ITT: reigns only you remember

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Baron Corbin's US title reign consisted of winning a rematch against AJ Styles clean (IMO the biggest win of his career and the biggest loss AJ has had in WWE) and then losing to Sin Cara like 3 times before he beat him in the title match.

Bobby Roode's US title reign consisted of losing to Randy Orton clean.

Jinder literally had the US title from this same line and lost it to Jeff Hardy almost immediately.

Shame cause AJ and KO were making a midcard title matter more than the main titles at the time. Now Joe has it and has been booked to get rolled up every match unless hes choking Rey out in 40 seconds.

>Baron Corbin’s US title reign
it was kinda memorable due to him angering Shoot Cara in one of the matches, and facing IC champion Miz at Survivor Series
>Bobby Roode’s and Jinder Mahal’s US title reign
you got me, I always forget about those two being US champs
>Jinder Mahal’s US title reign
it was memorable for three reasons 1) he won it at WM 2) it was short lived af (seriously, half of the people remember Ryder’s IC title reign because its length not because he won it at WM) 3) it was surprising because everyone thought he’ll never win anything ever again

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Never should have broke them up, should have been the new Team Angle.

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>>Bobby Roode’s and Jinder Mahal’s US title reign
I meant Bobby Roode's and Randy Orton's US title reign

I remember the team but not so much the reign.
I forget about Corbin's US reign all the time.
I remember the Roode/Orton/Jinder stuff because it involved a pretty good fatal 4-way at Mania. And Roode was still getting good crowd reactions in those first couple months. They did a neat storyline where Roode was offended that somebody younger than him (Orton) would be trying to offer him advice.
I agree with you about AJ/Owens. That was an underrated feud because everyone kept seething over the unpredictable endings.

For me, it's Gallows and Anderson. Somehow everybody forgets that these two actually walked into a Wrestlemania as champions. It infuriates me because that was the match where The Hardyz returned, which was arguably the biggest pop of the entire night. You would think people would remember these two were holding the belts. Salty Gallows and Anderson fans try to insist that WWE never gave them opportunities or TV time.

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American Alpha was such a great tag time.
RIP Jordan

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Literally only happened so MUH GRAND SLAM
Same with the US Title, which he won and then proceeded for feud for months for the Universal Championship

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>relinquishes the title the next night

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>no, Dolph, please don't leave, you can get the strap from the Miz
>loses the title back to the Miz a few weeks later on a random SmackDown via cheap Maryse shenanigans
>jobs for the Miz the following weeks

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I'm upset that they weren't in the tournament to crown the first ever Champs,but happy because it gave Slater something nice. What I don't understand is why they wasted the victory on a throwaway event instead of waiting for a big PPV. These two were gold together and their main roster run was Forgettable as fuck due to piss poor booking

where is he broz

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Tag division last year was weird man.

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wtf? this happened?

Nah I watched Velocity


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They pushed the wrong Reigns

Their feud with the Usos was fucking dynamite. They had great TV matches like three weeks in a row and nobody cared. Makes me mad.

AJ and KO didn't even get to have a good feud because all the finishes were shit and then they shoved Shane in there. And then they refused to just do an actual open challenge with AJ and made it all about Baron Corbin.

rip Battlescars

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