But seriously, user, would?

But seriously, user, would?

Attached: d1B4A23vN1E.jpg (310x619, 96K)

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Can you blame Vince?

Attached: dfcexRbYnd8.jpg (354x660, 114K)

I'm not gay but look at him

Attached: Y8PLcDI_rko.jpg (355x708, 106K)


That's some nice shaved ass

I legit thought that was Ronda from the back. Just shows how manly she is.....or how feminine Shawn is


Why was Shawn a sex symbol? His body was fine but his face was fucking busted, he looked like an alcoholic truck driver even back then. It only got worse as he got older and felt the effects of the pills.

Shawn was a beautiful man

Attached: 1516833862243.gif (350x261, 2.81M)

>I'm not gay
stop living a lie



>Shawn "The Heartbreak Kid" Michael

My butthole worked into a ding dong dilly shoot

Basically Shawn

Attached: 1524070820684.png (270x344, 52K)

i don't remember this - why was he going over handbanger thrasher?

You didn't know headbanger thrasher tried to cash in his mitb while Shawn casually played strip poker?

I swear for a second I thought that was Ronda Rousey

Kek, me too


i still do...well at least for the next 5 minutes

Prime Shawn Micheals could fuck everyone you ever loved, (Including your Dad) and be so high on great 90s style drugs that he'd never even remember it.

You are a faggot if you don't see how beautiful he was

wait a minute does that nigga shave his ass

damn that's why I clicked on it too

What the fuck happened to him? He looks like a methhead now and can barely form sentences.

Attached: HBJUSTjpg.jpg (696x392, 26K)

>What the fuck happened to him?
literally getting old


Age, concussions, booze, and drugs.