*works the puro twitter simps into a seething shoot*

*works the puro twitter simps into a seething shoot*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who is this kike?

Jordynne Grace

He worked me into seething boil as well and I ain't mentally ill leftist

just a puro fan enjoying himself in Japan and got crucified by puro twitter for making too much noise

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for the unaware


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Go back

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you gonna make me?
didn't think so.

I hate people who try over and over to start chants at american shows. Fuck this guy for spending a week doing that shit.

Wheres the footage? Vids dont lie.

weebs are mentally ill

I've been really disappointed in how the whole situation has been handled with the Israeli guy.

If Stardom had a problem with him, they should have called security and asked him to stop. It would have ended the situation immediately.

Instead they chose to ignore it. That's fine too, but then their English twitter had to send out a PSA to all Western fans, like we are some sort of collective and as if the actions of one guy represents all of us. That's what got me upset about the whole thing. Why do I need to be addressed because someone else acted out individually?

And all of the witch-hunts, doxxing and various calls to action at the guy have made everyone complaining about it look even worse than the actual incident that triggered all of this in the first place.

As far as I'm concerned, if anyone should be apologizing at this point, it should be Stardom for engaging in blatant racism against Western fans.


No one would have known who it was if the guy didn't have a meltdown about it on twitter.


Racism is what makes Japan good in the first place.

Holy shit.

I haven't watched it since the tournament isn't fully uploaded yet, but kek. I find chants like that obnoxious even in western promotions. It's just awkward here.

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>Blocked by Stardom's twitter account
>Japanese twitter users talk about how annoying he was during the show
>Wrestlers telling him he should shut the fuck up
>Still believes that he's in the right

he is jewish

now imagine this for the whole show and multiple other shows

>No one would have known who it was if the guy didn't have a meltdown about it on twitter.

The message was addressed to him. We all know that.

It's like at work when someone does something stupid and the company sends out a mass email about it or makes a new rule over it. Oh, they won't say who did it or provide details, but everyone knows who it was directed at and what it involved.

I don't blame him for speaking out and defending himself. He was being blasted publicly when the situation could have been immediately resolved privately.

When I visited Tokyo this year for WK and attended NYD and a Stardom show none of the foreigners on the attendace started shit chants. This guy is a moron.

This kike's about to make it 110

I love how he's like

>The wrestlers loved it, she even commented on it during the match

Meanwhile if he actually understood the language he'd know that the wrestler commented on how noisy he was being.

>she totally loved it!!!

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There is nothing wrong with racism, and clearly Japan is right to discriminate against foreigners if this is how they behave.

The problem is the guy was too autistic to read the atmosphere in the room. If he wasn't he'd quickly notice "Hey I'm kinda the only one chanting and nobody else is joining in. This is getting awkward, maybe I should stop"

Nobody knew who he was.
He revealed himself and he got pissy at people being disappointed and ashamed of being westerners in the same audience as he was.
WH Park was at STARDOM show and he was saying on twitter how he hates this.
Not until the guy went on twitter, saw this (he wasn't tagged in anything, mind you, people didn't know who he was at that time) and started to have his meltdown about shitty "gaijins" being pissed.
So the fault is at the both sides.
On one side we have a fucking autist who tried to get himself over, mind you a thing that everyone hates, who was having a meltdown over randos on twitter saying they hated the chants.
And on the other side, when he revealed himsefl to be a moron, we have the other side of the twitter and other sites being assholes to him.

>The problem is the guy was too autistic to read the atmosphere in the room. If he wasn't he'd quickly notice "Hey I'm kinda the only one chanting and nobody else is joining in. This is getting awkward, maybe I should stop"

Yeah, I agree.

I watch Stardom. And the thing is, I'm pretty sure he was at one of the earlier, smaller shows. Someone was trying to start the same shitty chants, but only for the 2 gaijin they currently have - Bea Priestley and Rebel Kel. He stopped both times after a few seconds because nobody joined him. I guess he didn't learn or thought he would try it with the Japanese wrestlers this time?

They should have kicked him out.

>He revealed himself and he got pissy at people being disappointed and ashamed of being westerners in the same audience as he was.

The tweet was directed at him. There's no getting around that.

I can agree that it sounded like he was pretty annoying. There was a fan at the Champion Carnival a week or two ago who wouldn't shut up about Kento that I mentioned in the review I did for it.

>So the fault is at the both sides.
>On one side we have a fucking autist who tried to get himself over, mind you a thing that everyone hates, who was having a meltdown over randos on twitter saying they hated the chants.
>And on the other side, when he revealed himsefl to be a moron, we have the other side of the twitter and other sites being assholes to him.


