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If Vince is smart Becky will have no belts at the end of MITB.

They don't have a draw in the company. Cena is the last legit champ they'll ever have and that's says something

Miz/Alexa/Roman/Carmella would fix everything and you know this, nerds

Like it will fix anything lmao. WWE is fucking dead.

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Bobby if they give him the Lesnar gimmick of short squash matches and his old finisher back
Roman seems to be the only option on Smack. I'd say Elias but his ceiling is IC champ
Alexa and Mandy. Fuck workrate, make women's wrestling sexy again

>Alexa and Mandy
>make women's wrestling sexy again

Their gimmick is they draw 1.8 million viewers

No one wants to see the Armenian ripoff of Omega, a nigger or a woman that calls herself the man. Roman winning the title off Kofi will patch one hole.


I didn't stutter

Elias would be a great Mr. MITB

He actually would be pretty good as the MITB holder, doing song promos every other week to keep it fresh in our minds that MITB is still active

reminder: reddit killed wrestling
not sure if I should thank them for it or not

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Agreed, give Miz another run with the world title.

Looking at this MITB card gives me legit 1995 vibes. Which is kinda tragic, because the roster was filled to the brim with literal bums back then, but they have all the talent in the world right now.

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They're trying to devalue the smackdown title which is fine, let Kofi have it. He's making it a bottom tier title.

Becky is keeping both of hers as a punishment and warning - she purposely fucked the pin up to win. It's why the majority of women's segments are written to be garbage now and why a lot of their good stars are off screen.

Ronda isn't there to carry the company. Charlie could have at least played the Reigns role and gotten go away heat but so far, nothing is happening.
There's a reason Becky getitng her ass beat by the blonde southern slut is getting cheered - the crowd are bored with her twitter troll gimmick

More people want to see Rollins than Omega, that's not even debatable ya turbo weeb.

I have no problem with these Champions, I have a problem with how Lesnar hasn't gotten revenge yet. They didn't think it through, him and Hey man are impatient so they want to have the match and leave right away, but they'll wait for months before confronting anyone again after?

Imagine thinking fake championships make a company popular.


imagine pushing midgets and women who never drew a dime and having record low ratings and dropping attendance week after week

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Becky is having 2 matches at MITB? Yikes.

>but they have all the talent in the world right now.

No they don't.

I remember being a gay weeb once upon a time.

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make the switch

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Becky is the most overexposed talent on the roster right now, this isn't even up for debate. She is 100% fair game to blame the bad ratings on. Is it all on her though? No. Kofi and Seff are to blame as well

Pic related for universal champ. Roman for WWE champ and let women's wrestling die.

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No, it's entirely on her.
Ronda was carrying the fucking company.
Becky purposely fucked up the pin so she would get the win.
And Ronda left. Understandably so. WWE got pissed off and punished all the women which is completely fucking unfair

an eternal midcarder, but if Kofi got a run he might get another one after all these years
she is over with the marks, so yeah, would be better than Becky "The Man Who Killed the E" Lynch
he is over with the kids and is the highest merch seller despite the smark-hate, so him as WWE Champion wouldn't that bad
kek, she was so shit they put her immediately in a manager role after her title run

I wouldn't mind desu. At the beginning I thought he was super boring, but with the time he has just got better and more over. Just give him the briefcase and make him cash in at Survivor Series or something like that. If Kofi is WWE champion, why not Elias?

Reminder that the top Raw belt was held for like 2 years by the biggest name in the company, the most legitimate and believable champion, Lesnar. That didn't help the ratings.

Reminder that the top Smackdown belt was held by two of the best wrestlers in the world skill-wise, AJ and Bryan, and one of them even had an interesting, unique gimmick. That didn't help either.

Reminder that the top women's belt was held for like 9 months by the only recognizable name in mainstream media, Rousey. It didn't fucking matter because women's wrestling doesn't matter in general.

The champions don't matter. The whole product's entertainment value is below average and it feels like this era and wrestling don't go along.

