And there goes Yea Forums!

And there goes Yea Forums!

With another Nash/Guerrero post for the millionth time...

Attached: E67EF3E1-B097-4B8E-876A-1EB5DDD6FA84.jpg (730x1368, 100K)

go back to squared circle then

This is the only one.

Attached: shitstorm.jpg (350x202, 14K)

And there goes Yea Forums!

With another reminder of the Summer of 1992 that I'll never be able to live down....

Attached: kevin nash announcer.jpg (730x1368, 351K)

Really at this point I just want them to stay in their own threads instead of hijacking others then having their redditors friends spam OH NO NO NO and IT KEEPS HAPPENING

Tweaked it with alternative head locations. Raped twice OP.

Attached: kevin nash announcer 2.jpg (730x1368, 353K)

Did you know that kevin nash was brutally raped at gunpoint during the swealtering summer of '92?


I made a Nash thread because of this one


kek what a bitch

>Really at this point I just want them to stay in their own threads instead of hijacking others then having their redditors friends spam OH NO NO NO and IT KEEPS HAPPENING

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>their redditors friends
Imagine being so new you think those replies are different people

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>agree with point
>nah imma filter you

Attached: 155A2AC4-CCBB-4E4B-82B3-4076B5977290.jpg (352x344, 30K)


Literally filtered because of this post

unironically filtered

The meme came full circle when Nash raped that black guy at Mania and should have ended there.

But Yea Forums is full of fucking retards that beat shit into the ground until it becomes utter cringe. Fuck em. Wrestling is dead. Let them wallow in their misery.

Cope more

Attached: DeadieQuadsBTFO.jpg (790x620, 111K)

filtered (you)