I work for WWE, and the higher ups have been gossiping about Vince getting sued by the stockholders very soon

I work for WWE, and the higher ups have been gossiping about Vince getting sued by the stockholders very soon.

Pic kind of related, since Dolan is a jackass as well

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Oh boy, you really don't want to get on this fucker's bad side

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How does Cathy smell like?

user asking the hard hitting questions right here


the fucking state of his fivehead


Good. Give this old fart a heart attack


Hey guys it's me: Baron Corbin, here. Ask me anything haha

The guy who will be running the company after Vince dies.

LOL you're bald

Hey the Miz here, everyone is actually busy trying to figure out whoever this Jon Moxley jabroni that Google has been shilling is

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kys u scooby doo eye havin motherfucker

wouldn't be the first time
You could pretty easily argue that the sharp decline in ratings is Vince's fault and it risks the Fox deal. Losing them now would cripple the company.

Would be based

If Vince was kicked out, this holding company would then run WWE

And I should be afraid of him because?

How does Cathy smell like?

They would not.
Vince would be able to transfer his controlling share to someone else.


>Vince giving away all of his money and power

Based Dolan working Knicks and Ranger fans into seething shoots

what a poetic end that would be.

Fuck you James
t. Knicks fan

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I'd laugh if that actually kills the WWMEME

one day, bros....one day

aren't the Knicks getting KD? Why are they so upset

I work for nintendo, AMA

When is Senran Kagura Peach Ball coming out in the west?

>tfw company I work for is being sued by shareholders because the CEOs keep diluting the stock to raise quick cash
>tfw company is broke as fuck and keeps cutting corners to save money

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this summer.


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I met her once. She smells like strawberries

>I like Spike Lee's favorite team
That's going in the cringeola collectionola

Shut the fuck up white boy

Attached: noggin'.jpg (474x565, 33K)

Sued for what dipshit?

Seethe darkie seethe

that would be great if it happens

why would you want to role play as a black man on the internet?


>what is IV

Get fucked, poorfags. Learn the market