WWE acknowledges NJPW

>WWE acknowledges NJPW
whats going on bros?

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>he won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, the same as Brock Lesnar
This is nothing new ya simp

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Vince liked Inoki so he's okay with mentioning the Eye-Dubya-Gee-Pee belts maggle

>carny fucks trying to leech heat off of a successful promotion before their inevitable collapse
Ya don't say

They mention IWGP titles and working in Japan but never refer to New Japan by name, this is nothing new.

You'll never catch them mentioning NJPW on main roster commentary, probably because of Vince.

You don't understand, if they don't actively acknowledge his past, they would have to do the unthinkable... ACTUALLY BUILDING HIM FROM SCRATCH

No, JBL used to say all the time about brock

Used to, not in the current era. The most they'll say anymore is "He/she was a major star overseas/Japan"

He won the JUNIOR Heavyweight Championship, ya simp. Also, they mentioned NJPW and the IWGP Championships with AJ, The Club and Nakamura. They rarely mention NJPW but they still do. Nothing new to see here.

They like mentioning the IWGP Championships. the Super Jr. tournament and the Tokyo Dome, but they don't mention NJPW by name.

He was quoting a line from AJ's debut, not referring to Kushida, ya simp.

have they acknowledged Kairi's accomplishments in Japan?

Pretty sure Cole or Corey mentioned Balor's Jr. Heavyweight titles a few weeks ago.
Might've been on NXT about Kushida and I'm just misremembering though.

they cannot deny New Japan, it has gotten too big for them to TNA there way around it.

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Cole listed off everything once.

He mentioned her being a "World Stardom Champion" at the Rumble last year

Mauro mentioned Fish and O’Reilly’s time in ROH once

Based retard not understanding context

lmao, reminds me of the time Nigel said something like "Aleister Black is going to be a huge star here in Ring of Honor" and everyone just went silent for a few seconds.

Ya retarded son

HHH literally said he's Open to Cross-Promotion
After Vince is gone there will unironically be a Co-Branded PPV.

>I'm Rətard3d

literally catering to the smarks at this point. Also, now that Kenny and the Bucks aren't there anymore, NJPW isn't public enemy number one.

>After Vince is gone there will unironically be a Co-Branded PPV.
God imaging all the dimes

The fucking state of your reading comprehension, grasp of context clues and severe lack of understanding on how this message board works.

Please neck ya self, this is a supremely high IQ board.

t. Retard

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You a dumb muthafuck ya know that?

i'm just here to laugh at the state of you and hope you read this and show a little look of shame at your malfunctioned brain



holy fuckin retardola

Reminder that you share this board with brainlets like this.

He was talking about AJ you tard.

woah so the memes about Yea Forums having the lowest IQ posters are true huh?

If you kill yourself the world's average IQ will raise by 10 folds.

they have to now. they sign all these guys and girls who look like panda Express delivery drivers because a few marks want them hired , but do not get over main roster. so now they have to source NJPW in a desperate attempt to give them instant credibility.

Vince still thinks of TNA as enemy number one and New Japan as some rinky dink little nip promotion. I remember some backstage skit with AJ where they mention Bullet Club and New Japan by name, including pictures of the Bullet Club, but when the subject of TNA came up the host conspicuously changed the subject and said something like "we're never mentioning those other guys on WWE ever"

Didn't Kurt Angle tell someone while he was GM that he "heard TNA is hiring."

they don't need to, she's a cute woman. they sell the men and women differently.

lol amazing


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how is that chad? He's dressed like a beta and looks like he photoshopped himself into the picture

god his match last night was HORRIBLE. fucking ohno is so fat and gross and slow.. KUSHIDA killed his "career"

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They signed him away from NJPW so they could say NJPW guys want to work for them because it's "the big leagues" so obviously they're going to say that shit. That was the only reason they signed him.

KO in the last 3 years has produced more quality matches than KUSHIDA has in his career.

They used to do them pretty often and it was alright, Hogan vs Tenryu was based.

>stands as far away as possible
Absolute geek

Give me a quick rundown on Kushida. Is he based?

So are they going to bury him on 205 or bury him on Raw?

He wants white women not Asians

I don’t see most of the wwe fan base will have zero idea of the new japan guys

Joshi roasties BTFO.

>fatshit ohno producing anything other than lard and cellulite deposits all over his gross manlet body
KUSHIDA vs Omega at dominion was fantastic and better than all of Chris Hero's matches combined.
Hero was literally the Jannetty of a Jannetty faction, he was so bad he got replaced by roman

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Oh look a fanbase expert.

Kushs new theme twitter.com/AlexM_talkSPORT/status/1123749845565624322?s=19

Yeah but when they debut this guy and give him nothing interesting to do, have commentary talk about him being one of the biggest stars in Japan and then job him out to Corbin the casual audience will think "this new japan thing must be shit".
Same way WWE books a shit product so other TV stations won't pick up one of the other wrestling companies which have to be worse because they are as well known so they have no mainstream competition.

