Could make millions in the midcard of RAW and occasionally main event with the shield

>could make millions in the midcard of RAW and occasionally main event with the shield
>chooses to work for hot dogs and handshakes

Attached: ambrose2.png (562x408, 202K)

unironically great question. unless khan is a total dipshit, there's no way he's gonna make more in AEW

To be happy.

Actually nearly every midcard guy that left WWE in recent memory has made more money for much less dates.

Ambrose did 300+ dates in 2017, user. He also had to pay for his own travel and accommodation. At a certain point your free time has to be valued.

sometimes artists want to make what they want and get sick of doing my little pony commissions from mouth breathers. It's especially easy when they didn't blow through all their commission money too.

it's a long play. He can comeback after a year or two as a bigger star and WWE would give him double or triple the money.

Basically this.
It took him getting a year long injury to figure out that being the company iron man has no monetary value.

Let's see
>Work for WWE
>Work a TV show and 4 house shows a week
>Have to arrange your own travel
>If you're injured time is added to your contract, unpaid

>Work on the indies
>Negotiate your own fees
>Negotiate your own terms
>Work when you want
>Scheduling is much lighter so you get time to rest up


I think Finn is going to be the next one injured. He did 290 dates in 2018 and that includes 2 weeks off at Xmas.

>more money
>fewer dates
>creative control
why would he go to the fed that provides these things?

This pretty much
Ambrose is a huge name in professional wrestling and can probably charge heaps for an appearance like Rey Mysterio was doing

He already has millions saved up

such as Sandow, Ryback, Enzo, Cass, Swagger, Darren Young. They are practically king of the indies and showed up in every show every where. Oh wait...

Dean was working pretty smart in his house show matches though. They’re all set to a script and I think his were all around ten minutes. Obviously this is going to be death by a thousand cuts over an entire year, but Finn is working even *less* in his house show matches. They’re short as fuck and all he does is his dropkick spots to set up a finisher.
But ultimately I agree, he’s due for a long term injury very very soon. Being the company workhorse is a death sentence that gets you nothing except the respect of the locker room and nothing from Vince

Grossly overestimated how popular he was and was a total mark for himself.
Barely even bothers wrestling anymore. Plus he was fired. He actually liked working in WWE and was a pretty good draw
Complete shitter who was fired and only took bookings because he had to pay rent
Unironically is based and had a Bellator fight (against a can) but his stock on the indies is pretty high and he could demand an okay payday if he wanted.
>Darren Young
Don’t know who this is, sorry.
Dean is a fucking grand slam champion, one of WWE’s top three “future guys” and is already being talked about because of one promotional video. He is guaranteed a spot anywhere he would like in any promotion. Not even for his talent, just so that promotion could say they have a former WWE champion.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for a minute that Dean is going to make a killing in the indies. I am just pointing out not every midcarders that think they are being misused by WWE are making bank outside of WWE.


The Rock is what?

Seriously are you comparing a former WWE champion, Grand Slam Champion too and member of the most popular WWE stable in the recent days with that bunch of nobadies?

I don't like Ambrose, or Moxley or whatever he names himself now, but he is an important guy for WWE right now and it's clear that they wasn't thinking about miss him on this way. A couple of years ago, before the brand split, they haved the roster in two groups for hose shows: a Roster A, with Roman as the main reclaim, and the Roster B, with Dean as main eventer.

I would say that only Brock, Roman and Seth have a bigger status than him, being equal to Finn Bálor and AJ Styles right now.

>Actually nearly every midcard guy that left WWE in recent memory has made more money for much less dates.
look at what I am replying to, you absolute retard.
and my follow up

Dean is a massive draw to the Tumblr audience. Psychotic demographic, but they're willing to spend their dimes to see him.

Did alright for a while but didn't have the work ethic
Unironically priced himself out of the market, sells supplements successfully now
Has never taken on an indie date
Didn't have the work ethic
Was actually very successful, went in to MMA recently
>Darren Young
Wasn't even midcard

Dean worked CZW for god knows how long, chances are he just wants to do his own thing, which WWE is the complete opposite of.

Young was barely preshow Lucia house party tier


>could retire and sit at home getting drunk, play with his dog and watch We Bare Bears while his wife brings home the bacon.
He just wants to be happy man.

He's already made enough money for the rest of his life

Are you shoot retarded or just pretending?

> shoot retarded
You must go back

an ESL Pajeet that doesn't understand sarcasm

Dean had been making millions since he was called up, then he moved to Las Vegas in 2014 or so because the rent is cheaper there and the state tax doesn't rape him in the ass.

He's living very comfortably and is at the point where he can do whatever he want. Why the fuck would he continue to work for WWmeme where he's indentured to their whims?


Fired, not left (also calling him midcard is a stretch)
Fired, not left
Fired, not left
Fired, not left
Dividing focus between wrestling and MMA
>Darren Young
Fired, not left, also nowhere near midcard lmao

Imagine being a wrestler and signing with WWE in the current year lmfao oh no no no

t. wageslave

>>If you're injured time is added to your contract, unpaid
I'm glad for Ambrose that he's out of WWE, but the time is not unpaid. You get paid both while you're injured and in the added time.

He can still make millions on AEW, have creative control over his character, and work half the dates that he would in wwe. Why do you think so many people are trying to leave wwe lately?

He can just comeback in a few years

Almost as if it's hard evidence that the hot dogs and handshakes meme is total bullshit

>dodging taxes


literally worked