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When all else fails.

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Fuck, he was being quite based saying "fuck this retarded tradition i'm not your mother cunt" but he had to pull the fucking race card. Why do black americans always bring race to everything?

Based black excellence making whitoids seethe
>waaahhhh stop reminding us of our race's crimes against humanity

Because black American men know the history and are paranoid of doing labor that is not paid for. Especially under the auspices of a "tradition". Thing is I bet the New Day, Ricochet, and other black dudes had to do the same when they started. Hell Booker T probably had it a lot worse in his time.

We're not Jews tho

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>waaahhhh stop reminding us of our race's crimes against humanity
literally name one (1) crime against humanity or war crime whites have ever committed.
protip: you can't

Booker t shucked and jived his way to the top. Just listen to his fake ass on his radio show lmao.

Blacks are literally taught from birth to always pull the race card.

I'm black and even I'm disappointed he took it there, baka

Literal genocide and rape of entire group of peoples which theyre are still doing in the middle east to this day lmfao bro...

So nothing that hasn't been done by every other race.

Wtf why did my "s m h" turn into "baka"

Created Yea Forums.

I can name a time about 600k white men fought and died to stop slavery and free the black man. That doesn't count though right?

Booker T called HULK HOGAN a nigga on live TV, was still a fucking champ... 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times.

All of them

>newfag outing himself this much

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you just jobbed to based filter, negro

But I had to carry Nash and michaels bags

>hey, boy. Pick up my fucking bag.

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If we " literally " did " genocide", these races would not exist. Read a dictionary you literal fucking retard.

Did other "races" hang people for entertainment? Project their insecurities against one person type (so called black males) via every form of media leading to a false identity crisis?

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Yeah if he was a real "nigga" he would of never let that slip in the first place lmfao. U see dwyane the rock johnson ever slip and say the n word lmaaaaaaaao go eat your cheerios and keep watch cuckdown bitch boy

I mean, if this was really over him refusing to carry bags or any other "pay your dues" bullshit, I can understand that
But fuck outta here bringing race into it. Plenty of white wrestlers went through that same shit. The man who'll most likely take over WWE when Vince dies even did it

The next Enzo right here. Will piss everyone off, and eventually be let go by Vince. Not saying he's not right, but that's where this is all headed.

They are so tiresome with that shit.

BASED, locker room rituals and traditions need to end

>hazing is racist
the absolute state of millennials

>locker room rituals and traditions need to end

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I don't think you even have a clue what the fuck you're arguing about.

(((KIKES))) have taught them well.

It the same shit (((KIKES))) do when facing criticism.
Its real low functioning shit. And I get a hard on when thinking about the next Shoa

Hazing is part and parcel of toxic white Male bro culture. It absolutely must and will come to an end. White males and climate change, two biggest threats to the world.

Whitey eternally buried

This. Still based though. Nigger said carry your own bags you faggots. I wish he said it to carder

bix nood

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You should honestly do a little research on that one.

Can't wait till he's jobbing to Ohno every week.

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You think Brock carried anybodies fucking bags?

So is this an actual thing that they do in WWE or are they singling him out? Any reports of other guys having to do this? The first thing I'd do if this were asked of me would be to confide in some of my young white friends on the roster and asked if they had been treated the same.

that skinny little nigger isn't Brock. Besides, Brock definitely went through hazing in his high school and collegiate wrestling teams.

Based gatekeeper user

Probably not. He talked about being the bully to other kids on the Austin podcast

Triple checked, you are still a cunt


Imagine being pissed off at someone because they want you to carry your own shit. why are wrestlers such fucking faggots?

Mods pretending they care about high Japanese culture and dislike low street thug talk, the pretending is over so even that newfaggotry's a relic, now they openly leave up frog spam threads that say "fuck an*me"

Sayin nigga makes u official down for the brown "black" guy? What nation is black? Are you some "white" guy eating cheetos?

because s m h t b h f a m took over the entire website for like a week straight and the mods got worked into a shoot


Spanish Jews


Yes, Jews against whites

crypto kike

>I base my beliefs around my own perceived victimhood

He's the man of the hour whose hour has long since passed. Flippy shit into the dust bin of history Black Mysterio.

