>It's OK when Japan does it
It's OK when Japan does it
I don't watch Japanese wrestling, so I don't care
Blacks are just sawft. It’s why you can buy them for $200 in open air slave markets in Libya.
Does this nigga not know of how Millions of Japanese Young People completely hate A LOT of Conservatives aspects In Japanese society?
A lot of Japanese Men and Women literally refuse to marry because of how strict family culture is in Japan
That's 2 completely different contexts. One is building respect and teaching discipline (also something you knew you were getting into) the other is one just being racist lol
And there you have it, racism will always exist due to cunts like this.
>It's OK when it's just like in my animes and they make out after
Young Lions get it A LOT WORSE than carrying water and bags.
At least WWE has no more Benoit or Holly or idiots like those
Westerners are soft af, let the boy work and pay his dues.
This. Before Tanahashi came up and beat any old fuck that dared big-leaguing him Young Lions were basically murdered by the trainers (maybe 2 died for real)
But whites also have to carry whites and blacks bags. That's just how it is. That's equality faggot!
>all japs look the same so it's okay
>whites & blacks are different so it's not okay
why does this guy see everything through color?
Yeah, that's bullshit. Classic SJW being too cowardly to impose his bullshit on other cultures like he does on his country.
If you're an SJW, have the balls to criticize Japan when it does the same thing. Or more importantly, Muslims. That's the kind of SJW that I can respect.
>This. Before Tanahashi came up and beat any old fuck that dared big-leaguing him
based Tana
If look at it culturally, bulbasaur-americans used to do it before, it's basically going back to your cultural roots.
And around 2007, I removed the large portrait of NJPW’s founder Antonio Inoki from the dojo. My excuse was “Now that he’s not here anymore, why don’t we take it off already?” (Although it’s a common notion that “Tanahashi removed the portrait”, it was actually the manager of the dojo Kuniaki Kobayashi who had done it.)
He is just using PC bullshit to get away with being a lazy shitter.
A few years ago a bunch of lazy shitters did the same shit to get Bill DeMott fired.
Bringing up race is retarded. However, in Japan the people who do this are specifically trainee wrestlers and a lot of their jobs as part of the crew end up teaching them how shit works as well as respect for their superiors. Nobody is demanding that Shingo or even Robbie Eagles do this shit just because they're new to the company. Likewise, Lio Rush is on the main roster, he isn't a trainee. Either the WWE can have some Performance Center guys tour with them to do this stuff or they can hire a backstage crew to do these tasks. They're supposedly a multi-billion dollar company, they can afford it.
>Implied that every newfag is obligated to do these menial tasks for the boys because of muh tradition
>It's raycis because a nig nog has to do it
Fuck this faggot and anyone else who thinks like this
Aleister Black was literally cleaning the locker room after every show during his first european tour with WWE. One person has a boss mentality while the other has a slave mentality. Nobody can make someone feel less than other than themselves.
I really doubt all that shit it's still going.
You only have to stop bringing outsiders to the locker room and reunions, it's not that complicated.
that's a totally different thing.
Cleaning, helping the ring crew or selling tickets it's just part of the job
senpai-kohai is literally how they do things from school on to adulthood, its not just animes
the very nature of this discussion implies some level of autism is involved
also this
Not per se, just people who don't know that you have to earn your value in a new place rather to be expect full privileges from day one
>uses fake racism to escape the wwe gulag
He is the smartest out of all of them, Sasha could have used this and escape too.
How about treating people the same regardless of skin colour. If a white guy can carry some fucking bags why can't a black guy?
>It's only ok to bully and treat someone like a servant if they're the same color as you
What did they mean by this?
>muh optics
>muh social inequality
twitter has brought a level of cancer upon the world that will be difficult to recover from
>it does not transplant well
Why is he such a tryhard and can't just say translate well like any other person
Nigga DeMott literally harassed rookies, he deserved to being called out for his bullshit
Has there never been a young Korean wrestler in Japan who was made to do this? Because that would arguably be worse actually.
It's a wrestling company not a dick sucking contest. If you can't take that kind of pressure you're in the wrong place.
OVW and FCW actually generated stars and the PC hasn't done jack shit. That shit works, busta.
The Yakuza protects the koreans, and the Otaku will call them out for being racist if they do anything bad to a korean so no, they will never hire a korean
That's called being young bro, then you grow up and realize your elders were right. NJPW made tons of stars in the past few years back to back so I can't say anything they are doing is bad. WWE on the other hand has to take a look at the fact that since Cornette left they haven't had a single new draw developed under them.
I would argue, that the subset of culture we're looking at gives a radically different view. Within pro wrestling, how many white wrestlers have done the same exact thing? Being accepted into the cultural norms of that small group actually transcends race until the race card was played as excuse.
However, working the ring crew, setting up chairs, and doing the menial tasks that make a show happen is something that happens on your way up. For it to still be happening in WWE is kind of strange. If they were trained "in house" like the Japanese feds being mentioned, is one thing, but even most NXT guys came up somewhere else.
>OVW and FCW actually generated stars
They really didn't. Jim Ross scouted stars, OVW/FCW did dick-all with them, they got called up while still obviously green, and they only really got better on the main roster. WWE has never had a good developmental program, even today everyone worth a shit is coming from the indies first.
I don't get how a grown man touching you in the dick and saying he's going to rape you in the shower makes you a star but ok dude go on
Based Lio Rush making Vince and Co. sweat about a PR nightmare
Happens all the time in Hollywood.
Blacks hate white people.
Film at 11.
