The 4/30 edition of Smackdown Live brought in 1,833,000 overnight viewers, down from last week's 2,072,000 overnight viewers. Last years rating was 2,436,000
Ratings and numbers for WWE are in Freefall. (Becky is 2 blame)
Jonathan Ross
Seething Beko chad trying to cope.
Levi Collins
Remember when the disparity between Raw and SDL was like 1.7m?
Now there's 100k in it. SDL is dropping LESS harshly than Raw.
Logan Green
kek what a bitch
Austin Collins
>ANF THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT well about a million people have stopped watching so ....
Jackson Cruz
SD Live - May 1st, 2018; >2.436m viewers
SD Live - April 30th, 2019; >1.833m viewers
Down 24.8% year over year. What's more worrying is the 18-49 demo which was down 30% year over year, meaning Smackdown finished seventh for the night.
Asher Baker
stil 1.8 million more than your weebshit
Jace Brooks
I'm so sick of waifufags. They make this otherwise great board shit.
can you post the wekly Japanese numbers for NJPW please, as you say this like you have the info.
Aiden Morgan
>Make a shit product so people turn off >Don't commit to change and fall back in to old habits >People turn off moreso
I'm not surprised. They've already fallen back in to the cheap heat and authority figure shit and it's been 3 months since they said shit was changing.
Connor Edwards
Me in the Cubs jacket
Nicholas Allen
Based and botulismpilled
Aiden Howard
>Appeal to boomers 10 months of the year >Give younger demographic a token 2 month target >Shit yourself when boomers stop watching >Surprised when millennials get wise to your shit
Oliver Cooper
Becky No Dime$
Eli Cruz
There were people that thought SmackDown would get a better rating than RAM. Lmao, is this the state of """Smackchads"""?
Nicholas Brooks
You know when it's ben over a month since the last vid he is sick again. Vids are comfy/cosy af though
Wyatt Wood
What is Fox thinking right now
Cooper Powell
>Let's pander to the smarks and let Kofi be champ >Nothing changes and ratings drop
Camden Young
Me at the left
Mason Phillips
Owen Baker
>Let's use boring Attitude Era storylines and authority figures even though it hasn't worked in 20 years, also let's heavily script out talent and commentators so nothing sounds natural! >WHAT WHY ARE PEOPLE TURNING OFF
Nah, bud. You can't blame talent here, this is WWE's scripting and booking. Not even The Rock and Austin couldn't get over with these retreads, 2 minute matches, constant commercials, and scripted promos. Also the general camera work makes everything fucking awful and unattractive.
Blake Martin
>Owens and New Day promoted all night >no one gives a shit It's time Vince.
>Muh Smarks The lead champs for Raw during it's period of greatest decline (Rumble 2017-Mania 2019) were Goldberg, Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns - all hated by Smarks. Smark favorites are never the focus for extended periods of time.
Ayden Davis
>the most mainstream wrestling promotion is in what appears to be a ratings free fall >people think this is a good thing
because only good things have ever come from the largest company of any industry crashing and burning. Those little guys will be alright I'm sure. Totally fine.
Chase King
>The Rock and Austin couldn't get over But we will never know also short scripted shit matches with taped promos got Hogan over in the 80's I'ts not just the talent but at the same time they need to take some of the blame
Nathan Moore
Bentley Reyes
dont forget Shane is going to be their top heel when they go to FOX
Mason Clark
probably if that the ratings drop below 1.5, the deal is off the table.
Carter Robinson
rumours a while back he was gonna be the one to beat kofi for the title
Jaxon Ortiz
we need more quality taped promos and taped interviews. limited the live backstage shit as much as possible.
Nathan Long
Everyone is to blame EVERYONE Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, Vince McMahon's Kids, Paul Levesque, Kevin Owens, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, Alexa Bliss, Becky Lynch, Roman Reings and so on and so forth
Dominic Price
>hire writers than dont know how to write wrestling >shocked when they dont know how to write wrestling
Xavier Lee
This company is dying. This is the worst ratings fall I can remember. Ratings over the past few months are down over 20%! WWE writing has been crap for years. Now they’re pushing career midcarders (Kofi) or even worse (Becky), and the fans are tuning out in droves. Network subs, attendance, and merch are all down. People won’t watch if these people are your main players. If the Saudi deal goes belly up, this company is screwed.
