Modern day Hulk Hogan when he left wwf

modern day Hulk Hogan when he left wwf.

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Is this a meme?


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He's reddit incarnate, isn't he like 40? A little old to be an edgy 20 something

cope more edrones. your precious wwe is failing.

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Call us when an actual draw jumps ship.

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That's impossible. WWE would need draws.

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Jon Moxley is trending on social media. he's a draw.

>social media

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Wrestling would need a draw you mean. What the hell happened to this business?


Twitter brother. anything can make trending

>t. friendless loser

>social media friends are actual friends

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>"Hey, user. What's your Twitter? I'll follow you."
>N-nah. I don't use social media since it's c-cringe

>he unironically uses Twitter

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I don't, but I also don't get the hate for it. I can see it working as a platform to communicate casually with co-workers and colleagues. Implying that it doesn't serve that purpose instead of refuting the implication that you don't have any friends says a lot about you.

holy fucking cringe

Ya boilin

AEW hasn't even done anything and it's already lost.

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edrone its okay. you can still post here after wwe is dead.