1.8 million more than who japan and autism everywhere wrestling combined

>she was so shit they put her immediately in a manager role after her title run
0 correlation, because she ended up on TV more than any other women on Smackdown who wasn't Charlotte or Becky, and they still gave her MMC and Battle Royal wins

would you like some plain white bread and plain vanilla ice cream to go with your pleb taste in plain white generic basic blondes



>kek, she was so shit they put her immediately in a manager role after her title run
what kind of manager has more PPV matches than the person she manages?

The champions matter because they get the most spotlight. And these three are drawing 1.8 million viewers

>plain vanilla ice cream
but vanilla ice cream is good. not my favorite but still a solid midcarder in terms of ice cream flavors and the dominant member of classic stables such as the banana split

those champs plugged the holes of the leaky dam. now that theres no good champs, the dam is broken and nobody is giving a shit.

But I thought Roman was guaranteed ratings no matter what show he's on?

Right, so you wouldn't push it to the top, you recognise it has it's utility and a role to play but it's not the main attraction. My point exactly regarding these plain ass generic barbie looking cunts.

maybe not the tippy top. standalone it is average but with a group it is a main event draw brother

Ratings have been falling for a decade, no matter who the champion is.

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how low test can you be?

>Lacey Evans def. Becky Lynch (c) (TITLE CHANGE)
>AJ Styles def. Seth Rollins (c) (TITLE CHANGE)
>Randy Orton or Baron Corbin wins MITB
>Alexa Bliss wins MITB
>Roman Reigns def. Elias
>Charlotte Flair def. Becky Lynch (c) (TITLE CHANGE)
>Shane McMahon def. The Miz
>Kevin Owens def. Kofi Kingston (c) (TITLE CHANGE)

How hard would Reddit seethe?

You forgot to add Failor.

>a bunch of no-dimes shitters beat another bunch of no-dimes shitters
It doesn't matter, nobody is even remotely hot right now.

but in all seriousness, WWE is kill
if AEW can not capitalize from WWE literally being in the middle stages of a death spiral, wrestling will have vanished off main stream TV by 2025.
IF howevery The Mouse buys out WWE, fires the complete staff including the removal of the whole McMahon clan from the company, then there might be a chance. A chance....

And put them on who? They have no stars. They don't allow talent to get over and the ones that they actually do push suck monkey dick. The only one that actually felt like a champion is Brock and his reign of terror is one of the reasons they're up shit creek with no paddle.

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God I hope this happens. WWE will learn that those cucks will watch no matter what and that booking Mania for them was the worst decision they ever made

Why the fuck would Disney want WWE?

>IF howevery The Mouse buys out WWE, fires the complete staff including the removal of the whole McMahon clan from the company, then there might be a chance. A chance....
They managed to ruin fucking Star Wars. There is a less than zero chance that they could properly run a pro wrestling company.

I stopped watching wrestling, did they really make Bex ME WM and become double champ? What the fuck is WWE doing?

They're listening to reddit.

and Charles/Becky is main eventing too

they think they'll get lots of new female and/or zoomer viewers by pandering to feminism

instead they're simply haemorraging existing viewers while making no new ones.

>Ronda was carrying the fucking company
Imagine believing this

Really? Jesus fucking Christ, this company is really dying.

>but they have all the talent in the world right now
Why is everyone not thinking about what "type" of talent they have under contract?
They have top-tier indy talent. These "type" of talent is not compatible to 8000+ seat arenas and crowds, bright productions lights, commercial breaks, barely any interaction and intimicy with the audience, etc. etc.
Their roster is full with people who can (yes, and some can do it very very good) entertain and engage with a few hundred people in the audience of a 500 seat club/hall. That "type" of talent works brilliantly in the small setting but is lost on mainstream TV and scale!
Hence why they do so well in NXT and shit the bed on the flagship shows.
>inb4 booking

They can make anything and normies will watch it. Remember of Cpt. marvel was literally pissing on their male audience and still got a billion? They can do the same with wrestling.

>Remember of Cpt. marvel was literally pissing on their male audience and still got a billion?
no it wasn't, that's just your faggot ass victim complex talking.

Funny thing is that makes me want Roman as a champ again.
He at least makes it interesting by making us bitch about him.

They might have interest in purchasing a platform for live-action combat themed athletic theater portraying storylines of "real" hero & villain characters.

