Do Yea Forums janitors just let mandrama get spammed here? This isn't mandrama board so why is everything here mandrama?

Do Yea Forums janitors just let mandrama get spammed here? This isn't mandrama board so why is everything here mandrama?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I need serious answer, this is unexplainable

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Keep bumping, that's fine.

Why is Peepee upset

With WWE dying, and real sports like P-League on the rise, it's only a matter of time before all that changes.

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Any new memes get pruned/deleted, any discussion about a wrestler/talent also gets pruned
Anything of value is deleted; and dirt sheet threads, brap threads, and diva generals get to stay

>& wrestling
think again fuckhead

WWE insists on 'superstar' and 'sports entertainment,' not 'professional wrestler' or 'wrestling'

>carter's cuck spam stays up
really makes you think

It's alternative since it is openly worked, while other sports are secretly worked.

See this what I'm talking about right here. I stroll into Yea Forums and I see OP thinking that the janitors and moderators OWE it to him to make this place amenable to airsoft and sumo or whatever crap he likes. Well here's your wake-up call, OP: The janitors aren't here to babysit you like the way the government babysits the "inner city" population. So if you've got a problem with Yea Forums, I think you should go . . .
TO /hell/!

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>cuck stays
>undeniable goes
Cmon at least undeniable is funny and even sometimes leads to decent discussion, even tho half is ironic posting

i'm starting to believe carter became a part timer because he is a janny now

>Yea Forums janitors
We don't have any tranny jannies, those fat pedos got choked out.

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He literally just deleted a bunch of threads for no reason

That's a real on-topic thread that is.

No one including you reported it or it would have been on the queue when he deleted all those threads half an hour ago. So why are you complaining? Lmao

He just deleted like 20 threads, left up porn image threads on a blue board, and cuck threads. This board is deader than the industry

Its like you all think he looks at the catalog and deleted threads from there. They have a queue that reported threads stay up on. If its not reported it won't get deleted. That's why you sometimes see comments in porn threads get deleted but not the porn thread itself


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A majority of threads he deleted were on topic and relevant, and sfw. He’s a cuck geek

because wrestling is a topic where active shit happens all the time, ridiculous amounts of content gets put out in a week, as compared to kickboxing or skating or something, in which MAYBE, if you're lucky, you get one event a year that the 3 people you know actually follow.

what happened to the NXT women general?

See I think he deleted threads at random or something

The state of this board

He had to have. There’s no queue, fuck that user who said that. I report every cuck, porn, /pol/ bait shit threads when I see em, and he leaves em

wrestling only ya simp

Sometimes I make a false reports to work him. Sometimes he just deletes them.

I got banned within a minute when I posted an Assange thread. But then I saw a Mortal Kombat thread stay alive for awihle. They are biased and Jewish.


Sweep the leg, Johnny!

>breathing general

I now have a range ban for uploading images. What the fuck is going on today, this guy needs to go

LOL yea dude me too, fuck this guy. But the cuck posters can keep spamming

Everything we love about this board is about to be taken away and no one realises it.


Because the only reason this board is alive is because of wrestling. Hell the only reason this board was made was because wrestling threads would spam Yea Forums so here we are at Yea Forums home of 99 wrestling threads and 1 eternal skateboarding general.



Fun fact: ding-dong diddly isn't filtered if you type King Finna, because King Dedede made a mod seethe.

Sup Yea Forums. Have sex.

King Finna

King Finna




Based King Ding-Dong Diddly worked a mod into a shoot.

well it is unexplainable to me why you little fag don't just fuck off and that's the ding-dong diddly bottom line


/case closed