This simp is undeniably playing the role of Kenny Omega better than Kenny is. He’s E’s best bout machine...

This simp is undeniably playing the role of Kenny Omega better than Kenny is. He’s E’s best bout machine. Guy carried the entire 205 roster, dragged Nese through two really memorable title matches, and got Dream even more heat.
When will he make main roster? Why does no one here appreciate his greatness?

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Cunt's boring.
based look tho

who is this? looks bland af to me.

I am waiting for him to deliver, no need to hype him at all if he just keeps delivering, the hype will create itself.

He’s more exciting than most of the main roster though

is this guy on raw or smackdown?

Aussie Kenny


Pal Murphy

he's an aussie who really likes Omega/Kota

undeniably based

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too bad we won’t get to see Friend v Lenny in a bout to determine who the true best bout machine is.

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I can see him as an upper-midcarder at worst. just change that shitty attire.

Upper midcard is cool though, he’d at least get (unironically) fun match ups with The Miz and Bryan.

Benny Ortega

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Amigo Bliss

BAsed and friendpilled

Friend Murph

El Amigo Diente Enredarse

Compadre Murphy

тoвapищ murphy

友達 マーフィー

Why did they tease us bros? Why say he’s coming smackdown just to have him no show? Why do this to him and to us, his fans?

Plans change

Literally only as featured as he is cause he's shagging Bliss.

He's a B+ player at best

You're right, he plays the anti draw really well

Probably the opposite. Guys that aren't at the top fucking the hottest girls always get screwed over. Same thing happened to Rusev. Dude joined NXT like 6 years ago and hasnt had his raw or smackdown debut yet despite probably being the only person ever to improve as a wrestler while in WWE

cringing at ya, ya simpola

If you think anyone in WWE, let alone 205 live draws, you are a pure bred mongoloid

He and Cedric were the only reason to watch 205. By definition they were among the few if not the only people in wwe to draw because that brand is going to plummet without them