For me? It's Ivory

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patrician choice

If you asked she'd probably give you a tug.

You have chosen wisely.

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muscular granny best fetish y/n?

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go back and watch her stuff. crazy she came from the GLOW environment and excelled in WWE. she never really made it huge like a Trish, but she did really well with a lot of the shit she was fed

god yes

For me it's pic related

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more like Guyvory

Is that Tailor Swyft?

Tori from WWF.
Terri Poch

>Terri Poch
I want to fuck her cooch

"she" looks like jericho with fake tits

She's a legit female, user.
As in "has a working uterus"

Not enough Ivory pics, anons. Step up you lazy niggers.

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>hi ladies
>I'm the most respected lady in the WWF and I'm going to train you
>s-so does that, miss um, miss training lady? A-are you a slut t-to?

She's an ugly useless slut

>She's an ugly useless slut

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Of course its Molly Holly

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She is.
user, what the fuck did she bring to the table?
Bad matches? Terrible on the mic? Made it clear she only got where she is from fucking her way there?

She's Lita but without moonsaults that are botched

Idc about her matches or mic ability. I thought she was hot and that's all I care about regarding women's wrestling.

super hero molly holly was hot AF than she dick hopped from spike and I lost interest in her.. still think she's great looking but man you cant have an angle where the girl dickhops... only cucks find that shit acceptable

Hmm, okay.
I mean she was what, 45 or something back in the Atiitude Era? If you like them old ladies then go nuts man


MIlfs are my thing. Ever been with an older woman? Shit's amazing.

A lot of older teenage girls liked to play docor with me when I was like 10 if that counts.
Or my friend's "totally lesbian" 30 year old sister when I was 14 also existed

But no, 30 is my limit

I'm talking like a seasoned woman who knows how to work a dick. It's highly recommended.


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>she never really made it huge like a Trish
Ivory only had a 3 year run with WWE, 1999-2002

>Terrible on the mic
Now hold the fuck on, now
Ivory was easily top 10 best female WWE wrestler on the mic
Her real-life chattiness translated well in promos

She'd probably rip it clean off with those arms brother

Ivory was ruined for me the moment I realized she looks like Red Forman.

I want to fuck ivory she doesn't look like she's aged a day since 2002



She wasn't a whore, in every wrestler's shoot interviews they said she was the one girl who wouldn't put out because she was a strict christian.

Also from GLOW, Ninotchka. Fucking hot.

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I take it you aren't familiar with the infamous case of the Molly Holly stalker ?
That's what that guy was referring to.

Same with Tori too, actually.
Pity HBK sexually assaulted her causing her to leave



There he is (:

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