I don't know if they even have security. They're a small promotion and it's Japan. Jap audiences just don't do shit like this, so kicking someone out isn't really a thing.

I heard the same chants. I'm sure it probably was the same guy.

I just don't understand why they didn't address him directly in private or ignore it.

The jew was annoying as fuck but I still side with him over the puro twitter trannies saying he should have been kicked out for some inoffensive "lets go" chants at a fucking wrestling show.

I think he said he was there for a week?
Anyway he was at SEADLINNING and All Japan as well from people who were at those shows.
It is kinda getting to be a normal thing that westerners visit Japan to watch wrestling, with the accessebility thanks to streaming. So people are up on current storylines and feuds and are more invested and more willing to spend money to go to specific tournaments or tours.
I think it is possible we will see this more often in the future.
Especially with this pushback this dude received. There will be people who will try to stick it to the man! To those triggered snowflakes! And the cycle will repeat. I think we can say goodbye to a Japanese crowd and Japanese style audience...

>I don't know if they even have security.

Korauken has ushers on hand to guide people to their seats and stuff. Why they didn't use them is the part that doesn't make any sense, unless they were afraid of starting something with a foreigner...

Japanese fans are more respectful, more refined, and not mentally ill. Compare the crowd of a NJPW show to a WWE show for example.


>The tweet was directed at him. There's no getting around that.
The first one? The STARDOM one? he wasn't tagged in it. Not until he went and wrote into the replies to the tweet. And got blocked by Sonny immediatly, cause he didn't want to fan any flames.

Erm... when I was there in 2018 I was at Kaz's anniversary show at W-1 and seat next to me was a Japanese dude, who was clearly mentally ill.
But he was at least silent for most of the show, only was going insane for Reika and for Mutoh.

/ourjew/ is ALL IN!

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I was curious to see how Yea Forums would react to this situation. Would people side with being contrarian and say he is based because so many people hate him, or would the racism win out and he'd be written off as a kike degenerate.

>he wasn't tagged in it.

It's like when someone screws up at work and they send a work-wide email reminding you of various policies. Everyone knows who it was addressed to and usually what happened, which they may not have if they didn't send out that email.

That doesn't matter, there will be enough morons chanting shit like he will.
His lone voice will not change anything.

>Juden Grace

Yes, but what I am saying is that if he didn't react to it, nobody would ever knew who he was.
But he reacted to it.

>Yes, but what I am saying is that if he didn't react to it, nobody would ever knew who he was.

It was a tough call and a lose/lose either way.

>nobody would ever knew who he was

yeah he didn't want that

The latter. Always.

Or we just hate shitty chants. A big part of the reason I mostly stick to Japanese promotions nowadays is because the crowds aren't as annoying. Keep that crap in the west.

Fuck you guys, I paid my money, why can't I chant?

Do you sit and talk during the movies too? You paid for your ticket after all.

When you go to Japan and especially for wrestling shows, you observe their local customs/culture. That's just what you do, it's understood and if you don't you are a pig ignorant gaijin fuck who deserves to be mocked and doxxed and beaten up. The guy is clearly out to get himself over first and foremost. This kind of shit is bad enough on Western shows but doing it on Japanese shows is a very clearl yunderstood no-no. The culture is different there and if you are going to go over there you must respect it and not try to bring Western smark behaviours over there.
Japanese people are right to hate foreigners when shitheads like this show up. When you go to wrestling shows over there, you shut the fuck up and stay silent when they are silent, when they start popping/clapping along then you join in. You are a guest in their nation and you observe their customs accordingly.

>Fuck you guys, I paid my money, why can't I chant?

You see, there's "correct ways" to chant. No, we won't tell you what those are, but we will embarrass you publicly if you chant incorrectly.

You can chant, but would you chant, if you are the only one who is doing the chanting? Wouldn't you stop yourself and think for a moment?
>if nobody is joining my chants, are those chants even worth doing?
>if I watch this show back on tape, wouldn't I be disgusted at this chanting moron?
>Am I the baddie?

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Yes I do.

Meme chants are cringe, literally my least favorite part of wrestling shows
Just shut up and watch the match

>sit and talk during the movies too? You paid for your ticket after all.

I prefer to pre-game on some Taco Bell and let 'em rip throughout the movie.

He's alreayd started pulling the Antisemitism card too because he simply cannot comprehend how much of an obnoxious cunt he is. 0 self awareness whatsoever. Likely highly far gone on the spectrum. Total mega autist behavior. Needs a good heavy handed assault to straighten him out.

