So, what was the point of this?

So, what was the point of this?

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same reason womens main evented the biggest wreslting show of the year and kofimkingston is currently disgracing the 60yo american legacy known as the wwe championship

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That was his motif during that period, now he has more of an Olympian like aesthetic. Gotta keep yourself fresh.

Social Justice and Finn finally coming out of the closet. Don't tell me he's never had something inserted back there.

he never said he was gay though

would be a waste if that ass is not being used for its rightful purpose

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Virtue signal to other faggots

To make Darren Young seethe and cry

Lmao what a dumb bitch. I don't blame the black guy. Coal burners are usually very obnoxious people.

Stephanie McMahon wanted to pander to THE GAY COMMUNITY and Finn Gaylor did it.


He wanted to show support to the LGBTQ community

He lost the match. The point was that Vince thinks gays are losers.

management's way of acknowledging his past in gay fetish wrestling companies

Way to not show support for the intersexual arab community you fucking bigot!

It's LGBTQIA+ you fucking bigot.

You forgot the p for pedosexual or whatever the fuck they're doing now.

booty got him like

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Big Dick Devitt seen a hole in the market and worked the LGBT simps in to buying his shirt.

They're worse than nigs themselves

He worked the LGBT simps in the exact same way Kenny Omega did.