>Did other "races" hang people for entertainment?

Bolshevik Jews in Russia

>Project their insecurities against one person type (so called black males) via every form of media leading to a false identity crisis?

also Jews

Blacks in America are pathetic. They’re the most coddled whiny fucking race ever. All feminine as fuck.


This is literally WE WUZ KANGZ for white people

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Except it’s all documented. First action house was next to the first synagogue. Lazy faggot.

t. Chaim Shekelstein

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>All these simps seething not realizing that they're proving his point

Much of this board was on his side until he pulled the race card, simp.

>I treat others as equals and as a young black male have often had to fight for my own equality
>That's why I'm refusing to participate in this traditional right of passage that all of my fellow peers have done before me, and would make me equal in their eyes if I complete it.

Nig logic.


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Nice try faggot but I literally read through that entire thread a half hour ago and the majority of posters agreed with him not doing the stupid "pay your dues by being our servant" shit

Did I say I was jewish?

Based user working these cringepilled marks

Most of those shared the physical characteristics of white people. And Judaism is not a race. So those were white.

Now go ahead and link the thread, faggot.

Use the catalog, bitch.

>Judaism is not a race

You're right they're Ashkenazi/Turk/Khazars

More like they got destroyed by the boomers they were trying to own are you kidding me?

>Brock definitely went through hazing in his high school and collegiate wrestling teams.
by brock's own account he was never a spectacular wrestler, he was just always bigger and stronger and tougher than everyone else. no way he has ever been bullied by one of his peers

Hazing =/= bullying. Only people who have been a part of a team or a group of friends realize this.

t. I take every pasta on /pol/ at face value

Also white people dindu nuffin it was the Jews making the CIA put dictators in place in foreign countries and dooming them to economic turmoil

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Man, the way Yea Forumsies changed their stand on Lio reminds me of when Rhea got blacked. I, for one, stand with the M.O.T.H.

Your nose is showing rabbi

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Well he's got a point. He's equal in the sense that he sells as many tickets as the top stars who expected him to carry their bags.

Wait...what's that? You mean NOBODY bought a ticket to see Lio at a WWE event and that he should be thankful that he's being paid more money than what he makes for the WWE? Pfft, what a bunch of capitalist nonsense. Just because he's alive he is worth just as much as anyone else, even if he contributes absolutely nothing to his employer.

Bitch, nobody bought a ticket, period.

On one hand carrying everyone’s bags and fetching water is demeaning and carny but on the other hand Lio sounds like a typical nigger too

I don’t know who I should side with

Lio, you status quo faggot. Would you have carried JBL’s luggage?

t. Lio

So basically everyone on the roster should be thankful that they have a job.

Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You have to make your employer money in order to justify your employment. If you aren't making them money relative to your salary then you are just a drain on resources and will eventually be let go. Sorry, that's how the World works, kid. Nobody is guaranteed a job, you have to actually work and contribute something to society as opposed to just leaching off of other's work like a parasite.

B...b....b..but that's not in my job description. I...i... it says right here I'm a valued member of the team. I'm calling H.R.

yeah, black fraternities never haze.

Just like blacks can never by definition be racist, they can never by definition be guilty of hazing. The culture is a family, we are born into this fraternity. No hazing needed. Every man a king, woman a queen.

> calls WWE HR

Lio: Hey this is Lio Rush.....

HR: Who? You sure you work for our company, kid? Never heard of ya.

Lio: B..but..I'm a WWE Superstar now! I'm worth just as much as anyone else in this company! How do you NOT know my name.

HR: Uh....so who are you again?

>Every man a king, woman a queen.
If they all are, who do they rule over? That makes those terms meaningless just like all of black existence.

LOL, you never heard of gang initiations? I'd much rather be hazed than beat down by an entire group of people and perhaps forced to rob or shoot somebody else.

Oh this is because I'm black right?

Playing the race card is pretty ingenious on his part
Gotta cash in on those sort of privileges when you can it seems

No, it's because nobody knows who the fuck you are. Not one fan will care if Lio Rush isn't in the WWE anymore.


