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i wont read that shit, post it here ya simp

Lazy ass nigga

>My issue isn’t with my on screen role. My issue is the fact that I haven’t been on meet & greets with Bobby, haven’t been getting paid for merchandise for us that has my catchphrases on them. (I) have been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so. Walking around broke in the biggest sports entertainment industry that there is while having two kids and a wife to support."

>"It’s not about race and it has never been, but public perception is important to me and when we have fans that travel all over the globe and watch us get off of buses and into hotels, the LOOK of a black kid carrying waters and bags for other wrestlers is just not a good look, especially when I’m trying to portray myself as a superstar as well,"

>Me and Finn are cool ,and my wife has never been an issue. There is someone who works for WWE who has hated me since the day I’ve worked for ROH and now that they work for WWE they’re leaking false information to get me released. At a certain point, I have to defend myself so that’s what I decided to do. We’re all human, and we’re all grown ass adults. The kind of shit the flies backstage is ridiculous and I’m surprised more people aren’t speaking up,

>"These sheets should spread positive messages to the world but they only want to spread false, negative reports to damage someone else's career. What’s wrong with spreading truth? Thank you for reaching out to me, and I appreciate you for doing that. I honestly do. I’ve never been about the BS or politics or anything else rather than showing up to work, doing my job and providing for my family. I grew up in the worst parts of DC, and certain things that I was taught will always stick with me and why I’ve gotten to where I am now in life. I realize that people will talk regardless of how much positivity you try and push out into the world," Rush closed.

Who has hated him since ROH? Zayn, Owens and Cesaro were already gone by the time he got there in 2015. AJ?

What's with 5'6-ers like Aries and this nigga thinking they are more than decent?

>There is someone who works for WWE who has hated me since the day I’ve worked for ROH and now that they work for WWE they’re leaking false information to get me released.
So who is it?

AJ is the only one I can think of who was there at the time. Ohno is in NXT so I doubt it'd be him

It can’t be AJ, Lio didn’t join ROH until after Styles left.

>My issue is the fact that I haven’t been on meet & greets with Bobby
how many meet & greets that he had that Bobby wasn't in? Did Paige always show up in Asuka's meet and greet?

>haven’t been getting paid for merchandise for us that has my catchphrases on them.
people have to actually buy the merch before anyone can get royalties from it. And it takes 3 to 4 months before you actually see the first check.

>been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so.
he is the only wrestler that has to do or experience this? sounds like he is paying for his wife to travel with him to shows, that'll double his expenses instead of sharing his rental cost and hotel with other wrestlers. Dude has only been in the main roster less than 6 months, he is spending money like he is a main eventer.

> the LOOK of a black kid carrying waters and bags for other wrestlers is just not a good look, especially when I’m trying to portray myself as a superstar as well,"
every rookie was supposed to do it for awhile. Aleister Black was cleaning the locker room during his first european tour.

>There is someone who works for WWE who has hated me since the day I’ve worked for ROH and now that they work for WWE they’re leaking false information to get me released.
I am the victim here, not my shitty attitude and unprofessional-ism.

Has to be Mike Bennett then

I think it's Adam Pearce, the one in charge of 205 live

He has to be the dumbest nigger ever hired by the WWE. You already have nuclear heat with the boys and you decide to do an unauthorized interview exposing backstage happenings?

Adam left ROH years before Lio 5 or 6 years before.

I know you’re kidding but Mike was also out of ROH before Lio joined.

so Corino? he is a producer now in the main roster.

Weren't Corino and McGuniess pretty high up on the ROH food chain around this time period?

Corino was one of the people that signed him to ROH, so...either they had a big falling out or it’s somebody else.

Honestly, Lio seems like an arrogant prick. It’s more than likely Corino brought him into ROH, tried to give him advice and ended up getting the cold shoulder from his his uppity protégé.