>tfw I would watch RAM and SmackDamn but Vince has killed my ability to care to the point where I don't remember they're coming on until the day after.
-10 minute in ring recap with Kofi of the run up to WM THREE WEEKS after WM and after they've already had a celebration for him -5 minute talk segment with Owens and Kofi -10 minute talk segment between Shane and Roman to set up a 15 minute handicap match against B-Team -10 minute Becky/Bayley match -backstage segment between Kofi and Woods -10 minute talk segment/brawl between Owens and Kofi to end the show
A whole show of convoluted bullshit to set up 2 matches for a PPV that is still 3 weeks away
Who cares m8? Wrestling is for queers and fags anyway, just let the place burn
Joshua Jones
Becky is worsew than Kofi as he has onlyt been pushed for weeks, Becky,
Pushed as the top star since July 2018 On both shows, multiple segments 2 Titles Main Events PPV's & WM Has average matches when not against Asuka/Charles
Becky has been the one out front during this whole period, it's not all on her but if you want to be the man the top dog you have to take the responsability that goes with it. She has failed.
I cant wait for the WWE to pander for an Emmy again.
Austin Garcia
>both raw and smackdown pulling sub-2.0 ratings new attitude era or WWE is done
Oliver Garcia
I record and watch both shows and it takes less than an hour. It's really getting beyond redemption. That said, it's wwe or I'm done with wrestling. The other promotions are not enticing in the least.
I fucking WISH they used taped promos. You can just tell the wrestlers are given scripts a few minutes before going in front of a live camera.
Thomas James
>Becky is worsew than Kofi It's women shit in general. Viewership was falling anyway, but the quicker than usual freefall of late coincides directly with the normalization of women in the main event.
>Vince killing AEW by utterly undermining and putting the entire business into an ice age so WWE can rise from the ashes after AEW folds.
The galaxy brain machinations of that madman.
Jason Gray
Fox is a Disney property right now so that mean they're above the law. If they want to, they can cancel the deal without any repercusion.
Justin Howard
Disney doesn't own the FOX network.
Jaxson Thomas
They bought the movie division you fucking idiot. In any case I'm sure Fox still has some kind of out that will cost them money though.
Julian Gray
They don't know about this shit. They have out of touch executives just like WWE making up excuses, blaming it on basketball or some shit
James Green
Rock and Austin would never existed in the modern era. They would be Rocky Maivia, a hated babyface pushed to everyone's throats after years of being booed of every stadium of the world, and Chilly McFreeze
Cameron Kelly
midgets maineventing the shows, women dress like they under sharia law or something, head shots are completely forbidden, its a miracle that they even get that 1.8mil
Brayden Phillips
Levi Gomez
>Chilly McFreeze "the Flipmaster"
Julian Rodriguez
AEW is SJW garbage and WWE is kid shit.
Juan Watson
Way too exciting. He would be Steve the Ringmaster. He would have a circus gimmick and Vince would not let him shave his head.
>Audience drops by almost a quarter in the span of a year God damn that's a lot
Caleb Baker
>the lowest SmackDown audience for a non-holiday first-run episode in history. The only first-run episode that did worse was the New Year's Eve 2015 episode, which drew 1.658 million viewers and was the final SmackDown on Syfy
>Kofi is the most bland WWE champion in history Bold statement considering Sheamus, Del Rio and Jinder all held it too. I'd say he's top 5 though easily.
Ryan Nguyen
>>Pushed since July 2018 >>Beaten by Charles at Summerlam >>Turns into insecure desperate heel that insults the fans >>Company finally relents and lets her be face >>Plan to job her to Ronda to set up Ronda vs Charles at Mania >>Only avoided by Nia botch >>Still attempt to make Charles bad ass at Survivor Series
Yeah if the company didnt try so hard to force the Cena push on Charles the fans wouldnt have gotten behind Becky. It aint even fucking surprising since the same shit has happened before with people like Dbry or Punk
Brody Clark
2 belts 0 dimes the absolute state of WWE
Bentley King
What were the ratings on the night Stephanie announced the womyn's revolution?