Because muh undertones. Regardless it's a pretty cuck thing and I doubt people like Lesnar or even fucking Ahmed Johnson was carrying people's bags when they first got in the WWE. It's a power thing and if you think its because it's a show of respect then you're seriously deluding yourself with the 'paying your dues' meme
Maybe every country should be racially homogeneous? That would eliminate racism altogether.
that's funny because Rich Swann in Dragon Gate many years ago did young boy work for his senpais
Cornette Era literally taught pro-wrestling philosophy to everyone, had them come up with gimmicks and forced them to get over or gtfo. The guys working literally had to draw a house and build fanbases.
Jim Ross didn't have the same success but it's arguable he didn't have enough control but I don't know as much about that.
It's not magical coincidence that in a small time period they developed Cena, Orton, Batista, Brock, and more then suddenly Cornette and co. leave and they never produce anything on that level ever again despite spending twenty times as much time, money and manpower. NJPW runs a similar operation to some extent and coming out with new stars as well.
It's okay when both Japan and the US do it actually. We need more bullying in society, everyone has gotten too soft. Also, white wrestlers who actually drew dimes (unlike Lio ever will) had to do this in the past. And even if Lio was right, he didn't need to be a little faggot and cry about it publicly. But that's what happens when the marks become the performers. Little midget thinks he is worth something because he has a shirt nobody wears and did some laughable no sell on a ladder powerbomb in a bingo hall a while back.
I personally think it's even more of a cuck thing to whine about it to wrestling news reporters instead of handling it like a man
>OVW and FCW created stars
Literally only created the big four(batista, cena, lesnar, and orton) and everyone else in it's entirety was a damn jobber for velocity. NXT isn't a developmental program either. AGAIN WWE has no developmental program.
Yes, because who can forget multi-time world champions The Prototype Cena, The Leviathan Orton, and Blue Chipper Babyface Orton, as well as noted tag team specialist that does flips Brock Lesnar.
Cornette did absolutely jack shit with the talent he was given and wants to pretend he made even the slightest impact in their careers.
>NJPW made tons of stars
Name one that's international.
If you're talking recent: Hiromu Takahashi.
Jay White
Okada and Naito
Michael Elgin
The Memeblade Jay White
All those guys were over with their gimmicks. Again, never saw guys like that again after OVW.
Anybody that is in the IWC knows them and regards them as top guys. Top ranked matches from all sites including this one have Okada in the top spot.
Literally only created the top four guys WWE produced since the AE? Okay.
Again. I said one that was international.
>Sold out MSG
Holy fucking dimes.
Based retard getting BTFO
Sold out the Australia tour too
And yet ask any normie who they are and they'll look puzzled while quickly to answer if you ask them instead about Cena or Reigns
>All those guys were over with their gimmicks
Then why, with the sole exception of Orton who failed horribly as a babyface every time they tried it, didn't they keep those gimmicks in the main roster? Answer: because being over with a garage full of hillbillies is not the same as actually being over, and all those gimmicks sucked ass. And again, when they got to the main roster every single one of them was still green as fuck proving OVW wasn't showing them how to actually work a proper fucking match without relying on hokey territory-era gimmick bullshit.
Kairi Sane
You're confusing international mainstream attention with internet darlings that only fat sweaty weaboo neckbeards know about
Australia tour has not sold out yet (im going) but the big UK show almost have +7500
Finn Balor and Shinsuke Nakamura.
Look at you and your mental gymnastics.
All literal who's until the joined the E'
>And yet ask any normie who they are and they'll look puzzled while quickly to answer if you ask them instead about Cena or Reigns
>or Reigns
>or Reigns
>or Reigns
Based retard
Also most normies can't even name anyone on the roster not Cena or Orton so your point is doubly retarded
Last year's tour pinhead
weeb losers
Holy cringe. Have sex
>fat sweaty weaboo neckbeards
Yeah, that's all that remains of wrestling fans. Normies don't care because "lmao it's fake and gay."
Aka you have no argument but needed to fire something back and that is the best you had?
Only guys that had mainstream attention or non-fans know are from OVW.
Because first, even if they wanted to keep the gimmick WWE brands everything as their own and create their own gimmicks, everybody knows that. Second, the gimmicks were intentionally developmental gimmicks to make the guys go somewhat out of their comfort zone and still try to make it work. Cena and Orton were proficient when they came to the roster. Batista and Lesnar were rushed up but still carried big pushes that others would have crumbled under. And we know Orton's first few runs were booked poorly at some point, yet he has remained more over than any NXT talent for years and years now. Speaking of NXT who keeps people there until they are veterans, yet somehow they still suck when they come up and they bomb. How exactly did Bayley never learn to hold down a match or cut a promo with all the time and money invested?
Fuck off nigga Sasha vs BayLeno on NXT was pure kino
>t. fatty or manlet who was bullied in school
Kensuke Sasaki killed a man
>D-do you think I'm cool now for defending you, African-American people?
Yeah because they had HHH and about thirty other actual wrestlers plan every second of it to rehearse for at least a month before a decidedly hot crowd. When they have to go on RAW and SD wrestling without rehearsal they stink up the place and when handed a live mic shit their pants and embarass themselves.
Projecting much, incel?
based user BTFO problematic numale autists
based. to say OVW didnt produce stars is weapons grade autism. corny would just tell them " you have 5 minutes to get yourself over, go do it." the PC does not stand a chance of ever even coming close to Corny and co. record.
Not to mention most people don't know Cena and Orton from wrestling but rather from shitty memes
um, HHH in just the last conference call to investors panicking about the shit state of WWE assured them they "produce" superstars when needed. in their DEVELOPMENTAL NXT.
Lio isn't getting room, board, and training in exchange for his work.