Every motherfucker on the roster had to pay their dues, HHH was water boy for HBK and Nash and Hall when he started. Lio thinks it’s insulting because all the little black children would be destroyed if they saw a black man carrying a towel? Fuck off. Hogan had his leg broken for being an arrogant rookie.

This is the new era of kayfabe, don't get worked. FOX told Vince they wanted to see more realistic storylines that match today's world and this is the WWE attempting that. It started with the Vince and Kofi shit.

why is this nigga acting if the old guys weren't """"bullied"""" before? does he not know about the COO of WWE carrying the bags of HBK and Nash?

Good on him for standing up for himself.

The thing about this is every member of The Shield got the same kinda heat for ignoring all previous locker room etiquette. Roman, Seth, and Dean up until this past year are all considered locker room leaders and will actively tell younger guys they see carrying some jobbers shit or cleaning up behind the boys to stop because there's janitors that can do that and Zack Ryder can carry his own shit.

That's the reason why so many old yes men in the company or who used to be there bitch about how disrespectful, lazy, and outright seethe over the new guys etiquette.

Reminder that this was literally the first impression he made in the company and was promptly shit on by half the roster for it.

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Do you think this will draw in some new viewers, aka make someone more money aka purpose of the work?
Mate, if you think everything is a work, you probably have some mental problems.

Nothing is bringing in more viewers as it currently stands and WWE has gotten more proactive leaking shit out in this fashion this year to try and drum up any interest.

Do you really think this is a storyline that they are trying to do?
What for? What is the longterm payoff and longterm goal?

He probably doesn't.
Because he probably isn't nerd like you are, who knows everything that happened from shoot interviews you have seen hours off.

There are no long term goals. They're just throwing anything out there to see if something works.

Or maybe he wants to be released to so he can go to another promotion like so many others are.....brainlet

What was wrong with this? he's a hype man as it is anyway

>defending a nigger
reddit really needs to go

It is kind of different knowing he has a family to support. Why the fuck do they have so many wrestlers under contract anyway? They don’t even use most of them, trim the fat and pay the people you actually use more. This company is just flat out retarded, I have no idea how they managed to stumble into the success they have over the years.

Carry my bag, boy

Sent it out immediately after Emma got released after working Asuka the night before. Roster buried him for basically pissing on a warm corpse.
Did he mean to be disrespectful, no. Was he tone-deaf and out of bounds: yes. Especially when he hadn't even show up on TV yet.

Kek I have more pull in WWE than Mike has in 2019


Not defending the manlet but I can asure you that Gayitch being a bitch boy then being the COO had more to do with banging the bosses daughter than it does work ethic.

do you even watch the fucking product guy? wwe has no long term goals

you are not wrong, but without the Kliq, HHH would've just been a bootleg William Regal.

>i came to collect is his theme song
>doesnt collect

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You know, I actually agree with him on all points.

With that said, he's as good as gone. WWE will bully him out of the door.


>(I) have been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so.
oh no no no no

>forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel
I thought that this was a meme, what the fuck. Why does anyone accept this shit?

Wasn't Rush kind of an asshole on the indies as well? Back then he had leverage because he was a big fish, but in WWE he's just another guy.


>Hogan had his leg broken

According to Hogan and literally nobody else

A multi-billion dollar company doesn't "throw things at the wall and see what sticks." This whole "vince changes the show all the time!!!!" is made up my Meltzer to explain why he's wrong so often. WWE has better planning than any other promotion in the world.

okay that's funny

>Why does anyone accept this shit?
See in other threads all over this board.
People think WWE is the big leagues. You have to work there to make the money in wrestling, nowhere else.
WWE convinced people of that.

mmmmmm gotta pay your dues kid mmmmmmmm

>i want to go to aew theyll push midgets in the main event wahhhhh


Because it's true? If you want to work for an actual business instead of some shady carnies paying in hot dogs and handshakes, you have to go the WWE.