>they have all the talent in the world right now
like who for example? Most of wrestlers have no charisma, can't cut a promo and look generic as fuck.

I don't watch wwe so I don't care faggot lol

I stopped watching WWE after Wrestlemania. No way I'm watching a wrestling promotion with a nigger as a champion.

wrestling is fucking gay and I'm glad WWE is dying. thats what you fuckers get for making my mandrama PG

did they take Cesaro out of the MITB? That's literally the only thing I considered worth watching.

oh no no no no

look at her head

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nobody gives a shit about the women

Ricochet and Dana Brooke will win.
They seem to be trying to do something with Dana right now for some reason, probably another underdog story.
Ricochet is getting huge pops and news is they see him as their next big star so he's likely to get a super push.
Wouldn't be mad if Drew or Andrade won it.

>wanting revenge

Him simply walking away is in character. He was only in it for the money, he doesn't care about the belt.

Ricochet is a charisma vacuum. Andrade should win. As for the women, they would be best off with Alexa literally repeating what she did last year.

You're fucking kidding me. I stopped watching. So why do I still come here to see how bad it still is. Idk.

>I don't watch wwe so I don't care faggot lol

>roman makes me bitch which is interesting
>becky makes me bitch but it isn't interesting
just admit you are a contrarian faggot who will never be satisfied with anything

You're using that meme wrong.
Also plain white bread generic blonde barbies are exactly the type of thing a low test beta would idolise and drool over.

>violently insisting that indy guys will ALWAYS be indy guys no matter how many years they have been signed to WWE.
What exactly is this mentality? Can someone explain this to me? Are you that much of a shit flinging tribalist chimp you can't accept these guys once they are signed to WWE and must keep them as this "other" you can rage against.
Please explain this to me.

just because you like ugly red heads and fat latinas and masculine black women doesn't make you high test

normies haven't watched wrestling in 15+ years

>Roman was actually carrying the E

lmao smarks btfo

based gigantic pooch

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Becky was gonna win it was in the script.
You know this shit is scripted, right?


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The Medium Pooch is on Smackdown and the ratings are tanking faster than ever.

>falling for those plants
If Roman is such a massive drawing card, why did the Smackdown ratings tank last night?
Big Dog was moved there to save their ratings, they have gone down every week since he's been there.

The amount of people ITT outing themselves as angry impotent spiteful little dorks who resent people getting happy feel god stories in wrestling is highly amusing.

He's in a midcard feud being treated like a midcarder

You'll find your blonde barbie Stacy some day right ?

>violently insisting that indy guys will ALWAYS be indy guys no matter how many years they have been signed to WWE.

Do you see or know that WWE is grooming their indy and NXT talent for the transition to big-stage events? Is it known that they receive (outside) stage training, acting lessons, psychological support? Are they being tested for weeks and months on dark matches?
I don't know about or see any of that.
They send their once indy/NXT talent out to the big-scale shows totally ill-equipped for the environment without any testing & modification to their character based upon said testing. I wouldn't doubt that main-stage WWE talent nowadays literally shit themselves before and after they need to go out there and perform up to expectations in front of several thousand people under bright lights and scrutiny of a whole department of officials. Most of them come from a free-flow small-scale environment which they were used to and can handle properly.
When was the last time you saw a main-stage wrestler in WWE even trying to engage with a silent crowd?
I believe it's not that they aren't allowed to by tptb, but they simply don't know how and are afraid to experiment because it might fail and make them look bad in front of the officials.

But he's still THE BIG DOG so he should be drawing these ratings you want to credit him for right? Ya can't have it both ways, either he is a ratings draw or he isn't. Current evidence points to no.

they took his title and ratings freefell. Unless he has the title and hes at fault for the ratings because hes a shit champ?

what I wrote is not a strawman argument it's me describing what you wrote and insisting that indy talents are not good enough to be full fledged WWE Superstars. Which is horseshit.

>Do you see or know that WWE is grooming their indy and NXT talent for the transition to big-stage events? Is it known that they receive (outside) stage training, acting lessons, psychological support? Are they being tested for weeks and months on dark matches?
>I don't know about or see any of that.
You don't know NXT exists?
It's called Developmental and it serves all those purposes you just described.

