Their gimmick is that WWE lives rent free in a presidential suite inside their heads

>their gimmick is that WWE lives rent free in a presidential suite inside their heads

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so most marks today

Wait, Randy Orton has a podcast?


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Literally the nadir of online wrestling fans. I'd even take the hikkimori anime communist weebs over them.

Just go to their twitter, have a scroll of their timeline regarding anything WWE and it's literally them shitting their pants coming out with the most elementary school one liner trying to mock the company. Definition of BAD CORPORATIONS BAD NPCs

>t. e drone

You guys are so used to be coddled that you react to even the slightest of criticism. It's like when you accuse Meltzer of being anti-wwe, when he promotes them every single week and gives ridiculously high ratings to their kick out shit.

Just because VOW doesn't bootlick Vince doesn't make them a hater ya dumb drone.

VOW is unironically the best wrestling website out there.

Unlike WON, they actually cover other promotions than WWE and NJPW.

did someone touch you?
Scared of a Captain?

There is criticism, then there is coming off as petty . Learn the nuanced difference, ya NPC

show me the petty tweets

>pls spoonfeed me

>believe what I say with no evidence
cringe holy fuck

if you make a claim back it up

You're not baiting me into spoonfeeding you. Besides, you're just going to say it's not petty anyway, seeing as you're already a VOWapologist.

>still can't post a screenshot

this thread backfired on you pretty hard didn't it?

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They are terrible

You just haven't realized you got worked


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