That's a terrible analogy. This isn't a workplace where everyone knows each other and a mistake effects everyone in the company. The streaming service isn't showing him or giving his name. Maybe some of the Japanese at the show who looked around at the guy chanting weird shit would be able to identify him by his face if showed a picture, but they still wouldn't know his name and I don't think they even use the English twitter account. Nobody knew who he was publicly until he replied and revealed himself.

You don't understand Japanese wrestling audience culture. That kind of shit is just not done over there, and is considered rude/disruptive. It doesn't matter if you agree with that assessment or not, when you are in their country you do as they do. That's just the way it is and it's not up for debate.

whenever purotwitter gets pissy about gaijins, either in the crowd or in the ring, it always comes off as them trying to be japanese

Nope, the guy outed himself by replying to that Tweet identifying himself, and the fucking gall of him to say he was "OFFENDED" at reading their very politely worded Tweet reminding fans to be respectful of their customs.
He brought this shitstorm upon himself and I don't know why you are defending this autist unless you know or are actually him.

The guy reacted in a way where he was very clearly courting attention to himself. But being the mega autist he appears to be, didn't seem to understand all the attention he was going to get would be negative.
But his motivation was clearly to get himself over. Playing the victim about it is such a pussy bitch move, then pulling the anti-Semitism card when all else failed. This kid should have been bullied more as a child to beat that autism otu of him.

Why are you being so deliberately ignorant of the difference between Japanese wrestling culture and Western wrestling culture?
Or do you genuinely not know wnything about why that type of behaviour is frowned upon in Japan?

>I don't know why you are defending this autist unless you know or are actually him.

I'm not really defending him so much as being against:

- Reddit outrage mobs

- Stardom lumping all Westerner's together with this guy because they weren't man enough to handle this in private or ignoring it, like they should have.

They're not lumping all westerners in with him. They've had plenty of other western fans in attendance. I have no idea where you are pulling this from. They are just giving a warning so it hopefully doesn't happen again and a reminder of guidelines.

Your attempts to characteristic this as a "Reddit outrage mob" so more people on this board will side with your position because of le reddit boogeyman is pathetically transparent. This all transpired on Twitter, this did not start/originate on Reddit.
Also tell me more of your knowledge of Japanese wrestling audience culture, since you seem to think it's acceptable to act this way at a show over there like it's a show happening in America or the UK.

Wow really funny man you spam the same unfunny stale memes over and over

The guy clearly didn't do any prior research on how to act when attending a japanese wrestling show.


>namefagging and effortposting

you have to go back.

>Stardom lumping all Westerner's together with this guy
The only people being lumped together with that reminder are people as autistic as he is, not westerners.

are you people actually engaging with a tripfag


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Why not? He brought valid points.
Part of beauty of Yea Forums is that we can have good and bad shitposting, making great stuff up and still have a good legitimate discussions.
Also namefags are a thing on Yea Forums and have been for a decade. What can you do. moot didn't changed it when he first did it and they are here to stay

the fact that the guy is taking offense ot it like that tells me he must have a lot in common with this jew sperg

ProWresBlog is agua



it's not his fault, he's from a group that is biologically incapable of feeling shame or guilt when they do something that pisses off their host society

Will Rossy enforce a No Jews policy at future Stardom shows?

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Maor Ilan. Run me through your actions on the night of April 29th. What was going through your head?

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The root of all evil.

because it's extremely annoying and you're ruining the event for everyone else. Rossy should've went full Amalek on you.

Why are these people letting the event be ruined for them? Tell the guy during the chants.

the same reason Rossy allowed Yoshiki to break Act's face to pieces. Japs are passive aggressive introverted autist too timid to intervene when something clearly bad is being done to ruin the show.

Look at this fucking kike posting is satanic flag like im a Jew you cant disagree with me or youre anti-semitic

They're Japanese. They probably can't tell him because of the language barrier. And it's just not how they roll because they're polite and don't want to make a scene. Plus, anyone who isn't a complete autist would catch on to the atmosphere after a few minutes, surely. Maybe the atmosphere at the show was different but I watched the matches uploaded and it's seriously fucking awkward. The only 2 conclusions I reached from it are that the guy was doing it to get himself over or is just so autistic he needs a caretaker who would help him understand these things.

Japs are culturally conditioned to be fucking terrified of confrontations of any kind. They will endure just about anything in order to not have an unpleasant social interaction.

>Freedom of speech=freedom of chants
Youre in Japan not the US you fucking dumb Heeb

>the goyim was not physically removing me! therefore i did no wrong!