How the fuck are they not revolving the company around a guy that looks like this?

How the fuck are they not revolving the company around a guy that looks like this?

Attached: rezar.jpg (675x1200, 96K)

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The squandering of Aop is a massive tick in the "Vince has lost it" column.

How can you push hosses when the entire roster is small vanilla midget shitters? The company is fucked

Santino Marrella finally hit the weights and got a clue

He should fuck my ass I tell ya what

Attached: 1548444731818.jpg (250x239, 21K)

blah blah too big to move around blah blah blah flipmanlets are the new thing blah blah THEY'RE JUST LIKE YOU!

All the big guys should be heels if that's the case, they can ruin the flippy fun and get heat.

That's not a wrestling body.

He kind of did, actually. Not a lot though.

Attached: CVgm5MVWcAAbUFO.jpg (575x1024, 84K)

Vince clearly hated AoP from the moment he called them up.
>Gets rid of their manager
>Gets rid of the Authors of Pain name
>Does nothing with them for awhile
>Finally gives them a new manager and it looks like things might be going somewhere
>Makes the manager piss his pants (AoPeepee is born tainting the name forever)
>Goes back to doing nothing with them

>get rid of the Authors of Pain name
Wait, when? Are they just AOP now?

> 6'4, 330 pounds
> Legit shooter with a martial arts background, with wins against actual fighters
> Kickboxing experience
> Decent hoss worker

Is Vince fucking stupid? Christ on a cross

cause they'll be dead soon.

I don't think he hated them. He's just that incompetent.

>Vince in an elevator a few months after AoP debuts: "Authors of Pain... AoP.. A. O. ....P...."
>five minutes later in a hastily called creative meeting
>"AOP! A! O! P! LIKE PEE! We're bringing them back for this gimmick then we're reburying them."

Yeah they've been called that now for a while

Yes, because it sounds like "pee". Get it? GET IT?

I suppose that’s what I get for not watching RAW
>The super collider brings the AOP to victory.
>Here are your winners AOP.
ding-dong diddly cringe

>Vince fucking stupid?
The correct term is "dementia".

Holy fuck I completely forgot they were even in WWE...
What the shit, where the fuck have they been?