Here's every picture taken with a fan during the FTLOW convention. On the Sunday...

Here's every picture taken with a fan during the FTLOW convention. On the Sunday, a grand total of two people paid to have their photo taken with Virgil.

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Why can't this faggot smile? These marks are paying $1,000 for your worthless autograph and picture, cunt. The least you can do is dress nice and smile.

£150 a pop. There's 836 photos there. That means he made £125,400 for being a miserable cunt who didn't even bother to shower properly beforehand over two days.

the undertaker doesn't smile

Taker isn't supposed to smile but I'd be annoyed at paying money for a photo when he's dressed casually

What a cunt

Imagine the smell

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Look at this dude

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What the FUCK happened to Summer Rae's face?

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kek what a bitch

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Wait till you see the

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As a fat fuck, is this the kind of girl I should look for?


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Dunno what's funnier, Nashetty jobbing that hard or Dunne only being two inches taller than a literal child.

try losing weight instead

She's into meme facial treatment stuff, like blood letting

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based nash

He's not been that happy since Norf signed Ngubu.

A physically repulsive one? Yes.

how the FUCK are wrestling fans less repulsive than laker fans!? i want some memeworthy photos.

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Confirmed draws
Only 87 people wanted a solo Kevin Nash photo compared to 219 for Christian. Some got a Hall/Nash photo or NWO one but those weren't huge draws either. Hacksaw outdrew Nash.

WWF was bigger in the UK because it was on Channel 4 and Sky One. WCW played at midnight on Cartoon Network here or something.


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kek, what a bitch.

Nashetty BTFO

Getting pic with someone famous used to be special and have story behind it now any fucking yahoo can use mommys credit card and pay $1000 to meet anyone. Humans were mistake.

What a rotter

Keep seeeeeeeeeething poor cuck, ive spend money on photos, action figures, shirts, ppvs, interviews and meet ad greets. Get the fuck out of our business