Robert Morris
Robert Wilson
FOX will cancel the deal.
Liam Ward
>NJPW on TV Asahi pulled an impressive 200k viewers this week >The show which airs at 3 AM JST announced they would show re-runs of Okada matches from 2012 and 2013 >NJPW on TV Asahi usually has an audience of 150k >It was the highest rated show in it's time slot and category, beating re-runs of BlendS and Ple-Ple-Pleiades
Parker Miller
What are we looking at?
Jaxon Parker
Seriously why is it dying? This is a shocking drop.
They literally did. They had execs attend Smackdown twice. One of them was last year's shitty post Survivor Series show. They're on board with Vince's carny show.
Connor Lewis
Serious question? All the good will of the Attitude era is gone. They havent been able to create new stars and have only seriously pushed one or two people at a time despite having more people on the roster than ever. The same execs that believe they are doing great only pushing one or two people will bury anyone else the fans show interest in as punishment for interfering with their vision and the best you can get is a short run by a guy like Punk or DBry before they are discarded a year later to push Cena and Roman respectively. Fans have no real incentive to stay unless they are absolute marks for the chosen ones and know anyone else doesnt matter..Even the people marking out for Becky or Kofi now should be prepared for them to be in the Battle Royal next Mania while Trips and Shane nearly kill themselves trying to have a 30 minute mate match that shouldnt have gone past 10. Throw shit like the Revival being punished with a gay joke that Vince obviously finds as hilarious as Drake Maverick pissing himself and wrestling is really fucking stupid
Jacob Robinson
>twice oh god >They're on board with Vince's carny show. That's my other fear. The McMahons must be masters in singing the sweetest lullabys when they are trying to pitch their product to potential investors or business partners. FOX executives basically confirmed as weak beta cucks if what you said is true. FOX will be in for a rude awakening. They will lose money on this and their expectations will crash badly. Hopefully The Mouse punishes FOX accordingly.
Memes aside, they give you 0 reason to tune in next week. There's no excitement, no hot angles, nothing to get hyped for or look forward to. Look at this board, the show is so god damn dull there's barely even anything to shitpost about, let alone discuss.
William Torres
>yfw Fox cancels the deal and offers it to AEW instead
Disney has nothing to do with Fox, you fucking brainlet
Samuel Martin
lol speedreading brainlets can't even biz101
Jace Butler
Gabriel Kelly
>Hopefully The Mouse punishes FOX accordingly Nope, You're just a retard. Disney has shit to do with the Fox network
Sebastian Myers
Fuck the WWE
Gabriel Ramirez
I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out in such a friendly manner.
>On November 14, 2018, it was revealed that a new independent company, which was tentatively called "New Fox", would be named Fox Corporation.[131] The company implemented its structure on January 1, 2019.[56] Its assets include Fox's broadcast, news and sports businesses.[3] They include: according to wikipedia
Eli Evans
Damn I just realized all of those guys have something in common, they got the championship to appease a foreign market >sheamus Ireland >jinder India >Alberto Mexico >Kofi Blacks Thank God nakameme didn't hold it, it would of been a failure too.
Vince, he is losing it and he controls damn near everything. Seriously when you have a company drone like Road Dogg leave the creative team of Smackdown when Vince gets more involved you have to realize that Vince is the problem.
Joseph Torres
>women’s wrestling taking up half the show and they’re not good at wrestling or promos >weapons barely ever used >not allowed to bleed >not allowed to be an actual heel, anything that people would have a negative reaction to is too dangerous >crowds made up of Comic-Con nerds >too many belts >belts are ugly >matches way too long >matches happen for no reason, wins and losses don’t matter >shows longer than ever with less content than ever >a roster of seemingly thousands and most of them look like complete fucking dweebs >roster becomes even worse when you have to listen to them cut a promo >commentary is fucking horrible >the WWE champion at the moment has a dancing gimmick and throws pancakes into the crowd Gee I wonder why the ratings are down. The show is unwatchable. I don’t think it’s ever going to be good again. I saw someone mention that Vince got lucky striking gold with Hogan, Austin and The Rock and he’s been coasting ever since. There might be some truth to that.
