What's your posting gimmick on Yea Forums?

What's your posting gimmick on Yea Forums?

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I am the guy who always wishes that it were me

Resident trap.

god forbids me to try something new

......Thanks to you I finally figured out how the dems can win the next election on America.

President Trap

I post pictures of my feet

I’m the “exposing the business” guy. I like to complain about exposing the business and then expose the business myself. Also, I’m the “brother joe should be gm of aew” guy.

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I just got range banned from posting images so I guess my gimmick now is the authority forced me to retire.

Post em

I'm the Time To Prep The Bull guy

U got range banned for posting traps probably. So ur gimmick is the Daniel Bryan one where you blame your Pill withdrawal seizure on concussions and get banned from competing. Bryan should have just admitted he was addicted to pain pills

summer of 92

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I post SOS & cuck porn daily.

I need no introduction.

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Cumrag for truckers?



t. Perma Yea Forums jobber

I got range banned for making 1 (one) of the threads in this post .

I'm the guy who always complains about the disrespect modern """wrestlers""" show to KayFabe.

Also the one that says there is no such thing as a Smart Mark or a Smark. Because there isnt

I post random lower midcarders and say "Name a better wrestler." Last time it was Charlie Haas.

Maven > Charlie Hass

I shoot on racists while having sex with copious amounts of women

Sometimes I post like I'm from India and it always goes over and it always works eveybody

I usually point out how the Cerebral Assassin is a top all time draw won the Monday Night War and can still go today as he gets ready to run and indeed save the entire company (again and your welcome)

I roleplay as e-drones and post jerkoff threads