/tjpw/ General

Last thread: 5/3 Korakuen Hall -
Miyu Yamashita vs. Shoko Nakajima
Yuka Sakazaki & Mizuki vs. Natsumi Maki & Hikari Noa
Saki-sama & Misao vs. Tatsumi Rika & Miu Watananbe
Aja Kong vs. Maki Ito
Reika Saiki & Marika Kobashi vs. Riho & Raku
Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino vs. YUMI & Mirai Maiumi
Yuki Kamifuku vs. Thunder Rosa
Yuna Manase, Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Himawari vs. Neko Haruna, Pom Harajuku & Mahiro Kiryu

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Other urls found in this thread:



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All hail the yenmaker

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>It's another agua OP

like something out of a nightmare

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severely concerned with the quality of that outfit, fampai. first Mahiro and now this.

Taishido shopping street matches are pretty cool!

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>biggest show of the year so far
>post this as the op

would anyone be interested in a game thread for tommorrow?

1/4 is the biggest show of the year.

It was also not even on the same level as 2018's so I'm willing to bet Yes Wonderland tops it without trying.

I told people. Pom is very scary

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A fucking korean

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>5/3 Korakuen Hall

At least the undercard is good. Top 3 matches are lame

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who is the big piggy

Shoko's interview from Shupro has been translated.

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Looks like Yuu's first outfit. Wonder if that's an indicator of what they see in her. Especially if she's debuting so fast.

i miss pipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi

>5:34 AM
agua really is here 24/7, yikes

Mahiro Academia

>On top of her natural ability, Yuka’s got that face of hers that just says, “pfft, I don’t even practice!” But the truth is she works twice as hard as anyone else. I didn’t notice the huge gap between her mindset and my own until the three of us went to wrestle abroad

>Yuka took that really seriously, or at least way more seriously than I did. went into that with a really heavy feeling, at least way more than I did. I noticed that right after the second round. We won that round, but Yuka was still crying her eyes out, because the match itself wasn’t as good as she thought it should be.

>I was satisfied enough just to be wrestling overseas, but it was, like, just leaving a scratch, just connecting to the next thing. I guess I’d say I was amazed to see Yuka’s will to take that next step to really spread the name of TJPW further.

Attached: yuka1.jpg (750x562, 70K)

>We won that round, but Yuka was still crying her eyes out, because the match itself wasn’t as good as she thought it should be.
I couldn't love Yuka-chi any more than I already do. I want to be that fan who yells YUKACHI all the time at the shows. I want to move to Japan, just to be able to lend my energy to her.


god i hate that guy

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The whole interview from Shoko is really good, guys. Go read it.

>Shoko exposing Anguirus as a jobber kaiju that she identifies with

her whole Anguirus thing is the most perfect gimmick ever

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>momo eyebrows

looking forward to it

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>one of their biggest shows of the year and this is the OP we get
For shame...

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I agree. Fuck you OP.

Maybe we can just rocket through this thread.

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>It's an "OPetty throws a tantrum because someone else made the new thread of one of his seven generals" episode

Here is another thread where OPetty threw a fit over someone else making one before him: archived.moe/asp/thread/6481922/#6498415

OPetty tried to keep his old thread alive while another one was ongoing for days, including bumping it from page 10 at 4am on weekdays and deleting his posts shortly after making them to avoid bump limit.

wait why are people saying that Pomu is Korean now?

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who gives a shit

her Instagram profile says "I want to live in Korea some day" on it

I wish I liked Miyu Yamashita more

post your top 5 wrestlers in tjpw right this second

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Namba looks fit again with this new hair style.
Works well with her head shape.
Thought she had peaked and was getting progressively scuffed, but she's found a way back.

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my favorite alumis are azusa and maho

my favorite rookies are himawari and YUMI

What happened here?

Is NEO-biishiki-gun just a Team Rocket rip off?

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platypus looking nigga

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>'When's POI?'

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matt should wear a fedora when he goes to these shows it would make him look $$$DIMES$$$ like one classy motherfucker

Hard to get a real sense of how much of a manlet mattsdl is when you only see him next to 4'8" Hikari Noa. He's getting mogged by 5'8" Japanese konbini workers.

Bii-gun actually wins so I don't get the comparison.

Any links to Mina's gravure?

I'm the other way around. The undercard is quite weak.


Thunder Rosa has already obtained the power of Upper Chop.

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fuck off, Abby rules

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Big Bush Rika

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Big Bush Himawari

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>what they should be
Shoko, Reika, Yuka, Miyu, Maki
>what they actually are
Haruna, Shoko, Hikari, Mizuki, Rika

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She said in an interview that she wants to sellout Ryogoku and do the same in America.

