They finally banned me lads. My 10 year streak making all the autists seethe has come to an end

They finally banned me lads. My 10 year streak making all the autists seethe has come to an end

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Other urls found in this thread:


What was your username and what happened?

My thread that got me banned is still active and drawing top dimes. That feds gonna sink now

>goes over

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Don't remember if I'm banned from there or not. Every other site though, just about.

Pics or GTFO

ah yes, something to be proud of

Carter v Carter at Yea ForumsMania 2020? Is he enough of a draw?

I haven’t used any other board since PWSforums shut down.

go on the wwe current page look at the threads and guess

>spends thousands of dollars on he-man toys
He's never going over or having sex or taking a shower or hitting the weights or seeing sunlight

This was seriously a thread

Attached: becky faggot.jpg (1499x613, 261K)

Human beings were a mistake
Planet shattering meteor when

Holy fucking based! Create a new account.

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glad I got this in before they banned me

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Those fags got rid of the TNA board?

does she pass Yea Forums?

Yeah it was part of the boards identity I stopped giving a shit when they got rid of it

fuck the thread that got me banned is STILL drawing dimes

i would see this planet burn before letting the jews win

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fuck this site

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What. the. FUCK?

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honestly he's alright for the most part

>That belly
>That hump
>that hairline
>that chin
>that fashion sense
Classic AEW fan

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>just a face in the crowd
>lost in the crowd
is this guy a literal tarp?

How did this get you banned? Looks like the entire board is 5 fucking mods and a furry.

It's working in an office, someone made the decision to hire this thing.

I've been testing them for years now think they finally had enough

That's just fucking sad

Holy fuck. I live 10 miles from Lexington. I'm going to try and find this guy.

please don't that's weird

can't be any worse than wrestleforums
Literally 50% of all the threads in WWE sections is some tranny faggot spamming meltzer shit as official sources
I got told I'd get banned if I reported the shemale faggot again

Apparently Dave "right once every 50 times" is an official reporting source for the WWE

A quick search found him. This motherfucker is 41 years old!!

Proof that bexcels are actual incels and also mentally ill. No wonder Vince is embarrassed to be in wrestling.

Bex with never sex you, pal.

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Oh no no no no

Don't forget these are the people who call us "incels"

E-Drone BTFO by Meltz and a tranny OH NO NO ON

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I'm not going to actually find him physically. The proximity of him to me just made me want to look him up, which wasn't hard at all since he used his real name.

The people on that board are clearly a bunch of freaks and losers.
Which makes it all the sadder to admit you have wasted many years interacting with them.

all this thread is, is reposting bitchy twitter posts. These people literally argue like women

>Dave "right once every 50 times"
Proof of this please.
Show your working as to how you arrived at this 50 number.
Show examples.

Oh you want me to be literal
Okay so it spams the "RONDA IS LEAVING LOLZ" threads daily. Does that help?
It also defended the sexual harassment of Pey-pey because "real women should be happy men like them"

OP here You are not wrong. I got a real big problem where I look up stuff online that pisses Me off and that place was like an autism mine including most of My posts

who is this tranny?

I think you need to go back and read my post again.
Prove me proof that Meltzer is only "right once every 50 times"
Show me how you came up with that number.
Show me 49 instanes of Dave being wrong to to getting 1 right.


What was your name you lil bitch. Ryan?, Mat?, LD?, LG?, MAC?

you got banned for saying that wwe sucks?

Somehow worse then Squaredcircle. Jesus.

So....... you can't prove what you were saying and concede you were lying then ?
OK, just wanted to be sure.

more I threw the whole roster under the bus and they get mad because they are unhealthy attached to some of the wrestlers and see them as their personal friends because they follow them on twitter

I used to post on FAN until a few years ago when I decided to delete my account. I felt like I was wasting my time on that site.

Don't go in the off-topic section of the forum. It's filled with furries, autists & SJW's. Some of the threads make me ashamed to have ever associated myself with that site.

So why does Yea Forums bother to worry about other boards? If it Reddit, it's /wooo/, if it ain't /wooo/ it's this. What the fuck?

stopped reading at "seen their twitters" (as they are going to show the breadth of their personality through something under such scrutiny) and suggesting asukas was even interesting; where she comes off as much a fucking geek as you do and shows off her video games. i guess its almost funny that she cant speak english and this leads to misunderstandings and her blowing off twitter feuds. you're embarrassing, as if bragging about shitposting for ten years and getting banned on a crappy forum wasnt tell enough. i dont even necessarily disagree with you on the roster but this is trash.

buffy the vampire slayer or someshit - he's admitted to having a dick but insists ihes a girl

Insecurity complex. Using any other board/forum is like cheating on a spouse to them.
This board and userbase has no identity of it's own, it's a frankenstein of leftover shitposters from various other wrestling forums. Most of the crying about other wrestling boards comes from people who where banned from those other places.

last-minute WWE network special at best.