Nobody bitches about the NFL being the only place you can make money in pro football. There's a reason why the big leagues are the big leagues.

>My issue is the fact that I haven’t been on meet & greets with Bobby, haven’t been getting paid for merchandise for us that has my catchphrases on them. (I) have been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so. Walking around broke in the biggest sports entertainment industry that there is while having two kids and a wife to support."
This is undoubtedly the biggest problem facing the whole of WWE. What is the point of having all your talent fly/drive out and book hotels of their own pockets to TV and Live Events for them not to be used?

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>Charlotte also got them to take Andrade off of raw after one episode
is there any plan that she can't change bros?

she can't change the plan of my dickola to cumola all over her titolas

They are still getting paid, stupid.
Leo is losing money because he brought his wife along and nobody want to share ride with him because he is an asshole.

According to JR, talent that is not being used on TV is getting paid $500k, but this dude can't afford 5 days of car rentals and hotels.
Cmon Bruh. This dude thinks his Ric Flair and burn through money like him. Read the interview, he wants to look like a superstar meaning he rent car and stay at hotels that he can't afford just to maintain appearance.

Were you a fan recently? Why is this a surprise?

Its about living smart, Lio appears to be unable to manage his money properly or is such an asshole that he doesnt have anyone to car pool/share expenses.

Then again if he was such a draw, he'd be able to earn more and this wouldnt be a concer-

*Lio bitches on social media*

Oh look, smart actions.

That's just how HHH bought their friendship

I thought her referencing last year ESPN Body issue where she pose naked was hilarious, it's like one of those memes where someone said "I showed you my asshole why aren't you returning my text cryFace"

According to JR one (1) person that is not currently being used was offered $500k, do you honestly think everybody sitting at home is getting half a mil? It was one guy, probably someone like Ziggler that was given the contract to keep him loyal, not some pissant rookie like Lio.

Has to be Steve Corino

Based manlet gives zero fucks.

wasn't it already reported this was The Revival? and it was thought half a mil was an exceptional offer to get them to stay.

I watched years ago and ended up coming back recently. I didn't care about stuff that happened off the show years ago, and the first time I read about wrestlers having to pay their own travel expenses was on Yea Forums. I didn't believe it when I first read it because they're working for a multi-million dollar company that's requiring them to travel. It's only natural for people to assume that a company would cover travel expenses when they're the ones requiring you to travel.

Maybe he's still stuck with the mark contract

or maybe he used up all his allowance and try to shame his parents for more...

I think he should get lower priced cars and hotels then. Cornette talked about this once where some of the guys prefer those 5 star full service hotels and you have to tip everybody then they get the big suv instead of the small econo car. They eat at gourmet restaurants every stop instead of Dairy Queen. With reward points using the right credit cards he shouldn’t really be complaining about not having money.

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Actually agree and think Lio seems like a pretty decent reasonable guy
Fuck all of WWE's bullshit quite honestly
The more people calling them out the better

Ryback, said he spent between $50k to $75k on the road every year because he ride alone. And Cornette fucking obliterate his ass with the point you just mentioned.

Why should Rush hold the bags of these faggots that are killing the ratings?

The Revival got 500k and they refused.
Another jobber, that isn't on tv got 500k and accepted. People claim it's Ziggler but he doesn't match JR's description. It's probably Slater.

I listened earlier and it could be Ziggler besides the fact that Ziggler should be making more. He previously had a contract of around 750,000, sad if he got a pay cut and still stays to job and whine.

JR said the guy was in the undercard and in his early 30s. Ziggler is 38, got booked as IC and tag champion last year and went in the final of Crown Jewel. If anything, he's in the uppermidcard. He also doesn't get any tv time because he asked for a break in his contract so he could do stand up comedy.

>chimp out because the seniors want you to do something extremely easy and only for a short period of time before someone else will be doing it for you

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you're crazy if you think Vince is paying him this much

My bet is Sin Cara