Justin Fisher
Jeremiah White
Shit storylines with no continuity between weeks, 50-50 booking so nobody goes over and subpar matches.
Lincoln Smith
>post mania lull is gonna kill wwe
they created the very thing that will kill them.
Jace Wood
Good thats for giving the belt to kofi BITCHton >never draw >never a good match >black >skinny like paris hilton bitch >no charisma >NOT MY HAMPION
Tbf wrestlemania is just too ding-dong diddly long
Adrian Price
>Everyone in attendance besides the token gaijin avoiding the camera as much as much as possible
Xavier Clark
>Not allowed to be an actual heel, anything that people would have a negative reaction to is too dangerous This right fucking here. When your heels are either chickenshit cowards or generic douchebags it generates no heat. If heels have no heat then faces don't look like stars for kicking their asses. One of the reasons Roman never got over was because he had no great heel to propel him to that level. It's even more pathetic because WWE has been obsessed with getting heel heat but not putting any effort whatsoever into actually giving them something to hate.
Easton Adams
Kek you're losing it, Vince.
Logan Perez
Because when they give them something to hate, people just complain on Twitter and cry about the gimmick instead of the character. The internet really killed wrestling.
>Literally down to TNA rating numbers The STATE of WWE
Christopher Miller
Lower than TNA's Live debut on Monday Night.
Cooper Butler
Alvarez and his simp were discussing Becky not being that over anymore and saying the 2 belts and her being on both shows has killed her, she is overused and it's already worn off
Jeremiah Scott
The greatest decline was when Roman announced his cancer to now, where all the smark favourites won at mania you fucking moron. 2017 WWE did its best numbers ever fucking faggot
They put the titles on the three people getting the hottest reaction at the hottest time of the year. It's not the talents fault the show sucks, it's Vince and his shitty writers.
Hottest? To who? The smarks who make up less than 10% of wwe's audience?
Bentley Wilson
the average age of wwe's audience is 50+ vince needs to make more pro boomer angles
Brody Turner
Can you name anyone who was hotter to the general audience than those three?
Point is it doesn't matter. The champions and titles are meaningless in WWE. The ratings are not going down because Seth, Kofi, or Becky won the belts three weeks ago.
>The ratings are not going down because Seth, Kofi, or Becky won the belts three weeks ago
every measurable metric disagrees with you
Colton Mitchell
Oh I forgot Ronda too. They took the belts off Brock and Ronda lmfaooooooooooooo. And didn't put any belts on Roman. Fucking idiots.
Cooper King
They look too excited for it to be Smackdown.
Justin Mitchell
Sheamus and Jinder were unironically more entertaining than Kofi is
Aiden Jackson
you mean the same metric that says ratings have been spiraling downward for years now?
yea its all because of these 3 (three) wrestlers, nothing else at all
Tyler Flores
Yeah but it’s going faster now
Eli Rivera
>Roman No, see reaction at Wrestlemania >Batista Maybe! >Brock No, they ruined his attraction to the casual audience I really don't know what to tell you if you can't see the deeper issues with WWE beyond who's wearing their fake titles. The fact they don't mean anything is the issue. Nothing matters week to week because Vince is senile and has his expert team of writers scrambling hours before the shows go live.
Asher Davis
Literally, push this man to the fucking moon.
Jacob Jackson
They haven't been stars in 15 years. They've been able to tread water because of guys like Cena, but the cracks are exposed now since he's gone. The reality is they've had massive problems for years that they've been able to avoid because of Cena, and Rock coming back, or Brock Lesnar....but all the bad they've built up is coming home to roost now. It's been a long time coming. The bottom was going to fall out eventually.
Zachary Gutierrez
Shit booking,No stars and Other wrestling is now more easy to watch then ever and Depending on what you like there is a promotion for everything
Bentley Jackson
the ratings decline has ben a slow trickle down, it's been spiralling down since them
Lincoln Sanders
its still asinine to blame years of decline issues on 3 wrestlers who've only very recently got promoted as top stars
for example Reigns was pushed as a top guy for much longer (years) and is much more reasonable to point the finger at, but even then it was the company (Vince) who kept trying to get le big dawg act over, not Roman alone killing the ratings.
