ITT: Wrestlers that aren't improving in-ring for whatever reason

ITT: Wrestlers that aren't improving in-ring for whatever reason

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She makes CM Punk look like the smoothest and athletic ring general in history

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>trying to improve from perfection

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Pretty much any woman that came from NXT except Asuka and Ember, in fact, people like The Horsettys, Alexa, Carmella and all the others get worse every year

God I fear for Kairi

This week's WWE SmackDown episode, featuring Most segments with double Champion BECKY LYNCH drew 1.833 million viewers.

This is down 11.5% from last week's 2.072 million viewers and the lowest SmackDown audience for a non-holiday first-run episode in history. The only first-run episode that did worse was the New Year's Eve 2015 episode, which drew 1.658 million viewers and was the final SmackDown on Syfy. This was back when the show was taped and featured Superstars from both brands.

keep seething and crying on Yea Forums, maybe things will change

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AEW will force them to

I really wonder how they justify being so shit in the ring while Asuka and kairi exist. At least Naomi tries. Like do they just say hey but entertainment. Wonder what kairi says you herself when she sees how shit they all are at wrestling

Tama Tonga
Thought this guy could potentially make some noise as a singles guy a few years ago, but I just feel his in ring work has regressed. Charisma and look are there, but I swear he was better a while ago.

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Really thought he was going to stand out in the G1 finally two years ago but he was mid. He actually heat going into last years G1 and he was even worse. The guy is done.

if they would let her drink guinness and call the other women slags, like an actual female stone cold would, it wouldn't matter what her ring work was like

Seth has gotten awful

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AEW can't even get a TV deal without paying for it

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>If she were Martina, she would be good


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>for whatever reason
She's literally got a broken brain.
She's complacent.
Now this guy is the epitome of wasted potential

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Pretty hard to improve when you're on the road for 5 days a week. Lmao she'll learn eventually, hopefully considering Vince wants to push her so hard

Guy is an absolute shitter and he's already 37.

>tfw I'm considering buying a girls nudes from twitter

What do I mean by this, lads?

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>Pretty hard to improve when you're on the road for 5 days a week

Wrestling more means that you should improve ya simp? Why do you think NXT runs the florida loop?

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>criticizing a woman's work

That's very sexist of you. They're perfect just the way they are. Of course, good ol' Vince would never dare.

>I'm a woman.

Internalized misogyny.

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Tama is Roman Reigns but able to work

Becky Lynch is the ratings killer

Should've added "Hard mode: No womemes"

Women's wrestling in WWE is 90% of the times a fucking joke

>I'm a woman
Are you really? Have you relly searched within yourself what gender you identify as? Just because you were born with a vagina does NOT make you a WOMAN. A trans-woman like me who has spent years discovering who she really is, is more woman that you'll ever be.