Mental illness

Reminder that this guy is close to William Regal

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what's up the wwe and mentally ill people bros

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Hes right though.

I don't even hate E-drones guys, I just pity them. How do we just put them all out of their misery?

defend wwe at all costs

He's not, Dean waited out his contract, having to work with Nia Jax just recently and run other pointless programs for a long time. He has all the right to make a hype package. And the guy commenting has no idea what Dean's actual relationship with Vince, Seth, Roman etc is... For all we know he told them about it. And the video is just a video to promote him. Why some guy is getting heated over it beyond me, but we have to suspect he has no friends or real job as he has no shame about yelling at wrestlers publically on Twitter.

This guy knows William Regal since forever. He has connections.

Big wall of text for nothing.
Dean didn't "escape", he finished up his contract and was given a nice farewell. Thats all that guy is trying to say, which is true, i guess he's going off because the video portrays it like dean had some kind of neville or luke harper situation when he didn't.


I'd tbqhf

Wasnt sure until i read trans, probably 3-5 drinks and i'm neck deep in Carmen

Would smash, then fuck.

He didn't get a nice farewell in the slightest.

Wait please let me take that back, it was just 1 pic that tricked me.
please i dont want to go through with this.

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too late brother

No I was tricked .
Okay but im gonna need some more Spirytus

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Vince could give Dean the whole company for all he cares, he just wanted to escape as quick as possible, most likely spent all those nights cringing while Jasethy embarassed the three of them with his cringe promos.

I still would

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It's always like that. There's like one very good pic but then you got others that make it obvious. Like that one pizza guy/girl and Jessica Love or whatever that tranny wrestler is called.

Exposing Dean for the edgy emotional 14 year old girl that he is.

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E-drones have a mental illness

Post it

he got his first AEDUB paycheck already?

>this guy is close to William Regal
never heard of this E-drone, who is he and why is he friends with Regal?

considering how many wrestlers are being held against their will, he did escape

They literally gave him a special show just for his sendoff. The show was shit but the thought counts.

>ask for release
>get time extended to your contract because of injury

Looks pretty damm based to me, is she a man? I dint know and i dont care, she is hot and cutr and thats all thats matter

wrestling twitter is mostly mentally ill people, that or they have severe hangups

Yeah but its wrestling its supposed to be a fucking work

imagine getting this worked
