Sonya just got friendzoned. How will she ever recover?

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Jay-z fucks Beyonce bruv

Sounds like Sonya is getting her carpet torn up tonight to me.

>ywn be Vince McMahon and start an onscreen angle of Mandy and Sonya being lovers
>Mandy hates it but you tell her she'll be fired if she doesn't go along

Sonya deserves to be with Mandy. Why haven't WWE work this angle? It could be pure kino.

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Imma get em both ding-dong diddly pregnant

Who’s the Jay-Znetty

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You might wanna dig a little deeper into that theory


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So Sonya gave yo her MITB spot for Mandy? She's desperate.

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Sonya will cost Mandy the briefcase so they can do a break up angle... again...

Except they won’t break up because there are no tag teams after the Japs

I slept on her initially, but Sonya is a very pretty woman.

Everybody did. She came in looking like an ugly dyke with that Allen Iverson hairstyle

you actually think WWE planned that far ahead?
Vince literally created the women tag title just to stop Sasha and Bayley from annoying him every week, I would be surprise if the tag title is defended at Mitb let alone in the pre show.

nice quads Satan.

>can't count to five
based retard gimmick, user

Does anyone really care for that title? (as a fan)

What a footslut

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Every girl is uglier with MMA nigbraids.


The best part is that everyone was bitching about Sasha and Bayley being unhappy about losing the belts to the IIconics because they wanted to be touring champions across all the brands to give the belts legitimacy and feared losing them quickly would just make them a joke.

So of course they lost them after a month to a pair of geeks who had been jobbers up to that point who only care about goofing off during matches and promos and sure as shit look where we are. Guess they were right to be mad.

two in one night. Bliss fans on suicide watch

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