Rate my wrestling world cup

Rate my wrestling world cup.
John Cena USA
Roman Reigns USA
Kazuchika Okada Japan
Hiroshi Tanahashi - Japan
Pentagon Jr - Mexico
Rush - Mexico
Zack Sabre Jr - United Kingdom
Buddy Murphy - Australia
Kenny Omega - Canada
Jay White - New Zealand
Finn Balor - Ireland
WALTER - Austria
Rusev - Bulgaria
Rakesh Kumar Orton - India
Cesaro - Switzerland
Aleister Black - Netherlands

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It sucks and your cock is small

>WALTER vs Rakesh Kumar Orton
Holy ding-dong diddly dimes

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>world cup
>no one from South America or Africa

way to represent the fake sport you bigot.

Book it Vince

This shit is cringe. Go have sex.

Make me ya ding-dong diddly simp

I don't make trash, I burn it.

The only thing ya burn is ya HIV riddled cock

Knew I should have wrapped it up with your mom.

Jokes on you I got two dads ya fairy

Rakesh Kumar Orton is going over with all squashes.

You are a homosexual who likes getting fucked by guys but is afraid to fuck guys.

I see where you get your gay from.


The UK don't like to compete together in professional sports because we hate each other. Faggot Olympic events that only middle aged women watch, yes. Other sports result in the English fans acting the hard man and then getting their head kicked in for it.

Why 2 from US, Japan and Mexico? There's plenty of other countries with known wrestlers to put in instead. You could easily get one of a dozen Canadians in there, Ali from Pakistan, or split the UK to Scotland/England to get Drew in there.

Come to think, I wonder how many at least decent wrestlers you could get if you tried to find as many from as many countries as possible...

Owens - Canada
McIntyre - Scotland
Killian Dane - Northern Ireland
Webster - Wales
Kofi - Ghana
Mustafah Ali - Pakistan

I'm sure there's others. Wasn't TJP from Chile or something?

that's my boy WALTER he will fuck you up son!

both of your lists are forgetting one crucial name
Rohit Kumar Orton - India

nm I now see I am the gay

>Jay White
>Moody guy

You could have picked much, much better names here man lol


>world cup
>everyone wrestles for WWE or New Japan
I'm seething

Why have Reigns and Okada face each other so early? Should be the finals.

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