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how much did Yuka cry after the match with Yamashita?

Take a trip through /TJPW/'s memory lane yuki.la/asp/3915570

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It's essential. We need that shit.


whereas now we have
>Generic Rookie #2

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wish me luck, going to get some sleep, it is 22:20 here in central europe and show starts in 04:00
Will be hard day at work, daddeh

Reminder that Maho was just some goth girl before being a zombie. Clown was just a temporary gimmick for someone that's been there since day one that didn't come out of the gate with a goofy gimmick and the hero continuously evolved. I'm not sure what your point is.


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I love Pom Jae Yeon(KR)

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Korea trash out

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Pom is so happy and grateful to be part of TJPW

Thoughts on 4/29 (cherry-picked). Mina-Raku was a basic undercard match, but they got a rise out of the crowd with timely near-falls. There wasn't much to Pandemic Boo Boo-Shin Super Milk Combination, lost steam towards the middle and never picked back up. I did like the set up for Boo Boo's double face buster. Thunder Rosa's debut was very good. She made a strong impression with the crowd and she deployed some fun offense. magical sugar rabbits can probably work a good match with any random pairing thrown at them. Mizuki's dancing was good stuff. [3.25] Enjoyed the feuding between Nodoka and Saki-sama in the semi-main, which added dimension to an otherwise unspectacular tag. Nodoka's been injecting more personality into her performance which is good to see. Main event had promising moments between Miyu and Shoko to preview their title match, but as a whole it was one of the weaker prelude matches.

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Pomu's costume must change.
It's a waste of a beautiful woman.

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It took a little bit of time, but I've warmed to Pom Together they're figuring out how to use her. However, I've soured on Neko and Mahiro has yet to charm me.

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i'm the biggest advocate for good costumes but i think Pom's is the best costume on the roster, it is the perfect vivid attention grabbing get up. like Ito's old red and yellow one. the only thing she's lacking is a good in ring personality

Support Riho.

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currently boycotting Riho because of English commentary ruining my comfy matches

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How old is Yuka?

I suspect Riho is also a secret Korean


Mid twenties

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she's in her mid-60s

This place is a nuthouse.

Excited to see how she does. This new batch of rookies really interest me.

Very strong joshi teeth she's made for this business.

wow that's old

Review of today's suicide attempt (Cherry-picked!)
Mom got me up early again, even though I don't have to be anywhere. I need that extra rest after updating the match spreadsheets. 4 unique views this week, no doubt thanks to my social media efforts. To this day Mom still hasn't been able to name 5 of my best waking nightmares where I yell loudly after Marika finishes puberty and laughs at me. They're horrible to experience and remind me of the 'mono no aware' aspect of this sport but also that my own time is fleeting. I get so sad that sometimes I break down a little and get my Schick (purchased on 2/14/2019 at CVS) to see if maybe feeling pain and being near the end brings me physiologically closer to the wrestlers I support on Twitter, with all the bumps they take, surely I can handle 1/10th of that - or I am not strong enough to be their ally.
I tried writing "Riho" in katakana but I forgot the stroke order, so I just cut repeatedly until self-preservation instincts took over and stopped me. Once I calmed down and cleaned up, I realized I have much to life for - one can't simply end the longest running bout tracker in wrestling history, after all. Oh well, Golden Week is here, and I have lots of writing to do once I read machine translated 5ch for gossip that I can then reform into something resembling a personal opinion. Sayonara!

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I believe that while Mizuk is very cute and unique right now, she will age horribly and be unattractive by her late 40s.

LMFAO this is great

You kidding me. A Korakuen show starts in an hour and I've been up since yesterday.
Might just crash and catch a VOD later.

I thought it started in two hours?

You're right, it says they open to the public a bit earlier than that. I'm still fucked if I dare stay awake for this, so I'll deal with the spoilers on Friday.

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take a 2 hour nap


thank you for cringing and baseding me

No problem man, now unless you want to die post some armpits

don't shoot

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she know

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When's the show?


I haven't overslept.
Please be good.

hopefully Marika doesn't wrestle so you can make it through the show

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the other joshis must look at magical sugar rabbits with fear and envy

Is it starting?

right now, lads!

is it /basedmattsdl/ sitting in the front row?

Yes, he's wearing a Pandemic Boo Boo shirt

Mei-chan is doing merch.

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The blond one seems like she'd be fun to hang in a pub.

not /tjpw/, go ruin another thread

None of these girls could lace Mizuki's idol boots

Hikari has problems with her bra. She should probably fix them before her match, cause we do not want another tit popping scandal in Sakazaki match.

