Does she browse Yea Forums?

Does she browse Yea Forums?

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it's true tbf

she's the yoshi spammer or the stone cold socialist

She's the Big Daddy poster.

Hillary is and will always be a jobber to the stars. Jobbed for her husband, jobbed for Obama, jobbed for Trump. Get the fuck outta here. Women were never a draw.

Based Hilldawg still works Trumpcucks into a seethe. I'd say she's probably the Hell Yeah meme poster.

Only boomer-tier Trumpfags still give a shit about her. To everyone else she’s just rotting away in a home somewhere.

We're gonna act like the vice versa isn't true as well?
She lost to a guy who was hated by the media, had sexual assault allegations against him and was caught on tape talking about grabbing pussies
That'll haunt her to her death

>Only boomer-tier Trumpfags still give a shit about her.
and drumpf himself

Rent free trumptard

And who should care about him? Politics is dying to a lot of people. This next election is going to be really cynical, all you have is Trump, washed-up corrupt democrats, and weak ass Bernie. The Yang meme died in a month.

she went into an alcoholic driven rage after the results and didn't even had the balls to do a concession speech

Based Hilldawg working the clumpflings.

I mean she's not wrong

It was a work, user

Didnt this bitch die

She’s so desperate to stay in the spotlight it’s sad.

You just know she goes to bed crying every night knowing she will never be president.


she's aiming at that 2024 run

Bad orange man constantly brings her up so it's not at all surprising that it goes the other way around.

She's not wrong

The only reason Donald Trump is so obsessed with her is because she's his one note-worthy victory in the past 3 years LMFAO

She's already been President for 8 years, user

>hillary ran shit from behind bill's back meme
If that were true she wouldn't have let the world find out she was a cuckquean. She may have thought she controlled him but she learned her place
Bill may have been foolish but he was not a yokel

>Stone Cold Socialist
It all makes sense now

Rent free is a normie meme now.

she made the ultimate heel turn in the battle of benghazi PPV

shes pretty much the female cm punk

Legit bro don't forget asking the electoral voters to swing. It literally changed my mind on them, the video with the b stars emotionally trying to get voters to change.

>How do you do fellow kids, haha rent free amirite? Is this is how the kids meme?
When will this lizard just fucking die already?

>he doesn't know she got off on the public humiliation
beggin ya to get a ding-dong diddly clue

kek that was such a fun time and none of those fags moved to Canada or Mexico like they said the would

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Election night 2016 was probably the most I'll ever laugh for the rest of my life. The reaction of all the lying media fucks, and knowing Hillary was probably throwing vases at peoples heads and screaming at the top of her lungs was the best.

the literal queen of RENT FREE

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