>They send their once indy/NXT talent out to the big-scale shows totally ill-equipped for the environment without any testing & modification to their character based upon said testing.
They're pro wrestlers mate, not Formula 1 racing cars.

>When was the last time you saw a main-stage wrestler in WWE even trying to engage with a silent crowd?
Main roster wrestlers are told by producers/agents to actively ignore the live crowds on TV and work only to the hard cam. Go to house shows and you'll see them playing to the in house crowds.

>I believe it's not that they aren't allowed to by tptb, but they simply don't know how and are afraid to experiment because it might fail and make them look bad in front of the officials.

she isn't even blonde you can see her ding-dong diddly roots

>He's in a midcard feud being treated like a midcarder
He's feuding with the mcmahons how is that not top card material

She's not

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So according to what you are saying here, Roman can only be a ratings draw if he is holding a World Championship yes?
If he needs to belt to do that then he is not this big ratings draw you are making him out to be. In that case the belt is the draw not Roman.

>Unless he has the title and hes at fault for the ratings because hes a shit champ?
There's plenty of evidence to support this that him being Champion does not actively increase ratings, they either stay stagnant or drop, as has happened in each of his past Title reigns.

BBDWT ding-dong diddly S

against elias, why doesnt the authority have any good wrestlers on their side?

>I'll pretend to be deliberately dense and obtuse & act like her hair is clearly not bleached blonde
Bare in mind I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here in assuming you are being retarded on purpose.

>Translation: I cannot argue cogently any further. Now I will resort to memes because I cannot use my words like an adult.
I accept your admission of defeat. Better luck next time kiddo.

>what you wrote and insisting that indy talents are not good enough to be full fledged WWE Superstars
strawman again.
reading comprehension?

>You don't know NXT exists?
>It's called Developmental and it serves all those purposes you just described.
...and the stellar results it proces.

>They're pro wrestlers mate, not Formula 1 racing cars.
Not an argument.
Put a street performer (singer if you want) from his/her known and familiar stage into a stadium filled with an audience of tens of thousands.
See how well that goes.
But a singer is a singer, right?

>Go to house shows and you'll see them playing to the in house crowds.
In an environment which scale they are used to. What a shock.

Anyones guess...

Roman SHOULD be the Authority, The Corporate Champ
There's still time to turn him heel and produce some absolute kino
Imagine the crowds every week
Alive, passionate
Having it rubbed in their face that Roman is the chosen one and there's not a damn thing they can do about it
Imagine that post-WM32/33 reaction
Every fucking week

Vince needs to get a clue

ramen is the biggest draw in the wwe and you cant prove otherwise

Naw... please see everyone who disagrees with you =

>there’s still time
2 or 3 years ago when people still cared, yes.

I don't think it's worth arguing with e-drones. They've dedicated their entire existence to prowrestling and cannot face the fact that it is officially dead, that their lives were meaningless.

Finn Balor is unironically a draw with the women and should be given the WWE Championship.

You are writing that indy talents are not good enough to work in WWE on the main roster.
Then I am describing exactly what you are saying back to you and you are calling them strawman arguments. Do you even know what that means ?
You are falling over yourself contradicting yourself here mate.
Why are you denying that the purpose of Developmental is to get guys used to working in WWE's environment and exposing the taletns to WWEs' audience. Developmental talents work house shows loops all the time to get used to working for main roster sized audiences/buildings. Road agents write reports on how the talents do that get sent to Vince/HH and they continue to train them accordingly down in Florida. This is well established.

>In an environment which scale they are used to. What a shock.
Do you think WWE runs smaller buildings for house than they do TV? They run buildings of the exact same size drawing comparable numbers of audience. It's nothing close to the size of buildings they work in NXT or on the indies.
And not its not anyone's guess about talent not being told to ignore the live crowd and work only to the hard cam, it's a fact. Watch shoot interviews of recently released WWE wrestlers in the past 5 years, listen to podcast with recent WWE wrestlers, you will hear that repeated over and over again.

And by the way, since you are championing this idea that indy wrestlers are the wrong "type" of wrestlers to be working WWE main roster, may I ask what your alternative proposal is ? Where exactly will WWE find wrestlers who can meet up to your oh so lofty expectations ?