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She doesn't have any tits to begin with

Speaking of tits.
Team "Bigger is Better" right now.

I like Mina's new gear

Who else is doing new gear today?

idk, stay tuned

not enough cleavage

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I wanted to post this as well. Made me laugh.

visible thong line though

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>my feet hurt
>When is Okada coming out
>I just wanted to see a good workrate match
>Is fale going to attack me
>Is Kenny here tonight
>Would it be weird if I sniff really hard right now
>Is tiger mask going to wrestle tonight
>Oh...I guess not...

Attached: wtf is this shit.jpg (610x585, 32K)

Thank you user.

If I may observe the situation:
The new rookie has gargantuan breasts.

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I like her new bootlaces a lot!

She has. Good. We do not need more planks in /tjpw/.

I need pics of said rookie stat

we still don't want you here

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An isolated promotion in a scene where almost everyone is working with each other it seems important to have matches that come off exclusive to you not just based on who's in it.
This is that match and it rules very hard

so if kamiyu is using the fameasser
how long until her and billy gunn start a tag team

there he is

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Enjoying life to the fullest!
That'd be fun.

She's been using it for about a year

Marika is the worst joshi I've ever seen, fuck

don't personally attack agua like that

she sucks but i can't put my finger on why she's bad, she tries but she's like blind to the crowd or something

10 days now looks like a criminally short amount of time to have Thunder Rosa around but at least it's 5 shows she's workinh

she literally does nothing well
and to waste one of those nights on a singles match with Camille

She's doing well in this match I don't know what you're talking about.

well I'm actually watching it, so I do know what I'm talking about.

what the hell have you been watching?

Hard to say that when they both put effort into a good match.

about as good as you can get in a Camille match, but if you only have Thunder Rosa for a small time why not put her against some of the better wrestlers? She's one of the better gaijin they've had in awhile.

I hope she'll be back.

>she sucks but i can't put my finger on why she's bad
she doesn't seem to get that you need to at least try to mask the fact that your spots are carefully choreographed
which makes everything look unconvincing and like it's timed oddly

Let's pray for Itoh now.

Itoh will kill Kong

yeah that's probably due to her low intelligence and dumb brain

this, she's a literal retard and her fan likes her because they/them can relate to that

Reika needs to do something about her temper. Potatoing Raku in the side of the head like that because she got pissed she missed the Shining Wizard was pretty lame on her part.

Itou is going to fucking die
it's not fair she has brain damage and can't make rational decisions

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can't stop roid rage

It looked like shit on Raku's end so you salvage it with a potato. Classic wrestling.

she's doing it for the good of the company. Raku sold like that in the ring for Reika so she tagged her for real

it was the perfect response and it was what Meiko did to Reika at the last korakuen show, she's learning.


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I'm just saying it's not the first time I've seen her get pissy in matches when something didn't go right. I remember a match with Mina from a few months back when Mina mistimed a leapfrog or something Reika spent the rest of the match looking pissed.

Rika going for the niche rib window gear

I'm happy she didn't change much, I like it

Still wearing a diaper.


Attached: Maki Sad again.jpg (660x407, 51K)

would be kino if someone good took the up up shitter's place

I really need to see Rika's back.

this fued better have a Bad End where Rika gets mind broken and becomes a slutty french maid for SakiSama & Misao

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Rika is done

so true it triggers

This was good.
Really good. It hit every storytelling beat it should have. I want to see Watanabe now to prove herself before coming back to Misao feud.

lmfao keep exposing yourself agua


it's time

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That last match was awesome, I've been loving the Dark Misao storyline.
it's always so obvious



This is great so far.

only dull moment was Marika's bits to be honest, great show despite that

Natsumi Maki is a crybaby little bitch

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mattsdl just jumped in the ring and tried to touch Hikari's breast!

Sakisama wants to recruit Mizuki!

Sakisama and Dark Misao vs the MagiRabbits is gonna be DIMES
how fitting lol

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Shoko has to take it.
This is the reason why I woke up.
Comon Kaiju

Of course my internet shits out right before the main.



Miyu where is your new gear

What happened to the new costume, goddamn it.

.... she's loosing?!?!?!?!?!?!?

it's not about the size of the kaiju but the size of the fight in the kaiju



SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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TJPW MOTY no doubt

I am crying ugly tears

We Kaiju Little Battel now boys

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Glad I missed Shoko's big moment thanks shitty ISP.

How did he ding-dong diddly know, lads?

