Ambrose / Moxley theory

Part of me believes that the "Dean Ambrose" character let his contract expire and is coming back Jon Moxley. I know it's ridiculous but wrestling, especially WWE, never fails to surprise me.

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Him, nick gage and drake are going to start a new 3 count like boy band gimmick in CZW.

He's gone, just let it go

He gone ya drone. Find a better way to cope.

>Part of me believes that the "Dean Ambrose" character let his contract expire and is coming back Jon Moxley. I know it's ridiculous but wrestling, especially WWE, never fails to surprise me.

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i'm glad e-drones like you are getting a wake-up to the reality of the wrestling business. Spoiler: he ain't coming back ya dweeb. The Shield is over and whatever dreamed up fantasy scenario you had in your head for them in the future is unlikely to happen because the WWE went too much to shit.

The first stage in the 5 stages of grief is denial.
That is what we are seeing here.
Next will come the anger.

WWE has consistently failed to surprise fans for over a decade.

They surprised me.
I never thought you could book worse shows than WCW at it's end.

you're giving the E far too much credit

he is obviously going to AEW. deal with it

AEW bound, sorry e drone

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Cope harder, vincel faggot.

He is scary, dont put barbed wire on your arm

>Retards still think it's a work

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Because it proves that people really want to leave and that it is not something dirtsheets have dreamed up.
And in their minds it makes no sense why someone who made his money, has enough of them and wants to do stuff the way he wants and not the way he is told to do it would consider leaving the best company in the world.
Because there wasn't anywhere else to go. And they were told that only WWE matters, nothing else. Basically WWE for last 20 years have used their shows to brainwash people, slowly but surely.

Is he gonna be the new CM Phil where e-drones book his return for years?

>promo where he touches barbed wire and bleeds
Guaranteed non-WWE stuff.

Bully Ray thinks this too

If that turned out to be the case it would be fucking cringe just because it was WWE.

Bully Ray is a retard.

It just means that Bully Ray is not in the know for Mox's booking. Kinda telling how cold ROH feels

>Bully Ray

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Moxley? Vincent Kennedy McMahon? Is he going to murder Steph with a golf club?

that would hit the last WCW days levels of retardation


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