Unfortunately, some blacks think that just because they are alive they are worth something. The only way you are worth anything is by contributing to society in some capacity. Doesn't matter if you flip burgers for a living or if you're a CEO of of Fortune 500 company, you just have to contribute SOMETHING in order to be worth anything at all.

Sorry, but you can't just make food, water and shelter materialize out of nowhere. It takes actual work and effort for that. Can't suck on your mommy's titty your entire life.

Actually, change that from some blacks to some people because you also have entitled brats who think the World owes them a living as well.

In America, your occupation can literally be "black person", being black in America is based asf. Have the expectations of an infant, get preferential treatment to school and civil service jobs, race card. Or just simply be "black American"

We ship food to the most resources rich continent on earth. Ship them all manner of goods they have in abundance under their own feet. Parts of Africa you dig in dirt you get diamonds, oil, or gold. Yet they live in mud huts and starve. Starve. Surrounded by game animals and lush, fertile land.

That's the problem. Africa is so resource rich that they never had to actually work for anything. You could fall asleep nested against a tree in the jungle only to be woken up when a bunch of bananas fall on your head. Now you got food and can go back to sleep until another bunch fall on your head.

Ain’t nobody gonna read that, ya simp e-drone.

Ohhhhh word?
We be seeing about dat. I be a big deal in dat social media shiit na mean?

That's because niggers don't know how to read. Sorry that a paragraph of sentences makes your hard head hurt.

And they fall asleep here and the welfare checks fall on their head. Vicious cycle

Still doesn’t know how get over.
You’ll never get a clue or have sex.

>not knowing about Sephardic Jews


>>That's why I'm refusing to participate in this traditional right of passage that all of my fellow peers have done before me
it's not his fault he has balls and his predecessors didn't. you think fucking Brock held bags for people?

He is not Brock though, he is a midget with less than 5 years in the business and his ceiling is the IC title.

Stop buying the cultural marxist lies that one group is evil and others are good.
Everyone does bad shit, Everyone does good shit. groups will simply act in the interest of the group.
also stop believing everything they tell you about the slave trade, the arab slave trade went on for longer before and after transatlantic slave trade and was far more brutal.

But his predecessors had jobs and screen time and now he doesn't. kek Hope it was worth it.

>He is not Brock though
if it's a "right of passage" then every newbie should participate. why do you give Brock a pass?

who said Brock got a pass?
for all we know Brock did it as well except he didn't cry about it.

you literally just did when you said "he's not brock"
>for all we know Brock did it as well
lol except we know for a fact that he didn't and "vets" like JBL were sucking up to him and carrying his shit for him because they're pussies who knew they couldn't boss him around.

so? it's a "right of passage" not the fucking law is it?

BASED Lio Rush treating his job just like a fucking job. Whatever next. These fags are in for such a shock when their fantasy world crumbles.


Meltzer is reporting that Vince himself approached Rush backstage during a taping and allegedly asked, "Nigger you like working here?"

Brock was from real sports and knew how things worked, plus Cornette forced what he could on him. Brock would never brings friends backstage or whine about shit in any case. Brock also was a draw in the making, Lio never drew and we all know he never will.

BASED LIO using the race card to completely cuck WWE oh no no no no

All right brainlet, ask yourself when the CIA was created and what does it have to do with international banking?

I was there Vince said it,I Bix can confirm.

What promo was this gif from? It looks so familiar to me.

This. Watch him bring in Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. New Nation of Domination.... hands up don’t shoot! Many stacks of paper money, frens.

based cringey youtube comment tier poster

Why are American niggers always so self entitled? You don't see actual Africans act like this.


>he doesn't know what is actually happening

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I'm ok with the race card here. It's the one thing WWE fears. Bad PR.

Nobody makes money and nobody is let go. So you're full of shit.

Hazing is B.S tried it with me in the military. Refused, told them it was retarded and I wasn’t there to amuse downy’s. Didn’t make me popular, but at the end of the day impacted zero on my career. I was more intelligent and physically capable than my peers, who soon became my subordinates. If you’ve got the ability, buck the system anons. Anyone can be a AJ Styles, takes a real man to be Lio Rush.

based for pulling the race card. fuck those carnies and their dumb rules

You're right, it's not like whites have been committing an astronomically high rate of racially motivated crimes or anything. ..

