Why do the women like to wear these pants? Can they even breathe in them? They look tight as fuck

Why do the women like to wear these pants? Can they even breathe in them? They look tight as fuck

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All I can think about when I see these is “Imagine the aroma when they peel these off after the show”

they look awful tbqh

why is the waist so high

A girl wore these in my physics lab. Diamonds on the spot.

Every time I see these pants I want to ding-dong diddly eat that ass so I’m guessing that’s the point of them

dunno haha

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It makes their braps sound louder


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brap magnifiers

My wife wears these when she goes out with her friends, I think it’s a club/scene thing.

Leave the house, dude. High waist pants are back in style.

>My wife wears these when she goes out with her friends
I’m so sorry man

Sexy as fuck.

They draw dimes

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They're rubber so they can pee and poop in them and no one will notice

>being married and still going out clubbing
State of your wife

Makes my dick tight as fuck.

Pathetic incels groveling over b-grade Hooter’s girls.

Imagine the smell of those sweaty girl cracks when they take them off

don't worry bro, it's ok

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Good old food analogy that makes no fucking sense

What if 48 different dicks fucked and then came into your cereal.

Still wanna eat it?

Because at t he end of the day, they've got not talent and have to rely on trying to look "attractive".

They hold the braps in

Attractiveness is a talent.

I'm sure your girlfriend would

Becky should never wear them, she looks so awful.

Waiting for Naomi to have more non wrestling segments so she can bust these out. And waiting for Mella to give Bayley a pair

these are literally the same pants i think wwe give them out

Please tell me you stay home to babysit her son.

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Seth gives them to the girls he porks, he got a good wholesale deal, they make great gifts!

They're called jeggings you mark

sorry, not a faggot

>Knowing the name of thotwear

Tight pleather pants are on latex outfit tier for me. Top tier!

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Have you been to a Hooters lately? Just like prowrestling, they're pretty much dead.

>wear open toed shoes that make their feet disgusting
>"but it's liberating"
>wear suffocating pants that make their crotches and asses disgusting
>"but it's liberating"
Cancel the female sex.

You lost me at footfag

No I’m mildly autistic (aspergers really) so I don’t like social scenes much. My wife does. So most Friday and Saturday nights she goes out and I clean the house and jerk off and stuff.

high waisted pants/shorts makes the ass look fuller. that's why hip hugging jeans aren't in style anymore. it's all about accentuating the ass now.

BRAP sound amplifiers

Basic bitches lad

>arched back and still no ass

that's a bad ass indeed.

Ha she going out to fuck Tyrone while you post summer of 92 shit on the Yea Forums

My wife private tutored Draymond Green on the weekends. He was so stupid she had to stay extra late every day. He hasn't changed.

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They don’t have a dick and balls my nigga, they don’t really much breathing room

Need much*

the one in the middle and on the right do actually

dood, I think he is fucking your wife

>“Imagine the aroma when they peel these off after the show”

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No she’s not. She’s actually almost asexual - we have sex maybe once a month. She just never wants/needs it.

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The absolute state of Yea Forums

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John Green prefers it that way

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user, I...

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Obviously a lot of people don’t have happy relationships since they are attacking me. My wife and I spend most Friday and Saturday nights apart - who cares? She gets to be social with her friends and I get to okay video games, clean, and jerk off.

And for idiots implying she’s having sex - she’s NEVER had a sex drive, even when we first started dating we’d have sex about once a month since she was more focused on her job, clubbing, and volunteer work than sex.

Super yikes

They want to highlight their (usually flat) asses

Based gimmickposter working Yea Forums

I've been in a few happy relationships. Real fulfilling shit: mutual attraction, things in common, and even real love. You know what kept those relationships happy? A healthy sex life. You don't have to ramjam your wife five times a day, but if she's not getting it from you she's getting it somewhere else. She's probably getting close to her sexual peak and dancing with young fit guys while you sit at home playing switch and jerking off. Get it together, user.

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imagine getting worked by a cuck copypasta

When everything on this board is a work, nothing is.

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Women share attire in case you have not noticed.



please be joking bro holy shit

Pretty sure Becky and Mella can’t wear the same skin tight pants

they keep in the heat so their assholes stay moist and start to fermentate, making their braps extra powerful. IMAGINE the smell

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Nothing gets me hotter than seeing a girl tie her shoes.

Worry about their health

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Imagine the smell.

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I appreciate this reference