Mark my words.
Roman Reigns will never be turned heel.
Just like Cena.
He will be lukewarm over perma babyface for life.
Vince's favorite toy will never be a heel.


Meanwhile you can't prove that he is so I guess we're both done here right?

Vince needs a one-way trip to the glue factory

If somebody not Andrade or Mcntyre win the MITB I'm done watching this shit

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Vince hates him. He'll never make another PPV card as a singles wrestler.

great wrestler, but only good as a heel. This "I AM HERE EVERY NIGHT" shit honestly makes me want Brock to take the title of air again
B+ player with a D+ gimmick. Stop being in new day or have the new day implode
Needs to drop one of the belts or she will crash and burn harder

Unironically giving him the WWE title would actually bring some better ratings.

Becky is the new Roman so now Roman is more likeable.

Before Disney capeshit was basicslly irrelevant but now its a huge thing.

If Roman turned at the height of his over push maybe when he crashed Rusevs wedding it would have been dimes. Now after cancer he just won't get booed again

>reddit, the champions

Disney capeshit is experience it's "Attitude Era" right now in terms of being in vogue with mainstream society/normies/casuals who don't give a shit about comic books.
It's a fad that will pass like the wrestling boom passed when the mainstream grew tired of it and it will lumber back into obscurity back to it's hardcore base just like wrestling has now.
Something else will come along to fill the capeshit void, the next shiny new toy fad.

It took 60 years for Hollywood to move away from Westerns. Capeshit still has a long run ahead of itself.

seth is a draw but only for people who already watch wrestling. he lacks the starpower of someone like Brock who would make casuals that have only ever heard of WWE tune in

kofi's feel-good moment is over. it's time for him to drop the belt asap

becky = wgaf. any woman not named Ronda Rousey is completely irrelevant

Not enough women watch wrestling to justify putting the belt on him, dillweed. This isn't the 80's.

So what the fuck is the lowest they will go? 1.7 million watched the Christmas episode of RAW last year. Is that the cutoff point? It’s so hard to tell how many hardcores they really have. 2.2 million people watched SD two weeks ago and now they’re down to 1.8

Bálor's demon shtick could draw, and wouldn't seem as hokey on the B-show.

Miz and Shane might be entertaining. And I remember when Elias and Roman had a surprisingly above average match on RAW, so that might be something. Men's MITB is always something of a spectacle, even if it's a car crash. Couldn't care less about anything else on the card.

That was a different time. Movies were much bigger deals back then, took longer to make/produce and could be milked for public consumption for far longer as there were very few alternatives for entertainment compared to today.
Entertainment is far more disposable these days, we live in the ADD age. Endgame is the peak of the crest of the wave of capeshit, it's all downhill from here, this is the beginning of the end of that fad.

>I remember when Elias and Roman had a surprisingly above average match on RAW, so that might be something.
Jesus Christ, the state of E-drones battered wife standards for wrestling.

If they turned him at the peak, then all of the smarks insisting that he turn would probably have started cheering him. There's been a considerable cooldown since then.

It was a good match, you mark.

Capeshit is also having long series on TV and various streaming services. Plus every little weird unknown thing is getting a shot it seems like with random fourth tier graphic novels and web bullshit getting a shot somewhere.

I think it'll still be making big bucks for at least another 15 years.

>enjoyed a Roman Reigns vs Elias match on Raw
>calls me a mark
the irony





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It'll be around for sure but it won't be the hip, in thing with the mainstream anymore in 15 years. It will find it's niche audience and cater to them but it won't be the fad of the masses it is now .


I ain't watched more that 20 min of Raw since the Rumbowl

>rEddiT kILleD wResTllnG
Ratings have been falling consistently since like, 2000/2001.
Why do you even care?

>roman reigns vs elias
how the fuck is this a ppv match?

Don't worry, Axel and Dallas will be added soon so that he has to overcome those insurmountable odds.

because elias is a mcmahon henchman this time so his powerlevel has doubled

>And I remember when Elias and Roman had a surprisingly above average match on RAW

The absolute fucking state of e-dronies

redditor seethe