Nope, let me go to AEW. Fucking senile cracker ass bitch

black on black crime my nigga!

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POG who acts like combat arms around his 2 or 3 civilian friends and on line spotted. if you were even in military. I'm guessing JROTC at best.

Stupid ass white “liberals” are worse than full blown KKKonservatives, stop using the word “race card” and just say how you really feel you onions filled commie scum

Mmmmm thanks

Based filter treating user like Nash’s anal cavity in July 1992


why do you think liberals are the ones talking about the race card?

Yeah, like Jussie Smollett

you're brain dead

P-pure coincidence.

You're defending the racists who attacked smollett with bleach? Typical white boy.

based as fuck and anyone who isagrees is a sensitive /pol/ smoking snowflake

They haven't.


Says the cuck who thinks white is a race

ITT: Cucks and niggers

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Nigger, I was in a real army. Not the United States ZOG force.

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wait hold on

Are you quoting the Vietnamese in the summer of 75?

you need to try SO much harder you shut in autist.

The U.S. armed forces needed to try much harder in Vietnam

baka tbqh senpai

>Jews were responsible for slavery
>I know this because I saw an image macro one time on /pol/

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it's ok. uncle Bob will be out of your moms room soon. he will be done "helping " her and then she will get you tendies and mountain dew.

Lio is right to do this and put them on blast publicly. These are some of the lowest drawing losers ever and they're killing the industry and people like that don't deserve to have their bags carried or water served to them.

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this, Jews were just first on the bandwagon after the Muslims. However Muslims were smart enough to castrate their slaves so they don't have whiny nigs wanting free gibs in 2019.

Source it yourself kikelover

I am so sick of niggers....


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Holy shit he is the living embodiment of the boomer meme

This user gets it.

Jews, Arabs, Africans, and Europeans all participated in the slave trade.

Booker T on Lio Rush: “And a guy like this [Lio Rush], has been in a good position, working with Bobby Lashley. It seems like he would be on top of the world in that position working on the pay-per-views and what not. But sometimes, I don’t know, you can start believing in your own press clippings. Sometimes, you can start thinking, ‘Hey, man. This is not a job.’ One thing about this WWE thing … You can call it what you want, but this their stuff man. It’s their show. If you learn how to work inside the — I wouldn’t even call them rules or anything like that — if you can learn how to work inside of ‘the game’ and know how to get in and stay in ‘the game,’ at the end of the day man, you make a lot of money, you take care of your family. I just don’t know when people stop thinking about the endgame is and start thinking about–”

Booker T on how Lio Rush needs to get his game right: “I remember back in WCW, man. And this is the truth. So many of those WCW guys that a lot of these guys today watched on television — a lot of those guys thought they were really, really big stars until the doors closed, and then they had to find work somewhere. A lot of those guys never, ever worked in a major company ever again. You know why? It wasn’t about them. That’s why. There are so many guys looking to take that spot that you have. Not that you can’t go somewhere else and make money. That’s not what it’s about. That’s not what I’m talking about right here. I’m talking about if you’re in a position to make as much money as you can — you have the opportunity to make as much money as you can — and if you’re not doing that, that’s another story. If you’re not happy, that’s another story. But if you’re in that position to do that and you’re worried about what someone else is doing, it just confuses me. I hope the brother [Lio Rush] can get the heat off of him because he’s very talented. He’s a great talker as well as a great worker. I mean cruiserweights, man. There’s money there for this guy to be making for a long time, and hopefully the heat can melt away, and Lio Rush can get back in the game because right now, he’s sitting on the sidelines. Lio! Get your game right, man. Just like them Rockets. Get your game tight.”

>"Im not going to carry your gear for you.."
Well that is reasonable, WWE needs to stop being so carny a-
>"You racist"

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Based positive black man who understands completely, it's a white man's world.

Yea, they have not. You confused whites with blacks there brutha.