Is the WWE too poor to afford tarps now?

Is the WWE too poor to afford tarps now?

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did that one guy in the red go alone?
jesus christ how shit is your life that you go alone to wwe

>did that one guy in the red go alone?
>jesus christ how shit is your life that you go alone to wwe

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maybe someone's taking a piss
or maybe he doesn't know anyone who's into WWE and he isn't afraid to go places alone - nothing wrong with that

>Roman is a draw

Who the fuck has wrestling friends irl you dumb bitch?

are you to stupid afford to make good post?

No, the tarps just stopped coming because they'd rather watch anything else.

This isn't one of those after the cameras go off matches?
Customers are shook after that WrestleMania shit.
WWE and the city didn't give a fuck and left people stranded in the rain for hours.

>jesus christ how shit is your life that you go to wwe


Robert please there is no, no singles policy for wrasslin

they've clearly upgraded to cardboard cut outs.

>Can't afford good talent
>Can't afford pyro or other sfx
>Can't afford licensed music for entrances
I wonder if their streaming service has something to do with it. Paying $10 a month to watch any event instead of the usual price for PPVs seems like a bad move in hindsight.

killing their ppv business was a bad move in foresight

Its going to $15-20 a month next year, was actually said in some conference call a few months back

I don't watch wrestling so I don't care


i don't know if that's a good move when you're losing subscribers

might push people away faster


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It is. This is a dark match after 205 live


Roman's always the pissbreak

Damn true.

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I go to ROH shows alone all the time