neck beards and shut in autists here some much needed arm around the shoulder advice. Just because your IRL dad is bitterly disappointed in you don't mean other well adjusted user would still try and try to help.


>I also member them referring to Simmons as a "Florida State football star" all the time
It's the South, bro, that's a big deal there

my father would be severely disappointed for not standing up for myself and being someones little bitch boy. imagine kissing someones ass and playing errand boy and believing you're "paying dues". AJ payed dues by wrestling all over the world and making a name for himself. Picking up no dimes lazy shitters stuff for them is bullshit. Imagine "paying dues" to some faggot in this era who hasn't drawn a single dime in their entire career, but have the luxury of trying to politic a mf around because they have seniority in the company. If you think that's paying dues unironically abort yourself from life. The only ones who should be even pulling that are Orton, Lesnar, and Cena because no one on the current roster is a fuckin draw. Plummeting ratings are all the proof you need.

wwe wants it both ways, it wants the family friendly corporate side for those quarterly earning calls and the carny side for the boys in the back. I can guarantee you that George Barrios isn't carrying shit for anyone or any of the suits gets involved with any carny bullshit

I will never understand what Matt sees in that woman. She's a complete psychopath.

I don't really have much of an opinion on the Lio Rush thing, except for the bag thing. I wouldn't carry a bag for anyone. Fuck that. I'd be fine with paying my dues by eating pins, jobbing, etc. But, I'm not a slave for anyone who isn't directly paying me.

>have to pay for all of your own travel
>have to book all of your own travel
>have to pay for hotels
>have to pay for insurance
Not really, those are all business expenses and get deducted from their taxes, so if they weren't paying for them, they would just be giving that money to Uncle Sam anyway.

>Yokozuna drew money

Is Mark Henry legit retarded?

I would unironically love to smash this sluts face in with 50lb plate and then hate fuck the wounds. Matt should get rid now he isn’t a fat simp.

Leaders don’t pay dues. It’s cool that you’ve always been the bitch of your social circles. But that’s all you’ll ever be, if you carry yourself like that. I say this as a 30yo boomer. Walk hard or be walked over faggots

KEK I agree with this. Out of all the shitposting on this board, why the fuck did money talk set him off? Everyone on this site is an bottom tier AI or jew until proven otherwise.

>Euros? Belgium? Who the fuck is this geek?

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Well, he is black.

Matt shards, is who it is and his tranny looking wife.