They are using Thunder Rosa to her fullest. Wow, very quick turnaround for new champ.
Go for it Kaiju!

uh oh... should you really be posting on Yea Forums? could ruin your commie cred...

Customary gaijin challenge

>pedokun is on another autistic witchhunt

Really not that dude. I am that rando central European who posts here.

the evidence is concrete

Mirai looked great!

Has gargantuan breasts.

>instantly recalls an obscure weeks-old tweet from some nobody with a few hundred followers on the basis of a vaguely similar phrase
this has passed deep into strata of actual mental illness at this point

probably messaged that guy too kek

i am not that guy but april 26 wasn't weeks ago
it will be, eventually

That are not meant to be sexualized!

Oishi finally did good

Thoughts on 5/3 (cherry-picked). Fantastic debut for the new rookie who showed off great looking lariats and a backdrop. Charismatic underdog vs. monster is a simple enough matchup to tell a compelling story, so I don't know how Ito-Aja failed in doing so. I didn't much care for the match. Semi-main was classical workrate joshi puroresu, high-paced with lots of rope running and aerial offense. Great from start to finish. [4] The main event had sloppy moments in the beginning. I was a nervous that Shoko was going to win the belt with a below average performance, but they improved as things progressed and there's some strong tension and sequences. [3.75]

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he is one of the ringleaders of tranny puro twitter
could be inconvenient if he was exposed for posting on Yea Forums
yes, I am always watching and connecting dots. I never forget.

The Mizuki/Bii-gun tease is interesting but I don't think she'll join.

>one of the ringleaders
either you're full of shit or you have a paranoid obsession with a small handful of completely irrelevant nobodies
or (quite likely) both

Mirai's gargantuan breasts enhance the narrative of her performance.
I think that a large bosom can convey strength.

it's the latter, this is probably the same person that was making "john" threads for something like 4 months straight

1110 claimed.

Definitely. We all know exactly who it is, too.

She was not trained by Oishi.

Thanks. I am the guy who said that he needs to wake up at 4:00 in the morning and then was happy for himself.
Not some weirdo on twitter. And I thought "ugly crying" is normal phrase, not native speaker and all. Is it not?

Who did?

Who is it?
Because it's not me if that's what you're implying.
Never seen this person before and his tweets seem fairly harmless in comparison to some of the most cancerous genefreaks such as mattsdl.

I don't think it's common at all, but it is a normal phrase yes. In fact, haven't seen anyone say that in many months.
all matt does is attend shows and post merch from the ~5 minutes I scrolled his page, I don't know how he works you to this extent

kys phonefag

catching a moderator of r/sc in my web is no small fish
i am 10 steps ahead, and the walls are closing in

I thought that too initially, but he really is the standard Puro Twitter SJW.
I've seen the replies he's made in a number of twitter threads to know the type of shitter he is.

This was once an attractive woman


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>all matt does is attend shows and post merch from the ~5 minutes I scrolled his page, I don't know how he works you to this extent
Dude is in Japan for the second time this year. He is enjoying his life as much as he can. Going to random idol concerts in bars, watching Gatoh Move and other weirdo tiny pro-wrestling.
Buying too much merch (he has already probably spent only on merch more than I did for my whole stay in Tokyo last year) and being happy as fuck.
I don't get why anyone would hate the dude.>I don't think it's common at all
It's not? I'll stop using it then. Thanks.

Guilty looking post.

Yuna is stunning

>I don't get why anyone would hate the dude
when you're a fat weeb stuck in your mom's basement who can't even get joshi to reply to you online, watching somebody else living your dream irl will make you salty as fuck


you're post looks much looks much guiltier given it's mobile format. go head, end your life pussy.

Loving this projection.
I think Bradcat is a cool guy.

Have we really regressed as an imageboard to the point that starting a post with a capital letter means you're a phonefag?

Looks like that's his next target, I wonder what he will use as "evidence" lol

guilty looking post

FYI I've gotten replies from Riho, Yuna Manase, Akiba Siori, Arisu Nanase, Kamiyu, Pinano, Saki Kashima, list goes on.

Wasn't trained by Sayama either if the implication is it's him.

guilty looking post

they still aren't going to fuck you, incel

No, I think she was probably trained by someone working for Sayama, in Real Japan, no?
That's what I thought. Am I wrong?

imagine thinking literally anybody cares

Jels much? >:)

The only way I can defeat mattsdl is by getting fit, becoming a Young Lion, and fucking joshi left and right

They would've said this if it was true. Right now it's just credited as being someone Sayama knew and was close to.
And if a Real Japan joshi trainee was coming up why would the half-trained idol fed be the promotion of choice to land in?

