Memes aside, what can actually be done to make it into a ratings juggernaut once again like in 1998-2000...

Memes aside, what can actually be done to make it into a ratings juggernaut once again like in 1998-2000? Does it really need a competition?

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they're publically traded. wwf was Rated R from 1997 to 1999 and became PG-13 in 2000

Nothing, wrestling is dead

Just remember that nothing you change will matter unless you take Vince out of the picture. You can give the belts to whoever you want, he'll still kill them with his booking.

Cena has to pull a Benoit for the contrarianism to finally be contradicted. To reverse from revisionist history to real history. Acknowledging the rest of reality will flow naturally from there.

They could try making a star or two. See if that works.

>wwf was Rated R from 1997 to 1999

Someone's never lived in America.

Make it white trash smut again.
This Bayley hugging crap is just terrible and for literal kids.

You need to ask people like rovert, an IWC community leader and business strategist

hard to believe, wwe used to be a ratings jenirator

desu maybe wwe has been so cringe for so many years that literally nothing they could do would ever bring people back.

compared to most shows it was. south park was the only show that was nearly as edgy

Not possible, at all.

Internet has killed the idea of a long wrestling show.
You'd honestly have to cut it down to an hour at most.

I mean that anyone in America would know R is a movie rating, not a TV rating. ...right?

Eliminate all women’s wrestling. Spin the women’s wrestling off into its own show. It’s guaranteed to fail proving once again that women are real reason for the ratings drop.

stop doing the same fucking hit crowd hit crowd chant bs change up moves.... we dont need dudes who hit a guy and then cheer to the crowd it seems so forced and fake and return to grapples suplexes intensity of the matches of the attitude era

have wrestling of the 80s

have no pg bs
and focus on politics

and return to real human gimmicks

This. Fucking based.

It's not possible to fix because they have a whole team of dumb fucks trying to book the show
does any one know how many writers and shit they have involved with creative?
the more people you have the worse things get

Embrace what it is instead of just being bad tv with bad acting that occasionally features wrestling matches. As it is, it isn't good at doing its namesake.

>HBK returns from ””””””””retirement””””””
>ratings get steadily worse

>WWE makes all the changes listed in this thread
>ratings still free fall because the mainstream just does not give a single solitary fuck about wrestling
Get a clue and get out of the wrestling bubble dumb marks

This is the basic undeniable truth.

This. Wrestling is not what it used to be and will never be like it was. It's time to let go of it.

Yeah does anyone at WWE realize children are not staying up till 11pm on Monday nights to watch wrestling? They are shoot tarded

Intergender wrestling is literally the only thing left that could inject some excitement and carry wrestling to good ratings one last time

>but m-muh realism
literally no one cares

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