If you don't know by now you don't deserve to know plebbitor

Not competition anymore now that the elite left

>It's a namefag is a stupid fucking retarded cunt episode

Charismaless anti draw ameriboo gimmick of back to the future fan. Not sure why WWE wanted him

He's really good but he'll die on his own in WWE. If they had a good tag division then him and Shelley and/or Sabin would be based but Shelley and Sabin would be more based without him. Also Shelley retired.

>back to the future fan
18+ kiddo

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WWE is a sinking ship and needs established stars.

They can't even run him through the WWE RNG because they literally can't afford to do so.

Get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown.

Back to the futures like 20 years older than some game you bought on steam lil guy

it's... bad

Who is this? The president of the japanese Back to the Future fanclub?

I forgot about Kushida. What the heck was he thinking going to NXT? He's going to be the next Itami.

Depends where they do it. WWE has already lost most fans apart from the Hardcore. If they did a WWE/NJPW show in New York or Chicago or whatever it would go down a storm.

Plus the matches would be pretty great. AEW would be kill though, New Japan would jump into a WWE crossover in a second.

KUSHIDA's name is stylized in all capitals letters.
Fuck sake people.

Who would be the biggest name Vince would allow Okada to go over?

he doesn't have anything else to do in NJPW either so oh well

>timesplitter Kushida
You're far beyond retarded, you make the other retard in the thread look smart ya peabrain

Depends on who would be going over on the WWE side but if NJPW let Roman go over Tanahashi they could use that as a bargaining chip to have Okada beat someone like Seth

I didn't realize Kushida knew English so well

Time to pick a new name dumbass lmao

I would be surprised if you knew anything seeing as you have a single digit IQ


Don't worry you made my day, based etard

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Seth I reckon. I think it would only be Reigns that he wouldn't let Okada beat.

JBL and Mauro (ironically) both namedrop New Japan/IWGP all the fucking time whenever they're on commentary.

That's not ironic, Amerimutt.

they always had

Yeah it is, ya ESL birdbrain
Of all the fucking commentators WWE employs, the two that are namedropping puro geeks are the bully and his victim. That's contrary to expectation, and thus, ironic.

Go back you fucking faggot

>I come from a highly educated university

Thanks for naming yourself kekkitor now I can constantly remind you in random threads that you are a gaping faggot

>a person and someone who allegedly bullied him naming a Japanese thing is ironic
>knowing about a Japanese thing is antithetical to bullying
You are completely retarded.

Why don't you leave him alone you idiots not like you guys haven't made mistakes no wonder people prefer reddit than this toxic place


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You forgot to change your name retarded faggot.

Is this a work?

You're fucking retarded.

Being of a like mind and sharing a rather specific habit is ya seething simp

>having something in common with a bully is ironic
No it's not ya complete mongoloid. If a bully ends up saving the life of someone they bullied it's ironic. Two people who both work in wrestling knowing the name of a wrestling company isn't ironic. Two people who work in wrestling talking about wrestling isn't ironic.
An absolute retard who doesn't know what irony is doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on his retarded take that someone else doesn't know what ironic means is ironic.
KYS, you're the biggest retard in this thread.

There's a 100% chance that Haitch books himself to go over Okada. If there's one wrestler in the world that can drag Haitch to the epic he's always wanted to make the smarks love him, it's Okada. If Hunter can convince Gedo to make this happen, he'll job out the rest of the WWE roster.

Cena it seems.


don't worry user it confused me too :)

Lol he has to stand closer to the camera so he doesnt come off like an under 6 foot geek

They've done it before, also, sad to say, NJPW are less of a threat now that the Elite are gone (their product is arguably better though)

You dumb fat motherfucker

Kill yourself.

yes he did. he could have gotten ripped or ishii-tier and gone heavy

jesus fucking christ

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Alright. You legit had me with the first one, buddy. But, you got greedy. Here's your (You). Had you left it at just that one post, it would have been an 11/10 work.

fucking idiot anybody can do this.

no shit, you dense mother fucker. Christ, it's like actual fucking children come to this board.

You have to go back faggot. Now YOU'RE the retard.

holy fucking worked

t. Bigger Retard

ITT: Falling for the "falling for the" meme.

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>116 replies
>61 posters

I don't trust this thread one bit.

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You have ta go back wee fella

you won't make it with the wolves here kid.

god forbid someone post more than once

>carter reset his IP 61 times

We all set our vpn to Stanford, Connecticut on asp, newfag. We all use the same one.


>gimmick is timesplitter
>references a time travel movie as well
>autist spergs out because of two minor references and ignores the actual larger reference
Imagine getting worked this hard by your own autism

Hey, Retard!

just started watching njpw through twitter gifs starter pack