>half-trained idol fed be the promotion of choice to land in?
Where else, tho? If Sayama is friends with Sasaki, why wouldn't he put her into only joshi fed being featured in Sumo Hall on the regular.


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I wasn't getting laid no matter how much I walked around with my chin up and a confident aura. It seemed like in a sea of bitches and whores, not one person saw me for my ideals instead of my looks.
Eventually I learned one simple trick and I didn't even need to pay for it. I looked up the social media account for a wrestler I used to masturbate to, put "chan" after their name, and tagged them with this useful phrase - arigatou gozaimasu. It means a lot of things but when they see it, their insecurities melt away and so does their clothing. Nowadays it's a bother getting to my computer with all the sleeping joshi on the floor, relaxing after a night of intimate discourse on the true merit of selling within joshi puroresu match structure.

Nice projection. We hate him because he's a low test nu-male commie faggot from puro twitter.

nice try buddy

not gonna lie this sucked

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dont forget to dilate, matt

What sucked?

agua has multiple personalities, be patient

>ywn comfort miyu after a fought defeat

Nice to know I've got real estate in ya head.

This fucking sucks

too bad you legally have to introduce yourself to the neighbors once you move in, pedokun

I hate mattsdl, his 10 remaining hairs, and his nightcrawler lips

What does this have to do with TJPW?

fucking destroyed lmao

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So true it triggers projection.


MagiRabbi vs. Boo Boo was MOTN.
NEO & MagiRabbi tease is interesting.
Itoh vs. Kong was good.
Rosa vs. Kamiyu was fun.
Yuu2 looked good.
The ME for the most part failed. I liked the finish, though, great finish. Best part obviously is Shoko got her big moment. I looked forward to seeing her work on top as champion.

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fucking rekt

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No fucking way did Shoko Nakajima win the belt

>Liking someone cute and talented makes you a paedo
Can we please stop this tired narrative in joshi threads?

>NEO & MagiRabbi tease is interesting.

how is this storyline in any different to what Saki did with Asuza last year? Lazy as shit booking

>guys pls stop bullying me!

Because they're going for more than one current roster member. When I heard their plan unfold I was okay with it.

Misao or Sakisama should be aiming for the top belt tho otherwise why Misao join her?

>The ME for the most part failed.

Because Misao's character change doesn't revolve around any of the titles, specifically?

Actually I'm wrong. Because she turned after she lost to Rika, in a match where if Misao won they would go after the TAG Belts.

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fuckin BURIED

So there's really no TJPW or BASARA beer garden shows, huh?

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I know I'm late but FUCK YEAH BIG FANG KAIJU!!

I fucking knew they'd put the strap on her in time for Godzilla KOTM

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did kamiyu speak english in her match today?

She needs better support for those.
This looks painful. I am not a woman, but having such big boobs flying all over the place seems like a bad idea.

Watching the Tag match now..jesus christ Yuka fucked up big time not kicking out the pin..pretty much ruined the whole match. They should have just gone with it. you get pinned you lose.

Why not, Kamiyu is good now

last night's show was really botchy overall
reika's match got fucked up, yuka's match got fucked up, main event was super sloppy (at least it ended properly though)

Raku will be the next to graduate

Yup, even if I can say that it was pretty good show and I enjoyed it a lot, I can still say that top end was botchy.
And I really didn't understand why Pande Boo cannot get the titles now.
Both titles switching was too much?

>main event was super sloppy

was it Shoko's fault?

Getting shot on by a rioded freak was the last straw

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i-i worked so hard to overcome my pitto disease and improve my choppas.
w-why did Reika-shama h-hit me?

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On both sides.
There were some moves that clearly didn't connect.

No, I sorta realised that Miyu wrestles like she's in a computer game.

she's overrated and gets aways with being sloppy because the workrate of the whole promotion in general is pretty low

Why are people happy for Shoko when she isnt even good or interesting?

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For all of the fanfare I didn't see much about the Ito v Kong match.
Maki won? I saw her giving some sort of tearful speech.


sick of miyu

no, it was more or less your standard glorified squash
she did a fairly typical
>frustrated but i'm gonna keep trying
speech at the end, which was admittedly much better than usual because of the fact that it was maki doing it

The thing is, the match ddin't grab me emotionally like other "Maki Itoh bites off too much" matches.
I think it is time for her to move on. She has been racking up wins and this seems like a step back.
I think it is only oen sentence of Maki's story and it is not really an important one, but she is now in this weird place, where I do not see a goal for her. "to improve" is not good enough for her.


new thread

kek agua got the post that annihilated him deleted