5 star match and higher

Anyone that’s had a 5 star match or higher outside of the tokyo dome. Get in here.

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Hello, fellow work rate smarks! It is I, 5 star General Stone Cold Steve Austin!

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Absolutely based. Carried HBK through a really great match, second best ladder match of all time

Hey there, it's me, Sid "more five-star matches than Daniel Bryan" Eudy.

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>Carried HBK
Lol the delusion

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Hi gang. I am Brian "played the Fake Undertaker" Lee. I think I might also have been in DOA with Crush and the Harris Brothers? Anyway, I too have more five-star matches than Daniel Bryan.

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Johnny Ace thread?

No lie, that match with the Fantastics is fun as hell.

it is annoying how guys like Flair said Shawn wrestled a ladder. bunch of kiss asses

says the hbk mark

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and way more " home runs" than ol DBry, if you know what I mean

based 5 star lars

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'Meger had a seven star classic in Osaka Castle.

Razor literally called the match tho

>6 man ladder match

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AJ had a 5* match with Joe and Christopher Daniels in TNA.

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just passing by my good friends

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>outside of the tokyo dome
Rent free

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Tic-toc Seffetty.

JBL never had a 5 star match