Connor White
How low can they get before it just stops? how many E-drones are to loyal?
Jackson Foster
Still less than AAA
Ayden Clark
Post genie girl pits
James Morales
>Roman is a dra Oh no no no.
Luis Clark
Imagine bragging about only listening to top 10 pop radio hits and only seeing the most popular top 10 popcorn blockbuster flicks, because they are the most well known/most marketed, therefore they have to be the best, right? Nothing funnier than lowest common denominator plebs acting like they have great taste when you enjoy literally the most bottom of the barrel commoner shit imaginable and need social validation for your tastes because you have no spine and can't form your own opinions on what to like. So you just follow the crowd and only like the popular things everyone likes.
William Myers
Everyone knows its been a constant decline but this is /asp and we joke that its whatever they are doing right now that sucks and if they reverted back to X thing they would be fine as if we werent complaining about it 6 months beforehand
Try and imagine the ratings freefall if they stayed the course Becky was a chickenshit heel that got her push crushed like Rusev Day and Charles was the conquering hero. It perfectly illustrates the problem with the whole fucking company as Becky wouldnt have gotten cheered like this if not for the shit booking that was going to knock her down in favor of the chosen one like countless others before that fans wanted to cheer at least a little bit.Even Kofi is getting cheered on the perception that he probably SHOULD have at least a shot at ME status if he didnt piss Orton off all those years ago. Would it have fizzled after a couple months if 2009 Kofi won a world title? Who knows its not like Sheamus Del Rio or Great Khali didnt have mediocre to bad title runs but because the perception of him getting Zack Ryder'ed exists its causing him to get cheered now. Seth beating Brock is also the substitute for Roman beating Brock and bringing the title back to the show that they wanted to do last year but botched so badly
So no it aint their fault but even their popularity is being boosted because of a backlash against every bad decision the company has made for years now. Everyone sees the shit getting churned out and think back to Nattie farting Drake Maverick pissing himself Guest GMs Cena surviving DDTs on concrete and Trips fucking mannequins so they chant CM Punk and cheer for whatever the company ignores
Joseph Mitchell
>spacing tl;dr, go back ffs
Alexander Morales
Under 1 million this year
Adam Walker
in a strange way it's impressive seth, becky can be so confident in public when they know the product is crumbling around them.
Owen Anderson
you've got it set to one day.
Asher Turner
that's most of the most nauseating things i've ever seen in my life.
Robert Perry
But there was no Rock/Austin WM 17 equivalent feud going in this year. Also considering Rock Hogan didn't main event but a Divas match did. So....
Benjamin Morales
Danial bryan is a big draw
Robert Cox
so by this logic, AEW doesn't have a chance because all they do is pander. Professional Wrestling on TV in the west will die in our life time
Levi Brooks
Never gets old
Connor Barnes
if this were true and happens, no one can ever say Vince is not the best booker in all of pro wrestling
Camden Williams
this Becky being with Seth really rustles my jimmies and i refuse to watch wwe because of it
Jason Rogers
Still more than Who Japan
Jace Wilson
for your own sake stop posting
Hunter Hughes
based and SARSpilled
Dominic Evans
Lucas Baker
>s-she should b-be with m-m-me... crigne, have sex (without the bex)
Michael Garcia
because its kevin dunn
Colton Hill
Ethan Smith
Ding-Dong Diddlybased desu
Juan Lewis
someone shoop guy on left
Chase Young
I hope they go out of business soon.
Easton Stewart
Ryan Lopez
the worst part is how overproduced everything is, nothing looks real and everything looks fake and micromanaged. giant blinding floodlights, obnoxious shakycam, artificial environments, there is no suspension of disbelief because it all looks plastic and soulless
Christian Sullivan
How much do you want to bet the move to fox will only make things worse for wwe due to people who are near not giving a shit about smackdown just not caring enough to change the channel and the people who watches fox going "what the flying fuck is this" when smackdown stars airing?